Tuesday 15 February 2022

No 13480. Tuesday 15 Feb 2022, Arden

Solution to 9D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

6   One time review of test site... (5) ARENA {AN}{ERA}<=
7   ... for say men’s organ (8) PROSTATE {PRO}{STATE}
10 Protection all around Netherlands, it gives a nice sheen (7) SHELLAC {S{HELL}AC}
11 List formerly returned to mess hall (7) CANTEEN {CANT}{NEE<=}
12 Amid social disruption, time to stay unperturbed (7) STOICAL {S{T}OICAL*}
13 Wine during mass — novice finds it can be offensive (7) SHOCKER {S{HOCK}ER} (Addendum - {S{HOCK}ERvice} - See comments)
14 Distressed — not easy getting squeezed (4-7) HARD-PRESSED {HARD}{PRESSED}
19 Notice at once magnetic poles shifting (7) GLIMPSE {GLIMPSE+AT+ONCE} = {MAGNETIC POLES} [CA]}*
21 Spell missed, clipping borders of cloak (7) PELISSE {sPELl}{mISSEd}
23 Write about song for Lord of the sea (7) NEPTUNE {PEN<=}{TUNE}
25 Layer on hybrid bean plant (7) HENBANE {HEN}{BEAN*}
26 Love to go around — it’s a long time outside plant (4,4) ALOE VERA {A}{LOVE*}{ERA}
27 Times have card giving direction to musicians (5) TACET {T}{ACE}{T}

1   Insect gains height, followed by another that is really huge (8) BEHEMOTH {BE{H}E}{MOTH}
2   Ramson’s take — replace with English language (6) GARLIC GA(-e+r)RLIC
3   “End of the world” — copy taking Caribbean music over from south to north (10) APOCALYPSE {AP{(+o)OCALYPS(-o)}E}
4   Ornament in part or completely (4) TORC [T]
5   Takes off clothes — run naked? (6) STREAK {ST{R}EAK*} &lit
6   Help sibling in a way (6) ASSIST {A}{S{SIS}T}
8   Dances freely on stage (7) TANGOES*
9   Partners are getting gin (5) ?N?R? (Addendum - SNARE {S}{N}{ARE} - See comments)
13 Spy chief nabs old general for being lazy (10) SLEEPYHEAD {S{LEE}PY}{HEAD}
15 Transport by road, finally collect in a clean container (7) RAPTURE {R}{A}{P{c...cT}URE}
16 Send well into the trench (8) DISPATCH {DI{SPA}TCH}
17 Try any clothes, it’s a pain (5) AGONY {A{GO}NY}
18 Abandon in a godforsaken place (6) DESERT [DD]
20 Devil drink will kill (6) IMPALE {IMP}{ALE}
22 Senility is not allowed, to be dealt with tolerance (6) LENITY sENiLITY*
24 Less in number? Take the top off the jug (4) EWER fEWER

Reference List
Time = T, Height = H, Take = R(Recipe), Over = O, Run = R, Partners = N,S(North/South in the game of Bridge), Road = R


  1. 2d Should the answer be Gaelic?

  2. If it is +E-R,it is Language.
    IMO,Language is the def. and Gaelic the solution since the clue says "With English".

    1. I had also put in Gaelic but the IA version says the correct answer is Garlic.

    2. IMO the wordplay leads to GAELIC (since it says "Take replaced with English" i.e. R replaced with E. Maybe Arden sir can comment?

    3. If you take 'Ramson' as the definition (which is what I meant) then you replace E with R.

      If you consider language as the definition then it's Gaelic

    4. As an aside. Does replace agree with the tense of the sentence!

    5. I think the position of “with” leads to the answer Gaelic

    6. Replace need not necessarily be substitute. Exchange with would lead the other way. I read Ramson's as Ramson is(=).

  3. 13A- I think it should be Service- Vice giving Ser.
    Novice to be split as No Vice.

  4. Challenging puzzle.
    Favorites : Streak and tangoes

  5. Nice clues all round, Thanks, Arden!

  6. @ col.sir, My sincere Thanks for posting my Artwork on 14-2-22.

  7. 18a - The word 'godforsaken' to be pronounced without "R".....is it correct!!

    1. That reminds me,
      It doesn't looklike simple DD. Since forsaken also means abandon.

  8. 5D,6D and 17D are obviously direct hints. Nice clues today.
    Dr. R. Haranadh Babu

  9. Not exactly. Just easier to solve. Wordplays are as indicated in the main post.

  10. Toughie today. Very interesting clues. Took long and had a few unfilled + some annos not understood. Thanks to the blog it's clear now.

  11. Filled all. But put GAELIC. Couldnt parse SHOCKER, CANTEEN.

