Sunday 24 September 2017

The Sunday Crossword No 2962, Sunday 24 Sep 2017

1   Orbiting object's business fulfilled (5) COMET {CO}{MET}
4   Joker with trick taking in broadcasters? (8) COMEDIAN {CO{MEDIA}N}
8   Novelist, ace in treatment of good raw matter (8,6) MARGARET ATWOOD {A} in {GOOD+RAW+MATTER}* Thanks to Google
10 Democrat in range with a quiet plan (4,3) ROAD MAP {ROA{D} M}{A}{P}
11 Projection: one Oscar for production company (6) STUDIO {STUD}{1}{O}
13 Principal speaker's head of hair (4) MAIN (~mane)
14 Tomfoolery from poet going into air guitar initially (10) SKYLARKING {SKY}{LARKIN}{Gu...r} Thanks to Google again
17 Potter's eye transformed conventional image (10) STEREOTYPE*
18 Song in particular I admire (4) ARIA [T]
20 Handy tips for novice after bounty (6) NEARBY {No..cE}{AfteR}{Bo..tY}
22 Former partner stopped missing husband? That's grand (7) EXALTED {EX}{hALTED}
24 Communication between writers in agreement (14) CORRESPONDENCE [DD]
25 Second novel in stark language (8) SANSKRIT {S}{IN+STARK}*
26 Hides from king in crowd (5) MASKS {MAS{K}S}

1   Making concessions can be embarrassing (12) COMPROMISING [DD]
2   Spread ruin, vicious in rage (9) MARGARINE {MAR}{IN+RAGE}*
3   Shock shown by artist with uncertain expression amid cheers (6) TRAUMA {T{RA}{UM}A}
4   Miserly type, cold fish occupied by collection (10) CHEAPSKATE {C}{HEAP}{SKATE}
5   Flightless bird caught finally in ditch (4) MOAT {MOA}{c...hT}
6   Decline drink with convert (8) DOWNTURN {DOWN}{TURN}
7   Keen to retain old bypass (5) AVOID {AV{O}ID}
9   Opera spoilt by grand poses (5,3,4) PORGY AND BESS*
12 Applauded then dismissed, being of no more use (7-3) CLAPPED-OUT {CLAPPED}-{OUT}
15 One rages about endless ceremony and annoyances (9) IRRITANTS {1}{R{RITe}ANTS}
16 Bar, secure, managed without a fearsome guard dog (8) CERBERUS {BaR+SECURE}*
19 Published title for monk? Not planned (6) RANDOM {RAN}{DOM}
21 Supply answer about love for perfume (5) AROMA {AR{O}M}{A}
23 Ruler in for astonishing upset (4) TSAR [T<=]



  1. IXL leader board announced. Ramki, Raju, Suresh and others. Congrats!

    1. Yes, it is nice to see the names of known people. Goodluck folks!

  2. பிறந்தநாள் வாழ்த்துக்கள், ராம்

  3. Although I solved it few months back in Dallas, I could notice the missing words in 8AC on referring back to the original.

  4. Wonder when others submitted the IXL. I submitted at 12:23 and got to 14th. If the flower seller at the door had not interrupted I would have been about 5 minutes earlier.

    1. I submitted at 12.30. & I was 18th

    2. I think top 5 would have submitted within 10 minutes

    3. I submitted at my own time from Dallas. It was much after 8 hours from countdown.
      This week, I will endeavour to improve my position.

    4. I submitted at about 4 pm Pacific Time, since I was traveling. I am down at # 28.

    5. I started late. Submitted at 7.15 pm

    6. Submitted at 12:45 am, Monday IST

  5. Ask Eliza come later and not disturb your thought process!
    I submitted much later (100%) but way down at 40. Time is of essence, apart from accuracy. I am not sure if it is the right approach. But early birds have to be rewarded. Maybe, the slope is too steep and could be reduced.

    1. If it had been Eliza I would have loved to DO LITTLE more than spending time with her.

    2. Then you would say My fair lady

  6. Happy Birthday Ram and many Happy returns of the day.

  7. Leader board icon leads nowhere! How can we see this?

    1. Go to cryptic Singh .com and click on leader board


    3. Thanks you.
      What is the round starting today?
      Is it not 11.00?
      I am not finding any action!

  8. Go to crypticsingh home page and try from there, not from the login page

    1. It is time they fixed the links. Last week there was no obvious login page at the cryptic singh IXL homepage...

  9. Weekly Round 2 page is blank (11.38) escept for Down & Across. No clues and I have no clue either.

    1. 12 pm is the time given in the home page, whatever that means.

    2. Apart from 12 pm/am, it was the time for 1st round to give time for the inauguration and it was supposed to be 11am thereafter.

    3. Even at the start of the contest it was announced that the delayed start was only for Round 1.

  10. Replies
    1. Great Suresh!This took me 58 minutes!Got stuck on a couple of clues.

    2. Add two more minutes to yours! Hope my score would be in two digits in this round!!

    3. I sneezed a few times after Suresh's dusting!

    4. MB,
      We have a saying in Tamil that if you hear a thunder in Coimbatore, r rains in Chennai. So, why not?
      BTW- I am having a cold.

    5. Wish everything will be alright by the time 3rd round starts!

    6. Paddy better have rum for your cold.Rum in hot water, if you arent a tea totaler

  11. For me too fruit didn't yield fruit immediately today

  12. I made a spelling mistake in the fruit- sad part is that I noticed it just as I was clicking the submit button and I was too late. Yes, it took a long time for me too. Old ship wasn't helpful either.

  13. Heartiest thanks to all who wished me! I submitted at 12.40 and could get 26th position in 1st round.

  14. I submitted in the fastest 30 minutes, with knowingly one mistake.
    I could have waited for few more minutes but it would all be the same. One mistake in early time will be equal to correctness in extra time. This was the logic.
    Either way, I am not going to make big achievement.

    1. KKR I don't think you're thinking is logical. First marks from 100 downwards are give to the all correct entries then to 1 error, 2 error and so on. If I am not mistaken the first round had more than 100 all correct entries

  15. It was an easy puzzle, I think. So no wonder there were more thsn 100 all correct entries. Perhaps the difficulty level of puzzles has to be raised.

  16. Too many competitions running apace ! 1 Across celebs crossies are really interesting. Enjoying every bit of it ! ICL organizers need to look into their website glitches and also shift to another soft ware for solving on line. Hopping from one box to another does take away one's concentration. Thier Leaderboard also shows 2016 ! Col: didn't you take any videos and or pics of the inauguration ?

    Belated birthday wishes to Ram. God bless you with a long , helathy and peaceful life !
