Friday 7 December 2018

No 12491, Friday 07 Dec 2018, Afterdark

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only 

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response here's the regular blog.

1   Capturing a ruler at the end of fight (6) TAKING {f..hT}{A}{KING}
4   Only females put make up (6) OFFSET {O}{FF}{SET}
9   Bravo removes helmet, gets hurt in the afternoon, down under (4) ARVO bRAVO*
10 Perhaps gramophone's not new, time to replace picture (10) PHOTOGRAPH PHO(-n+t)TOGRAPH
11 Expedition is endless, a great distance to reach 4th position (6) SAFARI {iS}{A}{FAR}{posItion}
12 Call and talk nonsense, perhaps (8) BUZZWORD {BUZZ}{WORD}
13 Dead? No, was kept in ICU earlier to protect (9) INOCULATE {I{NO}CU}{LATE}
15 Unruly Republican sent out, Democrat coming in place is old-fashioned (5) DOWDY (-r+d)DOWDY
16 Greece excluded from Gulf War surprisingly! Shocking (5) AWFUL {gULF+WAr}*
18 Perfect twist, game over; first loss (9) MATCHLESS {MAT}{CH{Loss}ESS}
22 New Business Unit had billions invested in artificial intelligence as capital (3,5) ABU DHABI {BU+HAD}*{A{B}I}
23 Career in knots to begin with procuring a type of printer (3-3) INK-JET {IN}{Kn..s}{JET}
25 Perhaps the highest office in the world; how he suits, not quite in a way. Egoistic leader (5,5) WHITE HOUSE {HOW+HE+SUITs}*{Eg...c}
26 One's right, church has a vault (4) ARCH {A}{R}{CH}
27 Drink, but not in the plant (6) POTATO POTATiOn
28 Beauty treatment is ridiculous, lacking charisma essentially (6) FACIAL FArCIcAL How is the R deleted?

1   Odd theory on precipitation on ground (7) TERRAIN {ThEoRy}{RAIN}
2   Currency found on the outskirts of Kanpur with no source, promptly returned (5) KRONA {Ka..uR}{ANOn<=}
3   Ordered platinum, mostly for wedding (7) NUPTIAL PLATINUm*
5   Dirty female on a fight wielding axes (6) FROWZY {F}{ROW}{ZY}
6   Unofficial selection method for post-war reconstruction based on lives lost primarily... (5,4) STRAW POLL {POST+WAR}*{Li..s}{Lost}
7   ... red tape menace reduced (7) TAPERED*
8   Fact about image circulated has no authentic source; it is PTSD (6,7) COMBAT FATIGUE {FACT+ABOUT+IMaGE}*
14 Company on the raise, director's against stranger primarily attempting to takeover (4,5) COUP D'ETAT {CO}{UP}{D}{ET}{At...g}{To}
17 Complex — posh building found in online marketplace (3,4) WEB SHOP {WEB} {POSH}*
19 In these days, that man's found essentially enthralled by illusion (7) CHIMERA {C{HIM}E}{e..hRAl..d}
20 Leading shop acquiring new client for a design plate, perhaps... (7) STENCIL {Shop}{CLIENT}*
21 ...keeping stock on time, gains reputation (6) CACHET {CACHE}{T}
24 People in Meghalaya with roots at Kerala have accounts settled ingeniously (5) KHASI Acrostic



  1. 8D Fact about image circulated has no authentic source; it is PTSD (6,7)
    Combat Fatigue
    Anagram (circulated) of Fact About Image; delete a(no authentic source)
    Google says PTSD is Post Traumatic Stress disorder
    10A Perhaps gramophone's not new, time to replace picture (10)
    Remove N (Not New) from Phonograph(gramophone) & replace with T
    9A Bravo removes helmet, gets hurt in the afternoon, down under (4)
    Arvo (afternoon in Australia)
    Anagram (gets hurt) of Bravo after removing first letter(remove helmet)

  2. 22A. New Business Unit had billions invested in artificial intelligence as CAPITAL. ABU DHABI. {A{BUHAD*}{B}I}
    28 A. BEAUTY TREATMENT is ridiculous, lacking charisma essentially. FACIAL. {FArCIcAL} anno doubtful. Charisma essentially is ri, but RC has to be removed.
    7D. tape menace REDUCED. TAPERED. {red tape}*
    14D. Company on the raise, director's against stranger primarily attempting to TAKE OVER. COUP DETAT. {CO}{UP}{D}{ET}{A}{T}
    24D. People in Meghalaya with roots at Kerala Have Accounts Settled Indigenously. KHASI. acrostic.

    1. 28A- Charisma essentially is RI (middle letters) which is removed.

    2. If Ridiculous:farCiCal then we have to remove RC to get FACIAL. But the clue intends RI which gives Faccal!!!

    3. Yes it is a blooper. This happens despite going through editing, not just by me. I get called and discussed about the clues most of the times. But something eludes everyone but the solvers :)

    4. Also I guess "CAREER" should be "CARRIER" (23A) in both print edition as well as online edition.

  3. 23a ink jet carrier - jet in knots for ink

  4. 16a awful gulf - g Aw from war

  5. 25a white house anagram of how he suits and e from egoistic leader

  6. 1d terrain idd theory -t e r precipitation is rain so ter+rain

  7. 1a taking t from end of fight a ruler is a king t + a king

  8. 1 AC taking-t end of fight,+a+king=ruler.
    1d terrain.odd theory-ter+rain=precipitation.
    17 d webshop.web-complex+shop-anag of posh.
    3d Nuptial-platimun-m /

  9. 20d stencil-design plate.s+Anag of client.

  10. 19d Chimera-illusion.CE these days,that man-him,essent essentially enthralled-ra.ce+him+Ra=chimera.

  11. 13a Inoculate.No in ICU.+late-dead.anag of no+ICU+late.Protect

  12. 1D. Capturing a ruler at the end of fight...Ruler-King , Capture "T" , a ...Taking
    9A Bravo removes helmet...Remove "B" from Bravo...ARVO
    7D. ... red tape menace reduced ..Anagram of red tape.....Tapered

  13. 4ac offset O(nly)ff(females)set(put)
    6 dn straw poll (post-war+ll)*
    21dn catch the cache+T(ime)
    13ac inoculate ì(no)cu+late (dead)
    26ac arch a(one) r(ight) ch (church)

  14. Compensating for 13ac
    18ac matchless mat(twist)+che(l)ess

  15. 11a: safari - (i̷s)+(a)+(far)+(p̷o̷s̷it̷i̷o̷n̷)

  16. 16a: awful(shocking) - (g̷ulf war̷*)
    17a: matchless(perfect) - mat(twist)+{(che(lo̷v̷e̷)ss=game)}

  17. 15AC) DEFN: old fashioned; Soln: DOWDY; Anno: (-R)(+D)OWDY;
    ROWDY from UNRULY; R from republican; D from democrat

  18. 12a: buzzword {buzz(=call)}{word(=talk)} = nonsense perhaps (words that make smart people sound stupid)

  19. 11a: safari - (i̷s)+(a)+(far)+(p̷o̷s̷it̷i̷o̷n̷), (i̷)s endless, far(great distance), to reach 4th (p̷o̷s̷it̷i̷o̷n̷).

  20. 5d frowzy

    Female - f
    Fight - row
    Axes - zy

  21. 2D Krona-KR from outskirts of Kanpur NO reversed

  22. 24D-KHASI- from first alphabets of at Kerala have accounts settled ingeniously

  23. 25A-White House- Anagram of how he suits

  24. 17D-Web shop posh anagram(shop) web-complex

  25. 21d cachet store=cache + t (time)

  26. 11a i took s comes from end-lesS

  27. A busy hectic day for me. The puzzle was easy and enjoyable.. Thanks AD
