Friday 28 December 2018

No 12509, Friday 28 Dec 2018, Vulcan

1   Deal with a constraint differently (11) TRANSACTION*
8   Cry of a marine creature, say (4) WAIL (~whale)
9   English novel, one fast read regularly adapted into film (4,2,4) EAST OF EDEN {E}{ONE+FAST+rEaD}*
10 Intoxicated individual with medical complaint taken outside (6) STONED {ST{ONE}D}
11 Attack and capture (7) SEIZURE [DD]
13 Standard club with bad interiors for the most part (9) CRITERION {C}{INTERIORs}*
15 Rise to the occasion after second chance (5) SCOPE {S}{COPE}
16 A hot time in this town (5) PERTH {PER}{H} over {T}
18 Device running extra time (9) TAXIMETER*
22 New Orleans city (7) SALERNO*
23 Performer's safe, went the right way at the start (6) R?C?E? (Addendum - ROCKER (-l+r)ROCKER - See comments)
26 State that's behind time — where a woman is veiled (10) ASSEVERATE ASS{EVE}RATE Anno pending (Addendum - {ASS}{EVE}{RATE} - See comments)
27 American's not in favour of a drink (4) AGIN {A}{GIN}
28 Deciding to stop the process of extracting coal! (11) DETERMINING {DETER}{MINING}

1   Old Republican's feature, above all, one that betrayed (7) TRAITOR {TRAIT}{O}{R}
2   Nobody's outside a large queue that’s shortened (3,2) ALL IN {A}{L}{LINe}
3   Tail of this shark is thin (7) SLENDER {thiS}{LENDER}
4   Cabinet proceedings (4) CASE [DD]
5   Pressed and combined in the current way (6) IRONED {I}{R{ONE}D}
6   Philosopher breaks down Zen ethics (9) NIETZSCHE*
7   Rent gotten from bicycle trips (3,3) LET RIP [T]
12 This marine thing is a shade of black, primarily reddish on the inside (5) CORAL {CO{Re...h}AL}
14 Legal document, deleted it by mistake (5,4) TITLE DEED*
17 Pass drinks during the middle of meet (6) ELAPSE {mE{LAPS}Et}
19 Asian is real crazy and independent (7) ISRAELI {IS}{REAL*}{I}
20 Mostly never gets up in good time (7) EVENING {NEVEr<=}{IN}{G}
21 Cricket's perhaps nicest bats (6) INSECT*
24 Fur on one animal (5) COATI {COAT}{1}
25 Light show (4) FAIR [DD]