Tuesday 13 December 2022

No 13735, Tuesday 13 Dec 2022, Lightning

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

 It may be kicked twelve inches at a dance (8) FOOTBALL {FOOT}{BALL}
5   Confer degree on saint with sign of respect after commencement (6) BESTOW {BE}{ST}{bOW}
 One that may hang back to ward off animal outside (8) DEFENDER {DE{FEND}ER}
10 Working within sixty minutes to get respect (6) HONOUR {H{ON}OUR}
12 Not in control, be defeated without offence at the start (5) LOOSE {LO{Of...e}SE}
13 A short daring initiative primarily dropped and eliminated (9) ABOLISHED {A}{BOLd}{{In...e}{SHED}
14 Put together in favour of medicine (6) FORMED {FOR}{MED}
16 Basically unsupervised zonal hospital building in Chinese city (7)  LANZHOU {Un...d+ZONAL+H}*
19 Short team clothing partly kept by leading rookie player in one (7) STRIKER  STRI{KEpt}{Ro...e} Anno pending (Addendum - {STRIp}{KEpt}{Ro...e} - See comments)
21 European shine (6) POLISH [DD]
23 Negligent leader returns with abatement (9) REMISSION {REMISS}{NO 1<=}
25 Part of helmet represented in unit of length (5) METRE [T]
26 Small quantity of eggnog, gingerbread (6) NOGGIN [T]
27 Everyone to return and spread out to be assigned a share (8) ALLOTTED {ALL}{TO<=}{TED} 
28 Provoke former lover with quote (6) EXCITE {EX}{CITE}
29 Part of engine left dry - nice to be replaced (8) CYLINDER {L+DRY+NICE}*

1   Couple of diamonds smuggled in document - it's a fraud (6) FIDDLE {FI{DD}LE}
2   Side with tone - it's in poor taste (3,6) OFF COLOUR {OFF}{COLOUR}
3   Indulge in game for the most part with energy (5) BINGE {BINGo}{E}
4   General drawback in the side the wind blows (7) LEEWARD {LEE}{DRAW<=}
 Omit a lone mistake, becoming passionate (9) EMOTIONAL*
7   Small quantity of drug hard on canine perhaps (5) T?O?H (Addendum - TOOTH {TOOT}{H} - See comments)
8   Promise to protect primarily large bowl - one that a winner gets (5,3) WORLD CUP {WOR{La..e}D}{CUP}
11 Attempt by a rookie - it could result in a score (4) GOAL {GO}{A}{L}
15 Temporary mask thief destroys (9) MAKESHIFT*
17 Governor's appeal had Democrat paused briefly (9) HESITATED {HE'S}{IT}{ATE}{D}
18 Established scope to separate (8) ESTRANGE {EST}{RANGE}
20 Ransack short written record of events from the bottom (4) RAID DIARy<=
21 Many left going down absorbing a fine (7) PENALTY {P(-l)EN(+l)LTY} over {A}
22 Leader (king) could score with this (6) HEADER {HEAD}{ER}
24 Marvellous and grand illusion conjured for starters (5) MAGIC Acrostic semi&lit
25 Islanders gutted important institute (5) MAORI {MAjOR}{I}

Reference List
Spread out = TED, Former lover = EX, Left = L, Diamond = D, Energy = E, Hard = H, Rookie = L, Appeal = IT, Democrat = D, King = ER, Institute  I


  1. No online version of this crossword today? Anyone having same problem?

  2. 7.d small quantity of drug....toot
    (Toot is small quantity of cocaine)
    H from hard
    Tooth....canine tooth.

  3. 19A - I think anno is
    STRI(-p) + KE(-pt) + R
    Strip is "team clothing". Def from TFD/Collins
    strip (n): (Clothing & Fashion) the clothes worn by the members of a team, esp a football team
    Short is del indicator. Rest is as Col has annotated.

  4. This strip is new to me. Thank you Ramki.
    Ted is also new,though I was able to get the word with the help crossings and wordplay.

    1. me too sir.. nice to learn the anno. by Ramki and well explained.

    2. It's used in the sense:
      It's his strip.
      Meaning that's what he strips down (his regular clothes) for (wearing the team uniform).

  5. Interesting and smooth flowing CW from Lightning- as we have come to expect from him.

  6. Timely theme and published on time!

  7. Nice, timely themed puzzled. Loved the crisp clues.
    Thank you, Lightning!

  8. 23a remiss and remission both mean weakening/dimunition from root word remittere

  9. Nice grid. I too filled without knowing the alternate meanings for Ted & Strip.
    To all fifa fans - have an enjoyable watch of semis & finals!!

  10. Sleep? What is the next day for???
    Come on Paddy! U know better!! 🙂

