Monday 3 December 2018

No 12487, Monday 03 Dec 2018, Dr, X,

1   Becomes nervous and makes the baby burp (4,3,4,2) GETS THE WIND UP [DD]
8   Wife overwhelmed by hurt, uttered profanities (5) SWORE {S{W}ORE}
9   Firm muscles, essentially sexy (9) SCLEROTIC {muSCLes}{EROTIC}
11 Unreasonable way to reach the next valley? (4-3-3) OVER-THE-TOP [DD]
12 Masked fellow is picking lock (4) WISP [T]
14 Closes wound over one small bone (7) OSSICLE {OSS{1}CLE*}
16 Vet injecting a bit of painkiller into small creature (7) INSPECT {INS{Pa...r}ECT}
17 Most venerated entertainer concealing deceit (7) HOLIEST {HO{LIE}ST}
19 Rewarding girl tackling one making fun (7) GAINFUL {GA{1}{FUN*}L}
21 Insensitive man breaks heart (4) NUMB {NU{M}B}
22 Gradually become less friendly with retired father after disagreement in spring (5,5) DRIFT APART {D{RIFT}{PA<=}ART}
25 Son, mischievous in band, becomes more punctilious (9) STARCHIER {S}{T{ARCH}IER}
26 One cooking oats and grains (5) IOTAS {1}{OATS}*
27 Effect of whiplash on thoroughly tiresome person (4,2,3,4) PAIN IN THE NECK [DD]

2   Wanting time perhaps to sleep around, a little recklessly they run away (7) ELOPERS {tO+SLEEP}* over {Re...y}
3   They help some folks see finer shows (10) SPECTACLES [DD]
4   Society gripped by animosity and foolhardiness (5) HASTE {HA{S}TE}
5   Group securing permit indulging (9) WALLOWING {W{ALLOW}ING}
6   Average novel by Agatha Christie? (4) NORM {N or M}
7   Straighten out nut splashing alcoholic drink (7) UNTWINE {NUT*}{WINE}
8   Vote that happens at the end of poker round (4,2,5) SHOW OF HANDS [DD]
10 Angry at clause limiting mine yields (11) CAPITULATES {AT+CLAUSE}* over {PIT}
13 Flying into Paris, nursing a dream (10) ASPIRATION {INTO+PARIS}* over {A}
15 Force tore into rogue grabbing vote (9) EXTORTION {TORE+INTO}* over {X}
18 Buddhist monk coming to grips with sinful dance (7) LAMBADA {LAM{BAD}A}
20 Fellow charged with incomplete evidence upset and distressed (7) FRANTIC {F}{RAN}{CITe<=}
23 Keep husband out (5) FORTH {FORT}{H}
24 Hardly any time left to study (4) SCAN SCANt



  1. Enjoyable exercise to start the day/week. thoroughly enjoyed solving. thank you Doc.
    liked 16A. 'Vet' was nicely woven into the wp.
    Expected more comments.Monday morning blues?

  2. Thoroughly enjoyable. 6D brought the memories of the young adventurers Tommy and Tuppence. The DDs were nicely done. Thanks Doc.

    1. Glad you liked Vasant! Yes this was the first novel to feature the middle-aged versions of Tommy and Tuppence.

  3. Just read Col.'s link to Agatha Christe's novel. I was more into her later novels, esp. featuring M. Hercule Poirot.

    1. I have Christie's entire collection (few may be missing) collected over the years. I have stacked them as per Detective.. Poirot, Miss Marple, Beresfords, Battle and others.

  4. Wow! A visit is due. I wish you were in Chennai and acted as my lending library!How many?

    1. I think Christie wrote about 90 books. I have around 75.
      Do visit here. Lots of pilgrim places to see including 2 Jyotirlinga nearby.

  5. Doc: I loved the simplicity of all the DDs on the phrases.

  6. SKulldugger : Snowbird is the lingo of addicts of drugs ? Where did you pick it from ? Any experience in your younger days ?

    I liked all the long words used in the frame and the spine of the grid ! Thanks for a deadlock-free gridlock with dreadlocks (again a trade-mark of hippies !)
