Tuesday 1 March 2022

No 13492, Tuesday 01 Mar 2022, Incognito

Shivarathri Greetings
Artwork by Prasanna


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

8   Desire woman soldier (4) WANT {W}{ANT}
9   Glenn ad in part of north-eastern US (3,7) NEW ENGLAND {GLENN+AD}* [RA]
10 Arrived with Romeo holding a piece of photographic equipment (6) CAMERA {CAME}{R}{A}
11 Some rubber liners for German capitalist (8) BERLINER [T]
12 Funnily dorm poet’s kicked upstairs (8) PROMOTED*
14 Wrongly signed pattern (6) DESIGN*
16 Heavenly lady gives away one in 60 minutes (4) HOUR HOURi
17 Leaves previous partner with sex appeal on ship (5) EXITS {EX}{IT}{S}
18 Cut returned fasteners (4) SNIP<=
19 Is Shakespearean king returning to country? (6) ISRAEL {IS}{LEAR<=}
21 Base Earl may be capable of being rubbed off (8) ERASABLE*
23 Noticed saw (8)  
26 Stir old flame cinders in the engine at first (6) EXCITE {EX}{Ci...s}{In}{The}{En...e}
27 Heard drunk scolded about name and took a long nap (10) HIBERNATED {HI(~high)}{BER{N}ATED}
28 Bird nested in Northern estuary (4) ERNE [T]

1   Soldiers dropping from the sky broke papa’s rotor (10) PARATROOPS*
2   Old ship has Republican flag (8) STREAMER {ST{R}EAMER}
3   Inferior insect’s newborn (6) INFANT {INF}{ANT}
4   Mop soap water around bathtub in the beginning (4) SWAB Acrostic
5   Indian duster wildly barges in (8) INTRUDES {IN}{DUSTER*}
6   Everyone is hugging English associates (6) ALLIES {ALL}{I{E}S}
7   Above church, at one time (4) ONCE {ON}{CE}
13 Operate a vehicle and ride haphazardly around first village (5) DRIVE {DRI{Vi...e}E*}
15 I let gun oil seep into equipment for decapitation (10) GUILLOTINE*
17 Animates non-Boer non-believers excitedly (8) ENLIVENS {NoN+bELIEVerS}*
18 Looks for rifles (8) SEARCHES [DD]
20 Copies having ten errors initially at top locations (6) APEXES {APE{X}{Er...s}S}
22 Corrects, “Soldiers appear in commercials” (6) AMENDS {A{MEN}DS}
24 Winged creature goes around one lure (4) 
25 What the tax-man looks forward to collecting as official task (4) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Kali & Anbu were half brothers, who spent their childhood in Alanganallur near MADURAI. ELEVEN years apart, it was not clear if they took after their mothers, but both were pictures of contrast in their persona & nature.

    Kali looked after a few acres of farm land that had been in their family for generations. Using his practical INTELLECT, he was a son of the soil, who toiled from morning to evening to ensure the maximum yields from his land. He also owned a small herd of cows, but his pride & soul was his bull Sorimuttu. A well built animal of a local breed, it often TRIUMPHED in the Jallikattu races after Pongal & was spoken of highly among the local DWELLERS.

    Kali was really proud of his bull. During the bull race, as it strutted out of the Vadivasal, he thought it resembled the best of International stars. If it was upto him, he would have nominated it for the ACADEMY AWARDS.

    Anbu, in contrast, was a genteel fellow. Inclined towards arts & music, he was a painter by profession. His speciality was painting Animals. He frequently painted bulls, but they were always placid. While he changed the backgrounds from the AMAZON forests to a local DELI, the bull was essentially the same. A reddish brown bovine creature.

    Kali was full of contempt for Anbu & his art. He could not believe, that people actually paid to buy his paintings & hang them on their walls. As he often exclaimed to his friends - What is the use of an animal, if it can't move, swish its tail, flare its nostrils & advance threateningly towards you? A static bull, that too with a benign expression was the biggest insult to the entire species, he thought.

  3. Around New Year, Anbu was lucky enough to find a sponsor for a solo exhibition in MADURAI & asked Kali to attend the inaugural function. Against his WILL, Kali was forced to attend the function, as Anbu was his only next of kith. However he felt a complete fish out of water, in the elite gallery. The MAGNOLIA blossoms arranged tastefully, the WALTZ music playing in the background, the apertiffs with hors d'ouvres of fried POMFRET bits garnished with SEAWEED MASALA, all made him feel he should have RECONSIDERED this visit. To top it all, the prices quoted for the paintings, made him go red in the face.

    The central exhibit was a Bull of course. Its price was not mentioned, as it was meant to be auctioned on the last day of the show. Kali was secretly thrilled that not a single painting of Anbu was sold on the inaugural night. As Kali took his farewell, he insisted Anbu should visit him for the Jallikattu race following Pongal that year.

    Because, the Government had lifted its ban on the race after 3 years, the Jallikattu was a gala event. HELIUM filled colourful balloons floated everywhere. Huge PLASMA screens dotted the arena, as the event was televised live. The day was ETCHED in Kali's mind, as he decorated Sorimuttu with great care & lead him to the enclosure. His bull was the biggest prize that day & over a dozen fighters had come from near & far to try & subdue it. TAKING OFF at a slow pace, the bull suddenly quickened its step. Not allowing a single fighter to RUN INTO its way, it was soon obvious, that a fighter is yet to be born who can DEFEAT Sorimuttu. Kali's cup of joy knew no bounds. He spent the whole night on a CAMP STOOL, inside the bull pen, feasting his eyes on his pet. His only peeve was Anbu' s absence.


  4. Over that weekend, when Anbu finally came, Kali couldn't wait to show his bull off. Moreover he wanted to boast that there had been offers of up to Rs. 50,000/- for his bull, but of course he had refused. Anbu typically irritated him, first, with his unsuitable city attire, then his attitude. He was constantly clicking useless pictures of the fields, huts etc insisting they would be backdrops for his future bulls. He seemed, in no hurry, to visit Sorimuttu.

    Just when Kali wanted to tell him about Sorimuttu's offered price, Anbu threw a bomb. He said the central piece in his show had been auctioned for Rs 1.5 lacs. Kali was furious. His pride felt THWARTED. Just to insult Anbu, he said - Which fool paid that kind of money for a static image? Just throwing away ones money! Bring him here & show him a live bull, to know his money's worth.

    As they reached Sorimuttu's enclosure, Anbu laughed & told Kali - the buyer hasn't wasted his money. As I become more & more famous, the painting will appreciate & will be worth tenfold in 10 years, whereas your bull will be a worthless old animal in another 10 years & just a liability. On hearing this, Kali became so angry, he lunged at Anbu & pushed him.

    Anbu fell on the wicker gate of the bull's pen & landed sprawling inside. At this Sorimuttu got really excited & using its horns, picked up Anbu & lifted him off the ground. Anbu was petrified. He couldn't even scream. The bull would have gored him, but Kali intervened & saved Anbu. Apart from a few scratches & soreness all over, Anbu was ok. Kali felt OBLIGED to look after him & tend to him for over a week, till Anbu felt well enough to return to the city. Anbu also learnt his lesson the hard way. While his bulls were ageless & appreciated with time, they could definitely not scare the day lights out of a man! Kali felt so vindicated, that for the first time in years, he felt kindly disposed towards his half brother.

    Anbu continued to flourish as an animal painter, but his subjects were restricted to kittens, puppies & the occasional horse. No one knew why he stopped painting bulls.

    Adapted from the short story
    THE BULL by H. H. MUNROE alias SAKI.

    1. You took the bull by its horns. Great adaptation!

    2. Nice adaptation Gowri! I read it long back. Saki's story is about brothers not half-brothers in my memory. I may be wrong.
      Your stories never fail to touch the heart Gowri!

    3. Too good, Gowri, your story as exciting as Munro's!

    4. Interesting tale well suited the Theme Jallikkattu Kalai. The names which you mentioned were typically the village style and brought those scenes in front of our eyes.

    5. Thank you every one.
      @AJ - They r half brothers in the original story also. Infact, the painter brother inherits some money from his mother's side.

    6. Thank you Gowri, as I admitted earlier, I might not have remembered. Apart from the long interval, my age may also be considered for my forgetfulness.

    7. I don't remember reading the original, but this was excellent.

    8. Do keep on writing Gowri. A stray comment from some Unknown shouldn't deter you.

  5. 10a. Camera

    Arrived = came + Romeo = r + a

    11a Berliner

    14 Design
    Anagram of signed

    16a Hour
    Heavenly lady = houri (-) i

    17a Exits

    Previous partner = ex + sex appeal = it + ship = s

  6. 1 across: w(Oman)+ ant for soldier= want

  7. 14 across: anagram of signed, design.

  8. 21 across: anagram of base and earl, erasable

  9. 10 across: came for arrived + r(Romeo) +a : camera

  10. 23 across observed for noticed and saw

  11. 28 across: erne from northERN Estuary

  12. 22 down: men( for soldiers) in ads: amends for corrects

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. 18 down: searches for looks for and searches.DD

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. 5 down: INdian + anagram of duster gives intrudes for barges in.

  18. 18 across: snip (for cut) returned becomes pins for fasteners

  19. 17 across: previous partner is ex; sex appeal is it and s from ship gives exits for leaves.

    1. Ravoori,
      It is only 5 answers per person. Let others also have some to solve.
      Please delete your extra solutions.

  20. @Prasanna
    Beautiful artwork Prasanna!

    1. Thank you Smt.AJ, Mr. MB,Paddy, Sree_sree, KKR & CPC for your wishes. Thanks to Col. sir. for posting my Artwork.

    2. Prasanna - Lovely. What is the medium? Pastels?

      I will post my rangoli tomorrow.
      Since Col is not available.

    3. yes Gowri. This is oil pastel. sure. send your rangoli to Col.sir.

  21. 21ac. Erasable..( base earl)*
    28ac. ERNE ..T
    19ac. ISRAEL..is ( lear)*
    15d. GUILLOTINE..(I let gun oil)*

    1. Sorry
      19a. ISRAEL..IS LEAR Iin reverse
      Returning being the reversal indicator

  22. Replacements
    23a. OBSERVED..DD
    24d. BAIT. ba(i)t..

  23. BTW Paddy as soon as I said, there is no IA Version today.

    1. Reason why incognito is still open.

    2. Print edition has the same Incognito puzzle.

  24. 1D PARATROOPS : *papas rotor)*
    2D STREAMER=flag : R(epublican) in steamer
    9A NEW ENGLAND : RA of (glenn ad)*
    12A PROMOTED : (dorm poet)*
    25D DUTY (DD)

    1. 1d technical doubt for setter.
      Troop is a group of soldiers and troops is a group of troop.
      Is it fair to jump from soldiers to troops.

  25. 2d streamer steamer with r of republican
    Streamer is a paper flag


    27A Heard drunk = Hi(gh) Scolded = berated name = n

    HIBER(N)ATED = Took a long nap

    6D) ALLIES Every one = ALL +IS+E ALL(I)ES =. Associates

    7D). Above = on Church = ce ONCE = One time

    20D) Copies = APES TEN = X E( errors)

    APE(X)ES = APEXES = Top locations

    1. Please put in a comma,full stop after each or better still go to the next line.
      Very confusing to red and make out.

    2. 27a incomplete anno. Recheck.

  27. Replacement for 12a

    3D). Inferior INFERIOR = INF INSECT = ANT
    INF+ANT = INFANT = Newborn

  28. 17 d ENLIVENS: Animates
    Excitedly is anagram indicator

  29. 26A EXCITE; stir; EX C.. I.. T.. E..

  30. It was centum today, Thank you, Kishore!

  31. 13D). Operate a vehicle = Drive
    DRI(V)E. Ride haphazardly = DRIE. VILLAGE =V

  32. Delighted to solve Incognito's puzzles. Have a Gr8 Day.

  33. I was under the impression that this place is for solving the crossword. Unfortunately people are writing stories, congratulating each other and often commenting on others somewhat rudely. Never seen so many vainglorious people under one roof !

    1. I dont know who u r. But i guess you have a point. I shall refrain from posting stories here hereafter.
      Dear all - Thank you so much for this lovely journey & all your encouraging words.
      I dont think you will be hearing from me again - as I am one of the last persons to solve daily & hence dont have anything to post here.

    2. Why should you stop posting you Tale pieces due to a stray comment by a person who hides under 'Unknown'? Please continue solving and writing,unless any of known persons has anything to say. That is not the way to react to such comments.

    3. @ Gowri. Please not stop your tale piece for sake of unknown. let unkown comment. let us continue solving cross words and enhancing our skills.

    4. Dear Mr Unknown, let us know about your intention towards this issue. This blog is related to cross word and the tale piece also related with CW answers. please do not hurt anyone and mention brief about your self.

    5. Gowri, you don't have to react to Unknown. If the blog administrator, setters, solvers and followers of the blog with names have no problem, why should some unknown have a problem?

    6. Mr Unknown be brave enough to comment giving your name. Obviously you are not man enough to do so.
      For your information I have a very good idea who you are but I do not want to embarrass you by revealing your name.

  34. Please put in your name in stead of criticising as unknown.
    Nobody is rude here- I don't know what you mean.

    1. Dear Mr Unknown,
      (I am not sure if you have revealed your name yet).
      The stories contain the ANSWERS and are with a purpose and enjoyed by many. The artworks etc relate to the events of particular days. All these provide a good break. I enjoy the BONHOMIE despite being relatively new to the group.
      Your comments are unwarranted. If you are uncomfortable please do not be under the same roof.
      Good day!

  35. @Unknown First tell your name UNKNOWN. Blog owner is not having any problem with stories / congratulatory messages. And no one is rude here.
    @Gowri Why do you want to stop your stories for some unknown ?

  36. Personally, I believe that all regular/long-time contributors to this blog are extraordinary and gifted in solving and setting cryptic crosswords. Nobody can take away that credit from them. The only thing I would like to suggest is that the number of solutions a rookie can provide can be increased to five, not limiting to just one, every day of the week. Otherwise, this blog, including its stories, is highly enjoyable.

  37. Gowri, do not be deterred by some unknown person's comment. It is easy to comment. It is for Col. Gopinath to decide what he permits on the blog. Others are free to read or ignore anything here. No one is forcing them to participate.

  38. Gowri, I second Kishore's advice. Ignore the noise and continue the good work. As a setter myself, I consider the tale pieces as a tribute to the setter as they raise the words in the grid to a story.

    1. +1. Already missing Dr.Rke talepieces. Let's not spoil the story telling abilities of others too. If only solutions to crossword is permitted won't it be a dry, witless place?

    2. @ Gowri.........do not give up your individuality skills. we learned many things from story and its improves our vocabulary.

  39. Wonder if this Mr./Ms./Master/Sir/Prof./Dr./Shriman/Shrimati/Kumari/Herr/Janab/Thriru UNKNOWN is humming that popular number 'Mera Naam Raju (may be Rani too!!) Gharana ANAAM...' rendered by Mukesh in the 1961 Hindi movie Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai.
    Why this anonymoua impersation with the name tag of 'UNKNOWN' which in a way could be termed as an act of developing cold feet or cowardice.
    So an ideal suggestion to this gentleman or lady is instead of raising needless issues, why not attempt to solve the daily crosswords and not indulge in childish games of hide-n-seek'.
    All said and done, in case, he or she is a western music buff, to tease or needlessly comment and irritate all of us that song could be this

  40. Please coopy the youtube link to play that number dedicated to the Super Unknown Man...

  41. I just noticed the anno. of 13d posted by Mr Ambi @ 11:29.Tiny correction done as below.

    13D - Operate a vehicle and ride haphazardly around first village - anagram of RIDE* over 'V'.

  42. Reached Kanadukathan mear Karaikudi after visiting Murugan statue near Salem, Srirangam, Thanjavur. Staying at Chettinadu Mansion

    1. Nice to seen your update sir. Have a nice day.

    2. Enjoy your trip colonel! 👍👍👍 😊

  43. @Gowri please continue your stories, it helps to learn the word usage as well

  44. Same unknown or a different unknown?

  45. Thanx incognito. For a great grid. Good for my confidence.

  46. Very very simple crossword

    Don’t see S = Ship in Chambers and Collins

    The below clues are not cryptic IMO. Just 2 synonyms of the answer (also in the same sense). Ideal examples for root issue.

    Noticed saw (8)
    Looks for rifles (8)

    1. +1 felt off for DDs in a incognito puzzle.

  47. Sorry. I got carried away. I am a beginner and will definitely limit my future attempts to five.

  48. @Gowri - Thanks for the Tale piece - a fitting adaptation of Saki's work with a distinct Madurai flavour. For every person trying to do something enterprising or different, there will always be ready detractors to say why they should not do it - I dont think you should listen to such people. I for one, love to see how your tale pieces connect the various lights in the grid and it would be a shame if you stopped sharing them in this blog.

    1. Yes, Gowri. just ignore it. Please continue your good work.
      I always felt your writings are very imaginative and it is not easy to write such tales with the limited available words. Typically, I liken your work with one literary activity in Telugu, called AhTaavadhaanam, wherein the Avadhani is asked to compose verse with limited words.
      Good job Gowri, don't give up.

