Saturday 16 September 2017

No 12114, Saturday 16 Sep 2017, Afterdark


1. Disagreements in residence get sorted out when females enter (11) DIFFERENCES {RESIDENCE}* around {FF}
9. Sunday's outing with reporter is barred (7) STRIPED {S}{TRIP}{ED}
10. Realize former lover's attractive bettering wife in the end (7) EXECUTE {EX}{wifE}{CUTE}
11. Song about censoring unfinished song (5) RHYME {R{HYMn}E}
12. Announced that force marched across river to reach capital of Denmark (9) EXPRESSED {EX{PRESS}E}{Denmark}
13. Perquisite for working in a vehicle (5) BONUS {B{ON}US}
15. Operations in guise fail, stupid errors creep in, there's no alternative (9) SURGERIES {GUISE+ERRorS}* Seems to suggest {GUISE*} around {ERRS*}
18. Happy getting involved in Id fiestas (9) SATISFIED {ID+FIESTAS*}
21. Police officer in vehicle gets something to smoke (5) CIGAR {C{IG}AR}

22. Electronic fraud? Clowns are skimming the surface to a degree, say (9) ECONOMICS {E}{CON}{cOMICS}
24. Irritation is contributed by unclean germicide bottles... (5)  ANGER (T)
26. ...means clean compound is adulterated with hydrogen and nitrogen (7) CHANNEL {CLEAN*} taking in {H} and {N}
27. Dismisses medical officer as part of cutback (7) REMOVES {RE{MO}VES<=}
28. Passes away. His heart wasn't there. Cold extermination by workers and successors (11) DESCENDANTS {DiES}{C}{END}ANTS}


1. Tells about strange desires of having some coffee adding a dash of beer (9) DESCRIBES {DESIRES}* around {Coffee} and {Beer}
2. When anger consumes redhead, it’s hairy (5) FURRY {FURY} around {Red}
3. Electronic media feature commercials at the end showing a mouth having coffees (9) ESPRESSOS {E}{commercialS}{PRESS}{OS}
4. Selection of Lendl essentially boring (7) ENDLESS (T)
5. Man wearing hat and odd beard looks poorer (7) CHEAPER {CHA{E}P}{bEaRd} HAT=E?, Odd beard suggests BAD not ER (Addendum - {C{HE}AP}{bEaRd} - See comments)
6. I left niece's dance on stage (5) SCENE {NiECES}*
7. Terribly disturbing to lose leaders; aching (8) BURSTING {diSTURBING}*
8. With Ex not being there, reach out to nurse (4) TEND {exTEND}
14. News on a criminal Latino subject (8) NATIONAL {N}{A}{LATINO*}
16. At last, Scorsese shot climax, last scene of Departed and cried out (9) EXCLAIMED {scorsesE}{CLIMAX*}{scenE}{D} Departed=D?
17. Starts steady, almost applies pressure on revolt at school (9) SURPRISES {SURe}{P}{RISE}{S}
19. Unemotional people are like isle, shy, keeping cold, independent and crusty primarily (7) ICICLES {ISLE*} around {C}{I}{Crusty}
20. Code developers avoid loss of pay to earn (7) DESERVE {DEVElopERS}*
22. Burn wet charcoal partially (4) ETCH (T)
23. Had one wonton, noodles, egg, dumpling for starters (5) OWNED (Acrostic)
25. Disposed liquor boxes very early to begin with (5) GIVEN {GI{V}{Early}N}

Reference list  

Females=FF, Sunday=S, Reported=Ed, Former lover=Ex, About=Re, River=Exe, Working=On, Alternative=Or, Police Officer=IG, Electronics=E, Hydrogen=H, Nitrogen=N, Medical Officer=MO, Cold=C, Workers=Ants
Electronic=E, Mouth=Os, News=N, Pressure=P, School=S, Independent=I, Loss of pay=LOP, Very=V

Color/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Replies
    1. Man wearing cap suggests CAP in HE?

    2. Yes Vasant you are right. Wearing is a containment indicator.

    3. I think I get your point Shrikanth. If you are wearing something, it will be around you.

    4. This is one of those that I filled in but could not quite explain.

  2. Though it was a quick solve for some strange reason didnt enjoy that much but cant put a finger as to what was amiss. Thanks AD & Ramesh

  3. In 5D doesn't odd beard indicate b, a and d ?

    1. Normally yes. But from the discussions sometime back on the usage of odd meaning periodic can mean e,r.

    2. This discussion has cropped up many times here. Odd denotes periodic too.

  4. In yesterday's blog I have clarified about the faux pas about Inexact. Please check.

  5. Vasant,
    About yesterday's ET clue-
    You missed the point. It IS forged and not forced. Forged as in counterfeit/ fake. Remember it is 'coins' that is to be anagrammed.

    1. I think there was a typo in the clue you posted. You had posted forced.

    2. Is it? I did not realise. I thought I had copy pasted. My apologies.

  6. In view of IXL commencing tomorrow I will not be running the Sunday specials till the online rounds are over

  7. AFTERDARK's puzzles nettle your mind with the verbose and tortuous wordplay but if you have the patience , you DO complete them !
