Tuesday 12 September 2017

No 12110, Tuesday 12 Sep 2017, Skuldugger

5   Chambers where Disney (reportedly) had cryogenics at the end (6) VAULTS (~walt){VAULT}{c...cS}
6   Forcibly removed by violent sport (6) FROLIC FORCIbLy*
9   Prohibited in the place of good? On the contrary (6) FORBAD {FOR}{BAD}
10 Get used to a carbon tax (8) ACCUSTOM {A}{C}{CUSTOM}
11 Sinks the eight-ball, for instance, in radical finish (4) POTS Anno pending (Addendum - STOP<= - See comments)
12 Highly unconventional rogues at large hijack rickety auto (10) OUTRAGEOUS {ROGUES+AUTO}* As per the clue it would be {ROGUES}* over {AUTO}*
13 Hardy bronco horsing around in compound (11) HYDROCARBON*
18 Fan in queue turning up for Aristotle Onassis, for example (10) WORSHIPPER {ROW<=}{SHIPPER}
21 Harbour takes up this half of European country (4) PORT PORTugal
22 Mostly uncleared, hazy, like a summer sky (8) CERULEAN UNCLEAREd*
23 Car part (small) in metal spike (6) PISTON {PI{S}TON}
24 Sharpness: being posh in an urban area (6) ACUITY {A}{C{U}ITY}
25 An inkling about going East Side (6) HAUNCH {H{A}UNCH} Anno not clear See comments

1   Undone by hubris, become worthless (8) RUBBISHY*
2   Film producer's digs (6) STUDIO [CD]
3   Furniture with allure, aura, according to Spooner (8) ARMCHAIR (-ch)ARM}(+ch)CHAIR (Correction -{-cha+a)ARM(-a+cha)CHAIR - See comments)
4   Pallid sister oddly has permanent wrinkles after chemical treatment (6) PLISSE {PaLlId+SiStEr}
5   Magical ability to court and party, in a manner of speaking (6) VOODOO (~ woo do}
7   It might be repeated in Switzerland or America (6) CHORUS {CH}{OR}{US}
8   Patrician involved in exercise or anybody involved in anything (11) PARTICIPANT {PATRICIAN}* in {PT}
14 Artemis, discovering Pan finally disarrayed, gets arrays (8) RAIMENTS {paN} in {ARTEMIS}*
15 River running upstream joins river to make melodious sounds on the other side (8) OPPOSING {PO<=}{PO}{SING}
16 Public house for retiring senior alumnus (6) BODEGA {AGED}{OB}<=
17 Ornament on small jumper in British court house (6) BROOCH {B}{ROO}{CH}
19 Soundly prosecute arrogant young man to increase power! (4,2) SOUP UP (~ sue pup)
20 Set aside article held by retrograde social outcast (6) REPEAL {A} in {LEPER<=}



  1. 11a stop<- pots def sinks
    25a AHunch a going right (east)

    1. How is Radical a reversal indicator

    2. Radical as in 'revolutionary', perhaps

    3. Radical: one meaning is arising from the root.

    4. 11A Radical = Revolutionary/Rebel, so I think we can accept it.
      25A: A+HUNCH can lead to HAUNCH with ABOUT being anagrind. Then, of course, East will be redundant.
      12AC: I agree with your view. I thought it will be A on B or vice versa.

    5. A=about is going right..not very convincing though

  2. 25 An inkling about going East Side (6) HAUNCH {H{A}UNCH} Anno not clear
    H(An)UNCH. 'n' is East part of AN. going East = E is leaving.
    Just a wild guess

    1. An inkling= A Hunch
      About Going East=indicator that A should move to the right.

    2. sree_sree is very cryptic, so sometimes his annos are not clearly seen.

  3. Where is Sandhya, the queen of Annos?
    Except for the occasional birthday cakes she sends on members' birthdays on CCS and 1Across, she is very much conspicuous by her absence

  4. 3d my understanding (cha)RM (a)ir -> (a)RM (cha)ir

  5. Off track-
    The link given by Raghu late yesterday seems to be a general registration into IXL. Does not say anything about IXL 17.

    1. It is for IXL-17, they have forgotten to change 16 to 17 in the link

  6. off track. Wondering the scenario when these abbr make it to cryptics. https://www.theguardian.com/books/picture/2017/sep/08/tom-gauld-on-saving-time-online-cartoon

  7. 1st round of IXL on 17th inst. at 12 noon. Rest of the rounds at 11.00 hrs every Sunday. All the best to the participants!

  8. Ram is already ready,raring to go. All the Best Ram.

  9. I am now registered. Raju too is ready & raring to go. All the best to all the participants from our blog. May the fastest and the best win. I am not in the race for the trophy, though.

    In today's PLISSE pleased me . A new word for my glossary. FORBAD was my bad ! CERULEAN is a poetic word for all versifiers. I'll use it one day in my poems.

    The acuity of Skulldugger in framing Worshipper makes me a fan of his !

    1. Re, forbad/ forbade- here is an interesting quote from The Elegy written in a country Churchyard' by Tennison: (Your mention of poem took me there)

      Th' applause of list'ning senates to command,
      The threats of pain and ruin to despise,
      To scatter plenty o'er a smiling land,
      And read their history in a nation's eyes,
      Their lot forbade: nor circumscribed alone 65
      Their glowing virtues, but their crimes confined;
      Forbade to wade through slaughter to a throne,
      And shut the gates of mercy on mankind,

    2. Paddy,
      Thanks for sharing the poem.
      The 65 appearing in the stanza above made me inquisitive and I searched on web.
      Astonishingly, the web page I saw says that it is Thomas Gray!
      Is the source right?

    3. You have a sharp eye! My bad- It IS by Thomas Gray. Link to the full poem (learnt from my father)

