Thursday 21 September 2017

No 12118, Thursday 21 Sep 2017, Gridman

1   Spook not left in marsh (8) FRIGHTEN {F{RIGHT}EN}
5   Dissertation of the relative is cut by half (6) THESIS {THE}{SISter}
10 One takes this to show offence (7) UMBRAGE [CD]
11 At first tipping lumber off cart (7) TUMBREL {Ti...g}{LUMBER*}
12 Damned — two cards come together (6) DEUCED [DD] (Addendum - {DEUCE}{D} - See comments)
13 Not being attractive, Chennai leader leaves and is quite safe (8) HARMLESS cHARMLESS
15 List of tasks of tribal, not ace, getting old (2-2) TO-DO {TODa}{O}
16 Full gathering, at 10, has a ball (10) ATTENDANCE {AT}{TEN}{DANCE}
18 No US goalie would buckle and be smarmy (10) OLEAGINOUS*
20 Indian garment — it's trim without borders (4) SARI {SA}{tRIm}
23 Fitting a lawyer's put in large hotel room (8) SUITABLE {SUIT{A}{BL}E}
24 What may be thrown off one's head as out-of-date (3-3) OLD-HAT [DD]
26 Gap in job available (7) OPENING [DD]
27 Caution about a kind of sale (7) AUCTION*
28 Area covered once by the big top (6) EXTENT {EX}{TENT}
29 Tie great made-up feathery ornament (8) AIGRETTE*

1   Basically it's laid to start building up (10,5) FOUNDATION STONE [CD]
2   Such trains arrive at the railway station (7) INBOUND [CD]
3   Vehement, the man pushed date away (6) HEATED {HE}{DATE*}
4   Flat proceeding stopped short (4) EVEN EVENt
6   It's plain he's adopted mantra to get dame disguised (8) HOMEMADE {H{OM}E}{DAME*}
7   Gush over one who operates (7) SURGEON {SURGE}{ON}
8   With this, all the commercial pitch fails (5,10) SALES RESISTANCE [CD]
9   Indignant son joined forces (7,2) STEAMED UP {S}{TEAMED UP}
14 Studying race hotly gone wayward (9) ETHNOLOGY*
17 Rural city needs rain to fall (8) AGRARIAN {AGRA}{RAIN*}
19 Clear vie maniacally to make a bit of progress (7) EVIDENT {VIE*}{DENT}
21 A primarily terrible crime by non-believer (7) ATHEIST {A}{Te...e}{HEIST}
22 Deposit of soft, soft material at bottom of river (6) PLACER {P}{LACE}{r..eR}
25 Author leads to some atrociously killer instincts (4) SAKI Acrostic



  1. Slightly tougher than yesterday,but equally enjoyable- probably my vocabulary (or the lack of it) to blame. Tumbrel is an example. Interesting link by Col.
    A few good CD's.
    18A- Quite an anagram. I was able to get it only since it was one.
    Deuced- two cards? one is deuce- the other?

  2. My thanks to all solvers who commented yesterday.

  3. 20A where does SA come from?

  4. IT- SA for Sex Appeal, also called "IT'. (It's in the clue)

    1. IT for sex appeal is known to me but SA as such, no. We live and learn!

    2. Sex appeal - it (after Clara Bow - the It girl) or sa.

  5. TUMBREL was well constructed. SALES RESISTANCE is another one I liked . Gridman at his ingenious best.

    Flat proceeding stopped short---- EVEN(-)T . Proceeding = event -- Is it not always in plural ?Just a doubt .
