Thursday 28 September 2017

No 12124, Thursday 28 Sep 2017, Arden

1   "I will return" – breaking story on being human (8) FALLIBLE {FA{I'LL<=}BLE}
5   Huge growth of blood samples (6) BAOBAB {B}{A}{O}{B}{AB}
10 One caught inside – come in, he will tempt you (7) ENTICER {ENT{1}{C}ER}
11 Exotic, tropical, large forbidden fruit (7) APRICOT TROPICAl*
12 Variation at last in country dance (5) CONGA CONG(-o+a)A
13 Get a fix with China tea, perhaps (9) ORIENTATE {ORIENT}{TEA*}
14 Rituals he may perform in an unprofessional manner (12) AMATEURISHLY*
18 One goes for 'in camera', like Obama (4-8) AFRO-AMERICAN {A}{FOR+IN+CAMERA}*
21 Garam masala, it goes into artist's cocktail (9) MARGARITA {GARAM*}{R{IT}A}
23 Long story about Spain (5) YEARN {Y{E}ARN}
24 It's exhausting, so Carol’s taken a seat (7) SPEWING {S{PEW}ING}
25 Figurative writing, picture on line (7) IMAGERY {IMAGE}{RY}
26 Things reviewed by an artist (6) TITIAN {IT<=}{IT<=}{AN}
27 Obscene minded, exposed for a change (8) INDECENT {mINDEd}{CENT}

1   Cheat and run away – close borders (6) FLEECE {FLEE}{ClosE}
2   Prayer at sea – salinity is gone (6) LITANY sALINiTY*
3   Complaint that each aim is different (9) ISCHAEMIA*
4   Saga about fighter on entering the test arena (4,2,3,5) LORD OF THE RINGS {FIGHTER+ON}* in {LORDS}
6   Taxi rank allowed in old US city... (5) AKRON {O} in {RANK}* Taxi as Anind?
7's long after second complaint (8) BACKACHE {ACHE}<=>{BACK}
8   Incidentally, extras swallowed half of them (2,3,3) BY THE BYE {BY{THem}E}{BYE} Famous line in old Malayalam movies
9   Run initial data, characters become broad-minded (14) LATITUDINARIAN*
15 However, it could be canine, say... (2,3,4) IN ANY CASE*
16 ...rodent in shop, not acceptable for monkey (8) MARMOSET {MAR{MOuSE}T}
17 Turn ripe, red and blue (8) PRURIENT*
19 Opponents in a game played at the riding school (6) MANEGE {N}{E} in {GAME}*
20 Criminal syndicate loses aid, will go into a shell (6) ENCYST SYNdiCaTE*
22 I'm going through two articles on our inner self (5) ANIMA {AN}{I'M}{A}



  1. I always thought it was 'By the by'. Incidentally, it was used a lot in old South Indian movies, esp. Telugu.

    1. I too thought it was South Indian colloquialism.

  2. Engaging one.
    Never thought a word could be formed out of blood groups!
    Yesterday it was 'left open' for removing firat & last letters. Today it is 'minded exposed' in 27A. Innovative and enjoyable.
    Could not parse a few and needed dic. for a few as well.

  3. 6D. Taxi anagrind as in transport, travel etc.

  4. Both 'by the by' & 'By the bye' are okay as per Free dic.

  5. Nice one.Was just that much more difficult to stretch one's grey cells.
    Sanity returns after finishing of the Grid feast in 1 Across. Yesterday's was particularly challenging.

    1. How true ! It took the best part of my mornings each day ! No more leaderboard announcements today, as yet ?

    2. Leaderboard announcement withheld after round 11.

  6. Annotating things like orient is e, artist is ra (incidentally, why is this) and many other such short hand - does this come intuitively to everyone here or by experience? I’m often left clueless about these things. And sometimes there are different short hands for the same word, it’s almost frustrating :(

    1. Dear Ananthakrishnan, I can understand the frustration but there is a clear remedy.

      There are several online resources that provide the list of commonly used abbrevs which you can access. Listing a few below...

      The comprehensive option is to buy The Chambers Dictionary and The Chambers Crossword Dictionary to get acquainted with abbrevs as well as understand why they came about. Both are truly fascinating volumes.

      Of course as you keep solving, most of these abbrevs will indeed become second nature through experience.

    2. See

    3. Dr.S.N.,
      Half way through your book. Enjoying the language and the subtle humour right through, even in serious situations. I am sure, language-wise, it should be one of the best (if not the best) among contemporary novels.

    4. Very much honoured and delighted Paddy! Thanks for the kind words indeed :)

    5. "A Bolt of Lightning". Vasant read about Dr Satyen under the link 'THC Setters'

  7. I have another area where I could use some advice - take 1d - after judiciously seeing this blog everyday, I immediately abbreviated cheat to con and was trying to figure out a word for close borders. But as usual the word meaning happened to be cheat. So how does one differentiate the fodder from the part that actually refers to the meaning of the word in question. This is probably a CW 101 question but the answer certainly eludes me

    1. Most of this also comes from experience, I think. To zone on the definition for example. In this case the crossing letters were helpful. The C as the second last letter helped. So ClosE borders had to be CE and since run away=flee then cheat=fleece hrlped. Of course all this logic hapens in a flash and you get a satisfying solve

  8. The only thing that guides is that the def. is either at the beginning or at the end- never in the middle. So, if it is not borders/ close borders (obvious) it has to be cheat. This is just a layman's explanantion. experts may come up with something better to guide you.

  9. Doc,
    I loved this sentence-" (After college days) Fun and games end and then the living starts.The guys who invented the English language had a very quirky sense of humour for sure."
    Now I can understand the surface reading of your clues!

    1. Thanks Paddy :) Hope you like the rest of it as well!

  10. Explanations by Vasant & Padmanabhan quite helpful. 4A, I got it as it fitted nicely but can anyone explain how the fighter figures?

  11. Saga = Definition
    about = Anagram indicator
    fighter on = Anagram fodder
    entering = Insertion indicator
    the test arena = LORDS

    Anagram of {FIGHTER+ON} in {LORDS}

    Saga = {LORD{OF THE RING}*S}

  12. Loved : UTILITARIANISM. MANEGE.ENCYST & BAOBAB. Each day from ARDEN is refreshingly educative. Baobab reminded me of these trees prevalent in Kenya.

  13. Utilitarianism? If it is 'Latitudinarian', you have taken a wide latitude!

    1. HA HA !! sorry ! After the 1ACross series my mindneeded some platitude to be an utilitarian and hence took a longitudial latitude !! Thanks Paddyji !

  14. Showing up very late today as otherwise busy!
    Arden's mark is felt in some clues. Quite an enjoyable one. Took longer time in solving.

  15. 18 One goes for 'in camera', like Obama (4-8) AFRO-AMERICAN {A}{FOR+IN+CAMERA}*
    17 Turn ripe, red and blue (8) PRURIENT*
    "goes" and "red" are the anagrinds? New for me!
