Sunday 16 December 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 3026, Sunday 16 Dec 2018

1   A loveless attitude in part of church? (4) APSE {A}{PoSE}
3   Juice oozed and maybe went to the ground (8) STUMBLED {STUM}{BLED}
10 Endless wine with party in Italian city stadium (9) ASTRODOME {ASTi}{RO{DO}ME}
11 Nonsense about retiring player (5) ACTOR {ROT}{CA}<=
12 Flier restricted by weather once (5) HERON [T]
13 Gloomy feeling, low, eats heart of loser (9) MOODINESS {MOO}{DINE{loSer}S}
14 Girl is very good about drink – there's a lot of water in it (11) MISSISSIPPI {MISS}{IS}{SIP}{PI}
18 Remissness from priest taken in by dodgy doctrine (11) DERELICTION {DER{ELI}CTION*}
21 Meet bridge opponents in front of bar (9) ENCOUNTER {E}{N}{COUNTER}
23 Animal caught in rain, dripping (5) INDRI [T]
24 Tension, missing opening? It's hairy (5) TRESS sTRESS
25 What bowler needs joining cricket side – to be alert (2,3,4) ON THE BALL {THE BALL} after {ON}
26 More unusual ordeal, most unfriendly in manner (8) REMOTEST {MORE*}{TEST}
27 Confusion in words transmitted, short of time (4) MESS MESSage

1   Hate a man being nasty, much disliked person (8) ANATHEMA*
2   Mock one rebel, having posed first (8) SATIRISE {SAT}{1}{RISE}
4   Mark the man who provides such reliable evidence? (3,6,5) THE GOSPEL TRUTH [C&DD]
5   Ambition rising, I'm turning up in American city (5) MIAMI {AIM<=}{I'M<=}
6   Communication in character from landlord (6) LETTER [MD]
7   Compulsion of the upper classes to appear in finery? (6) DURESS {D{U}RESS}
8   County ramble going in direction of gale (8) DOWNWIND {DOWN}{WIND}
9   One with false tears I observed in place in parliament expressing condolences (14) COMMISERATIONS {COMM{1}{TEARS*}{I}ONS}
15 Disposed to be at home – a hundred and wrinkled (8) INCLINED {IN}{C}{LINED}
16 What could baffle e.g. dim man? (4,4) MIND GAME* Semi&lit
17 Soldiers perhaps around hostile eastern islands (8) ANTILLES {ANT{ILL}{E}S}
19 Explosive Conservative – Conservative almost becoming bully (6) HECTOR {HE}{C}{TORy}
20 Cry from cats finally getting best milk (6) SCREAM {catS}{CREAM}
22 Ahead, prepared for trouble (5) UPSET {UP}{SET}



  1. Nice puzzle! Remembered doing it when it was put up.
    Col. in Coorg?

  2. Yes, a nice one today.
    Col. says so- blog appears at 8.30 wherever he is!

  3. Come rain or shine the blog is up at 8:30 am!
