Saturday 17 December 2022

No 13739, Saturday 17 Dec 2022, Afterdark

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Finally almost got electronic (second) map books (7) ATLASES{AT LASt}{E}{S}
5   World body's back supporting companies at Thailand offering palm, say (7) COCONUT {UN}<=>{CO}{CO} and {T}
9   Taping call going over Spain's bond (9) RECORDING {R{E}{CORD}ING}
10 View of fireplace remains same if one is one (5) ANGLE (-i+a)ANGLE
11 Town house given to company (7) VILLAGE {VILLA}{GE}
12 Crooked carpenters ran off with relation (7) RESPECT {CarPEnTERS}*
13 Look CSK somehow engages (5) LOCKS {LO}{CSK*}
15 Reported it's cloudy in our country with temperature ebbing, primarily down (9) INDICATED {INDI{C}A}{Te...e}{Eb...g}{D}
17 Network usage goes to dogs adopting Gujarati primarily and dialects (9) LANGUAGES {LAN}{GUA{Gu...i}ES*}
19 Condition of jockey... (5) RIDER [DD]
21 ...say, horses is painful over a month at Sweden (7) A?I?A?S (Addendum -  ANIMALS  {AN{1}{M}{AL}{S} - See comments)
23 Sleeps at store, tiresome holding on (7) RETIRES [T]
25 Old artwork is bonus (5) EXTRA {EX}{ART*}
26 Identifying LA engineer and students in group (9) LABELLING {LA}{BE}{LL}{IN}{G}
27 Commercial post small news section in El Salvador? It's a pain (7) SADNESS {S}{AD}{N}{E{S}S}
28 Could be infinit (7) ENDLESS Semi&lit Definition by example

1   A Republican challenger is coming... (7) ARRIVAL {A}{R}{RIVAL}
2   ...LA liberal overcomes officer in charge with resident (5) LOCAL {LA}{L} over {OC}
3   Shouts to get a small paste with sulphur (7) SCREAMS {S}{CREAM}{S}
4   At the end of rains, association group was trembling (9) SHIVERING {r..nS}{HIVE}{RING}
5   Racing car crashed, narc killed in smoke (5) CIGAR {racInG+CAR}*
6   Brilliant lesson. I see (7) CLASSIC {CLASS}{I}{C}
7   Unappreciated North chose to allow entry for German (9) NEGLECTED {N}{E{G}LECTED}
8   Dealt with Thailand rot with Communists outside (7) TREATED {T}{RE{ATE}D}
14 Involved criminal's sibling to exchange dinar for rupees (9) CONSISTED {CON}{SISTE(-r+d)D}
16 Advantageous for, say, NRI crowd to donate billions (9) DESIRABLE {DESI}{RABbLE}
17 Lucky engineers and doctors enjoy rare success from the beginning as pioneers (7) LEADERS Acrostic
18 Uninformed Anu returned article (7) UNAWARE {ANU<=}{WARE}
19 Disturbed that Mouse Story didn't have a decent opening (7) RATTLED {RAT}{TaLE}{De...t}
20 On indication, at the beginning of slump, quits (7) RESIGNS {RE}{SIGN}{Sl..p}
22 Special make southern fabrics (5) SILKS {S}{ILK}{S}
24 Right lane left out in rally (5) RAISE {R}{AISlE}

Reference List
Electronic = E, Second = S, Company = CO, Thailand = T, Spain = E, Company = GE, Look = LO, Cloudy = C, Down = D, Engineer = BE, Student = L, Commercial = AD, Month ,= M, Group = G, Small = S, News = N, El Salvador = ES, Republican = R, Liberal = L, Officer in Charge = OC, North = N, German = G, Thailand = T, Rot = ATE, Criminal = CON, Dinar = D, Rupee = R, Billion = B, Special = S, Southern = S, Right = R, Left = L


  1. 26A - was my first crack today. simple substitution and excellent word play. Thank you Afterdark. Have a gr8 weekend.

  2. Colonel - whenever u have time - please chk your mail. Thanx

  3. Where is the need for a HP indicator?

  4. @Gowri- Good Rangoli.
    One a day duribg Margazhi?
    You did it last year too?

  5. All the while I was thinking country codes are two or three lettered. So Thailand -T, Germany -G, Spain - E is something new to me.

  6. Say in the sense of 'for example'

  7. As in, NRI's are non-resident Indians, right? So they can be considered from the country, in that sense, I think, desi? But yes, say is not always an HP indicator !

  8. Waiting to see the explanation for 21A. ANIMALS seems to be the answer to 'say, horses'. And the S at the end is for Sweden (an odd use of the two-letter abbreviation, as noted above). 'month' is M. But I can't parse the rest

  9. 21A It might be ANAL (Fussy, Rigid, painful?) around IM (a month) + S(weden) . AN [IM] AL S

  10. 21a- I taken as (AN(I)(M)AL)(S)
    a - 1 i.e I ; Month -M , Sweden - S.
    But the def. of Anal not getting as mentioned in puzzle. I perceived as DD. but, word play confirms it must have annotation. But exact anno. not clear.

  11. Meaning of anal is given as fussy, pedantic- far from painful.
    Better known meaning ia as adj. of anus.
    Anno must be something else.
    Ail can be painful but that also does not fit in properly.

    1. Noted sir. Though the meaning anal exactly not fit the def. As you mentioned it is adj.

  12. I just solved 28a - seems typo. / infinit - infinite

    1. Not typo: an unusual WP. If without end infinite is endless. If with end also it means endless!

  13. Thank you all. Right now, I intend to do a rangoli every day. Let us c...

  14. Completed afterdark very easily. Though could not parse animals. My cod - INFINIT, SILKS, LABELLING.
