Thursday 6 December 2018

No 12490, Thursday 06 Dec 2018, Afterdark

9   Army is prejudiced, ignores President and follows military leader (7) MARTIAL {Mi...y}{pARTIAL}
10 Condition of player? Gutted as visibility is restricted by glasses (7) PROVISO {Pl..eR}{O{VIS}O}
11 Fabric can stretch once retaining density (7) SPANDEX {SPAN}{D}{EX}
12 Opening for training lions, train to be caged (7) NOSTRIL {NOS{TR}IL*}
13 Chief doctor, one fixing my heart by therapeutic generation of heat in body (9) DIATHERMY {Do...r}{1}{MY+HEART}*
15 Old-fashioned trouser relaunched outside of US (5) RETRO TROusER*
16 Difficult to restrain a horse that's pale (7) HAGGARD {H{A}{GG}ARD}
19 Died by gunshot, one sent off to prison (7) DUNGEON {D}{GUN*}{ONE*}
20 Cook with cilantro, a standard ingredient (5) ROAST [T]
21 Commentary is against an international organisation leader executed in the past (5-4) VOICE-OVER {V}{OIC}{Ex...d}{OVER}
25 Agitation by British is nonsense (7) BLATHER {B}{LATHER}
26 Viral disease contracted through food containing salmonella primarily; have eggs without yolk (7) MEASLES {MEA{Sa...a}L}{EggS}
28 Positive terminal of battery has carbon, generating heat around centre of the body (7) CATHODE {C}{ATH{bODy}E*} I'm confused
29 Fabric Anne used to cover Kelvin and nurse (7) NANKEEN {NAN{K}E*}{EN}

1   Interested getting a leading motorcar: secondhand (6) AMUSED {A}{Mo...r}{USED}
2   Mystery articles seen after a progression of events (6) ARCANA {ARC}{AN}{A}
3   Misled by letters from Bengali educationist (4) LIED [T]
4   Potion can be procured from priest at 10, near Ireland (6) ELIXIR {ELI}{X}{IR}
5   Watchful peon attacked, keys taken from the centre and escaped at the borders (4-4) OPEN-EYED {PEON}*{kEYs}{Es...eD}
6   Demonstration is on Monday by the beach mostly, countering engineering college (10) MONSTRANCE {MON}{STRANd}{EC<=}
7   Ferocious tiger ate a cluster of feathers (8) AIGRETTE*
8   To summarise, first braise with oil, serve with spoon on the side (4,4) BOIL DOWN {Br...e}{OIL}[DO}{W}{s..oN}
14 An idol found on earth (10) HEARTTHROB {EARTH}* [RA]
16 Perhaps a book by writer about a restricted database (8) HARDBACK {H{A}{R}{DB}ACK}
17 Man hires a railway worker with a promise, in legal terms (8) GUARANTY {GU{A}{R}{ANT}Y}
18 Separated man's cover is blown in the end (8) DIVORCEE {DI{COVER*}E}
22 Proof of a man's character fetches name and fame at the end (6) IMMUNE {1}{M}{MU}{N}{famE}
23 One replacing a round in bombardment at Kashmir, perhaps (6) VALLEY V(-o+a)ALLEY
24 Take offence at teens being wayward while crossing road (6) RESENT {R}{TEENS*}
27 Relative paraded at the centre (4) AUNT flAUNTed



  1. 28AC confusion deepens!
    CATHODE is:
    The negative electrode in an electrolytic cell or electronic valve or tube.
    The positive terminal of a primary cell such as a battery (opp. anode).
    as per dictionaries

  2. confusion is because of electric cell vs galvanized cell. technically explained better

    1. We deal with both daily. By convention Anode is the positive terminal.

    2. Since current flow inside the battery is the reverse of the circuit, inside the battery the terminals are also reversed. What we conventionally call anode outside of a cell, becomes cathode inside the cell- It could have been more explicit by stating 'inside the battery.'

    3. It could have been clued as Battery terminal

  3. 21a i took international:I, organisation leader:CEO executed in OVER.

    1. I think this interpretation is wrong. I don't find justification for E=executed

    2. E for execution doesn't come here. sree_sree's interpretation was V O(I + CEO )VER. That is a possible anno. But I didn't intend that however. On hindsight this one sounds better and 'executed' could have been avoided in the wordplay also.

    3. Oh, I made a mistake in "execution"! Apologies.

  4. Anode cathode-
    Read the 2nd line-
    a cathode (positive terminal) of carbon, a depolarizer of manganese dioxide (oxidizer), and an anode (negative terminal) of zinc (reductant).[4][5] The chemistry of this cell was later successfully adapted to manufacture a dry cell.

  5. Can you explain 21a - against is v? I got the word. I + CEO + over. But anno not clear. Gowri

    1. against:versus is either vs or V. as per col, OIC is an international organisation. "E" leader (of) execution. in the past:OVER.

  6. 14d also - I couldn't get the anno though I got the word.

    1. It is a reverse anagram. Earth rearranged with throb as anagram indicator will give you heartthrob.
