Tuesday 8 February 2022

No 13474, Tuesday 08 Feb 2022, Lightning

Solution to 10A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Sample of spice arranged by force (8) SPECIMEN {SPICE*}{MEN}
5   Anxiety of saint — it could come down (6) STRAIN {ST}{RAIN}
9   Quickly go deep, exit another way (8) EXPEDITE*
10 Shape of German mark (6) ?E?I?N (Addendum - DESIGN {DE}{SIGN} - See comments)
12 Approximately two thirds of round shape joined with area (5) CIRCA {CIRCle}{A}
13 Attack without power can be done in quick bursts (5-4) RAPID-FIRE {RA{P}ID}{FIRE}
14 Move up or down to view list of names (6) SCROLL [DD]
16 They pick apart councillor with appeal on one case regularly (7) CRITICS {CR}{IT}{1}{CaSe}
19 Outstanding boxer dispatched outside (7) SALIENT {S{ALI}ENT}
21 Step outside a large magnificent residence (6) PALACE {P{A}{L}ACE}
23 By mistake, I am angry with institute — it’s not real (9) IMAGINARY {I+AM+ANGRY+I}* 
25 Extent of farmhouses — unlimited (5) RANGE gRANGEs
26 Sailor ordered to go is not paying attention (6) ABSENT {AB}{SENT}
27 Drop small frozen item inside in return — it could be firm (8) DECISIVE {DIVE} over {S}{ICE}<= 
28 One that could see and allow small hole (6) EYELET {EYE}{LET}
29 Get trays organised by plan (8) STRATEGY*

1   Drawing of small boat (6) SKETCH {S}{KETCH}
2   Based on observation of kings? (9) EMPERICAL [DD]
3   Batting to get back help for our country (5) INDIA {IN}{AID<=}
4   Segment of seventh rally to hold one’s attention (7) ENTHRAL [T]
6   Large machine to walk on top of (9) TREADMILL {MILL}<=>{TREAD} &lit
7   Any lapse is business is primarily an excuse (5) ALIBI Acrostic
8   Foolishness of working backwards with National Stock Exchange twice (8) NONSENSE {ON}{NSE}{NSE}
11 Extended play one caught is classic (4) EPIC {EP}{1}{C}
15 Willingness to follow order to pass Northern church (9) OBEDIENCE {OBE}{DIE}{N}{CE} 
17 Fashionable coin I have as bait (9) INCENTIVE {IN}{CENT}{I'VE}
18 Reckon Im entering large property (8) ESTIMATE {EST{IM}ATE}
20 Lure tenor with form of popular music (4) TRAP {T}{RAP}
21 Strike protects country missing second sum that is owed (7) PAYMENT {PA{YeMEN}T}
22 Setter’s inwardly embarrassed by unknown solution (6) REMEDY {RE{ME}D}{Y}
24 Man perhaps going past a passage (5) AISLE {ISLE}<=>{A}
25 Dish for starters, raw and imperfect, tastes amazing (5) RAITA Acrostic

Reference List
Saint = ST, Of in German = DE, Area = A, Power = P, Can = FIRE, Councillor = CR, Appeal = IT, Large = L, Institute = I, Sailor = AB, Small = S, Batting = IN, Extended Play = EP, Caught = C, Order = OBE, Northern = N, Church = CE, Fashionable = IN, Tenor = T, Unknown = Y 


  1. 10A German = de, mark = sign, de+sign = design = shape.

  2. Eureka moment - could complete the grid. Lightning made my day! Thanks for the smooth and lovely clues.

  3. Interesting and meticulously correct as ever- probably slightly easier. Thank you Lightning.

  4. 2d Is it empirical or empirical?

  5. Sorry
    2d Is it empirical or emperical

    1. Again a spelling variant. I have known it as emperical,but Free Dic.says empirical. Not sure what OED says. Will have to check.

    2. Both OED & Chambers call it empirical.

    3. Lovely clues all! Didn't get 12A CIRCA

    4. Why is 2D a DD? How is empirical related to the "king" part of the clue?

  6. 19A- Dispatched/ Despatched? U.S. spelling variant. Spell check draws my attention to the spelling we are used to- Despatched.

  7. Despatched and dispatched are both used, the former preferred by the British and the latter by Americans.

  8. Lovely clues all round! Didn't get 12A CIRCA

  9. 27A: I thought the clue was SANDWICH INSIDE and so the annotation as
    {S}{ICE}<= in {DIVE}

  10. There is no sandwich here.
    S ICE in return & Dive (Drop) OVER it or S ICE in return inside Dive. That is exactly what Col. has shown.

    1. Isn't INSIDE in the clue a SANDWICH indicator?

    2. Technically yes. But a inside b is same as b over a.

  11. Lovely grid. Finished in 15 mins. Yes Paddy. I am improving. I also think it is EMPIRICAL (relating to EMPIRE?)

  12. Took 45 minutes progressively. just finished few minutes ago. after seeing this blog could not control myself. col. sir, you have induced me to get Raita by posting this pic. seems too delicious.

