Tuesday 6 December 2022

No 13729, Tuesday 06 Dec 2022, Arden

Solution to 19A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Grunting while connecting, lost a pound for nothing (7) OINKING (-l+o)OINKING
10 She was called back having left her man after a hair cut (7) DELILAH {HA{L}ILED<=} Semi&lit
11 Source cut off - accepting a month's paperwork (7) ORIGAMI {ORIG{A}{M}In}
12 Being old, doddering Democrat leaves base (7) IGNOBLE {BEING+OLd}*
13 A day time incursion by troops at regular intervals needs modification (9) AMENDMENT {A}{MEN}{D}{MEN}{T}
15 Wish to go back to covering conservative era (5) EPOCH {H{C}OPE<=}
16 Small group, that's half the midnight meeting of witches (7) SABBATH {S}{ABBA}{THat}
19 A creature figured time after time in Herald (7) C?I?T?R (Addendum CRITTER {CRI{TT}EWR - See comments)
20 With bugaboo no time for boo-boo (5) ERROR tERROR 
21 Most of the book is about pressure on middle class (9) BOURGEOIS {BO{URGE}Ok}{IS}
25 Girl having perfect figure - a dish, really! (7) ANTENNA {AN{TEN}NA}
26 One learning armature winding right away (7) AMATEUR ARMATUrE*
28 Girl gets around as they fly away to sea (7) GANNETS {G{ANN}ETS}
29 Inner rings found in female deer or some dogs (7) DINGOES {D{rINGs}OES}

1   A degree allows to go, raise some capital (6) BOGOTA {BA} over {TO}{GO}<=
2   Raw, in pure form (6) UNRIPE*
3   A clue to pick up some bread (4) PITA {A}{TIP}<=
4   Surprising resignation - without arson can start the fire (6) IGNITE {rEsIGnaTIoN}*
5   After a day wind picks up, stick to the middle of the sea (8) ADRIATIC {A}{D}{AIR<=}{sTICk}
6   Goofing up below, wearing cheap jewellery (10) BLUNDERING {BL{UNDER}ING}
7   A volume measure in short is a birth defect (8) CLUBFOOT Anno pending (Addendum Cubic Foot = C/Foot {CLUB}{FOOT} - See comments)
8   Another three hours in short for farm machinery (8) THRESHER {THREE+HRS}*
14 Not right pistol to carry - lady exposed as an imposter (4,6) DEAD RINGER {DEr{lADy}RINGER}
16 She stops girl's entry into parties... (8) SHEBANGS {SHE}{BAN{G}S}
17 ...except one drinking vermouth (8) BARITONE {BAR}{1T}{ONE} Where's the definition? See comments
18 Linguist's support to stop crime (8) HEBRAIST {HE{BRA}IST}
22 Huge pandal in the centre of the land (6) UGANDA {hUGe}{pANDAl}
23 One born, not named to become a king (6) OBERON {ONE+BORn}*
24 Starts slowly, one reaches expected speed thereafter - it's extremely painful (6) SOREST Acrostic
27 Skin condition - one without name (4) ACNE {AC{N}E}

Reference List
Pound = L, Left = L, Month = M, Democrat = D, Day = D, Time = T, Conservative = C, Small = S, Right = R, Girl = G, Support = BRA, Named = N, Name = N


  1. 19 A, solved, let others try

  2. I just solved. if time permits will post at 11. good one

    1. You cannot post if you have solved earlier this week.

  3. Is the definition of 16 Dn right? I thought SHEBANGS means "the entire thing/ the whole lot". The similar sounding word for "parties" should have been SHINDIGS

    1. I think parties here is groups [lots]

    2. It also includes groups/people.(the whole lot of people). Read parties as groups.

    3. Welcome Dr.RKE. Nice to see you after a long time!
      Doubts about the clue is besides the point.

    4. Parties indicating groups/ sets may be fine (one of a few) as a wordplay/ charade but as a definition, it makes things difficult.

  4. Like Delilah a lot. Aha moment for me after seeing the blog.

  5. 7d ardenism!!! C.FT in short for cubic foot read as C/club foot.

  6. 1d In the annotation, Reversal sign missing?

    1. Raise is the reversal indicator in downward clue

    2. In this case 1dn 'raise some' because both TO GO are to be reversed

    3. MB he is pointing typo in the anno.

  7. 17d after a drink everyone is high (pitched!). Not high:baritone.

  8. 19A Creature =Critter Herald = crier time after time =tt figured in crier.

  9. Yeah, this is something that I find difficult to grasp naturally, but I think the logic here is:
    N within Ace = ACNE = Ace without N (in a cryptic sense). I think it's been used many times before, too, in cryptic crosswords?

  10. One of the meanings from Free Dictionary....

    with·out (wÄ­th-out′, wÄ­th-)
    1. On the outside: a sturdy structure within and without.
    2. With something absent or lacking: had to do without.

    One (ACE ) without i.e outside name (N) becomes AC(N)E

  11. Yes, a difficult logic but accepted and used periodically taking us (at least me) by surprise every time.

  12. Generally we take No.1 meaning iin doing crosswords!

  13. Tough one from Arden especially South West corner.

