Wednesday 23 February 2022

No 13487, Wednesday 23 Feb 2022, WrdPlougher

I give up on the annotations.

1   Fancy wife communicates finally, say, with husband (6) WHIMSY {W}{IMS}{saY} over {H} Not sure of anno See comments
4   Blanket ban removing book about 678 alphabets and article (6) AFGHAN {bA{FGH}{A}N}
9   Extremely tasty kale for youngster (4) TYKE {TastY}{KalE}
10 Wager about sailor! Louder! Odds being advanced for Naval officer (10) BLUEJACKET {B{LoUdEr}{JACK}ET} A bluejacket is not an officer but an enlisted sailor
11 Young man not quite pulling off hot off-white neckwear (3,3) BOW TIE {BOy}{WhITE}*
12 Eligible bachelor’s not around here — in France, briefly following old lady to Church (8) CATHOLIC CATH{O}{L}{ICi} Anno pending (Addendum - {CATcH}{O}{L}{ICi} - See comments)
13 Responsibilities cost petty officer? (9) JOBSWORTH {JOBS}{WORTH}
15 Speaking of protecting a man who had a dream... (4) KING [T]
16 ... boy’s old stuff (4) LOAD {L{O}AD}
17 Samberg slyly burying eminently rare Iris stone in whale gut (9) AMBERGRIS {AMBERG{Rare}{Iris}S*}
21 Candy made from unfinished batter or frozen water (8) LICORICE {LICk}{OR}{ICE}
22 Ship leaves, selling items openly on deck (6) VESSEL [T] 
24 American heavyweight, say, riding Bullet, means to lose speed (10) BUTTERBEAN {B{UTTER}B}{mEANs} Speed/MS? See comments Reverse engineered
25 Winding ‘marg’ leading to Indian village (4) GRAM*
26 Covers for wing-commander, immaculately trained for hiding and stealth (6) ELYTRA [T] Semi&lit

27 Teach setter’s craft, instilling some purpose (6) IMPART {I'M}{ART} over {Pu...e}

1   Capital road (3,2,2) WAY TO GO [DD]
2   Idle mind, no doc, leading to ICU in advance (5) INERT NERT<=>{Icu} Anno pending {mINd}{To}<=>{ER} - See comments)
3   Returning Australian coach hugs Clarke and Warner in the end for scoring less than duck in Heat! (3-4) SUB-ZERO {OZ}{BUS}<= over {c...kE}{w...eR}
5   Ajit composed note before making Tex-mex snack (6) FAJITA {AJIT}*<=>{FA}
6   Tech deployed by Ohio mafia for intimidation (9) HECTORING {TECH*}{O}{RING}
7   Desirous of teasing without superficial love (7) NEEDING NEEDlING
8   Sped up, gulping air, losing dash, getting angry (5-8) QUICK-TEMPERED Anno pending (Addendum - {QUICKen{TEMPER}ED - See comments)
14 As per usual, selections are eligible and fit for shipping? (9) SEAWORTHY SE{A}{WORTHY} Anno pending (Addendum - {aS+pEr}{A}{WORTHY} - See comments)
16 Hawaiian garland certainly provides relaxation (7) LEISURE {LEI}{SURE}
18 Returning money (not in full) — after beginning to navigate in battery-operated car — to cause spite? (7) ENVENOM {MONEy<=} <=>{Na...e} in {EV}
19 Tax returns to incur earliest completion fine? Scratching head at first — it’s wrong (7) INEXACT {T{Co...n}AX<=}<=>{fINE}
20 Copyright agency to probe Mr. Pane (6) MIRROR {M{IRRO}R}
23 Letter from Greece is returned by grand mother (5) SIGMA {IS<=}{G}{MA}

Reference List
Husband = H, Wife = W, Book = B, Hot = H, Around = C, Old = O, Lady = L, Australian = OZ, Note = FA, Are = A, Grand = G


  1. 1a communicates:IM's with is container indicator for this setter. W(h)(IM's)Y

    1. Then it should be wihin or without and not just with

    2. Agree Col. I am just saying the pattern of this setter.

    3. If a woman is ‘with’ child, she is carrying or bearing a child. Therefore, we could consider ‘with’ a valid containment indicator.

    4. What does "IMS" stand for?

  2. 12a eligible bachelor:CATCH -c

  3. 2s mind-md leading to:t Er(icu!!) Before IN(ER)T

    1. Doc's are better suited. I also can't appreciate it.but icu is a kind of emergency room.(

    2. ER is Emergency Room.ICU is Intensive Care Unit .They are different

    3. Sure, an ICU is obviously literally distinct from an ER. But an ICU is a ward at a hospital where emergency or critical care is provided. So, functionally and effectively, therefore, it is an example of an ‘emergency room’, which can be abbreviated as ER. Hope this is not such a ‘serious’ error!

    4. I think Jaggu being a Doctor has the final word

  4. 14D: aS pEr
    (usual selections == regular selections ?)

  5. 8d sped up:quickened -en, air:temper

  6. 14d as shown. Usual selection/regular picking. aSpEr.

    1. Great pick, sir! Thank you for casting no aSpErsions. :)

  7. Prasad more cryptic than Wrdplougher!!

  8. Ploughd....ploughed...and ploughed,but finally gave up. Came here to see more confusion.
    Tomorrow is always better!

    1. Paddy's post above ploughed...ploughed...ploughed : reminds me of a joke.

      Frank the farmer had a nagging wife

      She made his life miserable. The only real peace he got was when he was out in the field ploughing.

      One day while in the field, Frank's wife brought him his lunch. Then while he quietly ate she berated him with a constant stream of nagging and complaining.
      Suddenly, Frank's old donkey kicked up his back legs, struck her in the head killing her instantly.

      At the funeral, the Priest noticed that when the women offered their sympathy, Frank would nod his head up and down. But when the men came up and spoke quietly to him, he would shake his head from side to side.

      After the mourners left, the Priest approached Frank and asked, "Why did you nod your head up and down to all the women and shook from side to side to all the men?"

      Well, Frank replied, "The women all said how nice she looked, and her dress was so pretty, so I agreed by nodding my head up and down.
      And all the men asked, "Is that donkey for sale?”

    2. Good one MB, can we call it a kick-ass donkey?

    3. Just ploughing is not enough. One must sow to get yield

    4. Nice MB sir.....BTW, I like 678 concept in 4A. too tricky .

  9. Women here will please excuse us. "Boys will be boys"!

  10. 1Ac Should it not be fanciful wife?

  11. Replies
    1. Oh Paddy sir!
      Respoponsibility is Part of job. Responsibilities there by are also part of job. Cant be jobs.

    2. They are roles. That's it. Not jobs

    3. If you have a job, you have a responsibility. The natural plural form was employed here.

      Also, a JOBSWORTH is a minor official who exercises their duties in a petty manner. So, a ‘petty officer’ is a cryptic way of referring to such a person, while the surface alludes respectfully to the formal Naval rank of Petty Officer.

      Hope this makes sense. Thank you.

    4. Well my point was cluing jobsworth with a wordplay of jobs+worth is not cryptic due to root issues. It is like cluing football as a charade of foot and ball.

  12. Have updated the main post. Not wasting any more time on this Crossword

  13. I, too, gave up after a while. 13A was a saving grace, though.

  14. Hi everyone! Just wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as a setter, greet the astute THCC community, and thank everyone for their keen interest in my puzzles. Have taken the liberty to respond to some comments under this blogpost to elucidate my line of reasoning and clarify any undue misunderstanding. The TH Crossword editorial desk has informed me that many solvers have not been entirely satisfied with my offerings. I want to assure all that I am always striving to strike a healthy balance between my drive to write creative clues and my commitment to be fair by adhering to standard conventions. Am exceedingly grateful to the feedback on this blog, which has helped me improve tremendously (I trust that solvers will certainly have noticed the gradual yet marked shift over the months since The Hindu graciously began accepting my puzzles last September). Am also gratified to note that solvers have largely been enjoying my grids more and more as they become familiar with WrdPlougher’s patterns and idiosyncrasies.

    Humbly seeking everyone’s blessings and promising fairness in WrdPlougher clues going forward, as always. THanks!

  15. Thank you for your comments.
    One request though to keep us interested in solving and enjoy solving in the process.
    One is that it will be better if it is less wordy and more cryptic.
    Second and more important- apart from being cryptically correct,the surface should be meaningful and with a touch of humour. Surface reading is what catches the fancy of the solvers.
    Glad you are taking all the comments in its true perspective and are trying to make future CW' something to look forward to.

  16. Why is unfinished batter lic? Batter = lick? Can't make this connection.

  17. Batter/ lick - to beat or defeat
