Monday 5 December 2022

No 13728, Monday 05 Dec 2022, Arden

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Top of ground is wet, surface is rough (6) GRAINY {Gr...d}{RAINY}
4   Charlie's voice of indignation at Chinese food (4,4) CHOW MEIN {C}{(~how mean)HOW MEIN}
9   Calling it neat - oddly it's China (6) NAMING {NeAt}{MING}
10 "Corrupt from day one" - recalled indent (8) DECADENT {D}{ACE}<= in {DENT}
12 Liquid Sodium carbonate not counted as an elixir (8) AMBROSIA {SOdIuM+cARBonAte}*
13 Partly release the Neon gas (6) ETHENE [T]
15 Service built is how cars are manufactured today (4-8) MASS-PRODUCED {MASS}{PRODUCED}
18 Movie online - it could affect your mood (12) PSYCHOTROPIC {PSYCHO}{TROPIC}
21 Snake has taken shelter, is resting (6) ASLEEP {AS{LEE}P}
22 Old Italian cavorted with centaurs (8) ETRUSCAN*
24 Left wingers with shoddy clothes accept right winger (8) REDSTART {REDS}{TA{R}T}
25 Essentially sent to check weapon - it's a threat (6) MENACE {M{sENt}ACE}
26 Agreed to arrange outboard sporting event (8) DRESSAGE {DRE{SS}AGE*}
27 Usher first customer into fancy store (6) ESCORT {ES{Cu...r}ORT*}

1   By midnight, Arden becomes Arden the policeman (8) GENDARME {niGht}{ARDEN*}{ME}
2   Perhaps Mary found a military establishment (4,4) ARMY BASE {MARY*}{BASE}
3   Used mnemonics - spot on when one can't think clearly (3,6,6) NON COMPOS MENTIS MNEMONICS+SPOT+ON}*
5   List to follow (4) HEEL [DD]
6   Advice to shun dhoti if one wants to be assertive at home (4,3,8) WEAR THE TROUSERS [C&DD]
7   Opening allowed under watch (6) EYELET {LET}<=>{EYE}
8   Spice girl goes under - crazy! (6) NUTMEG {MEG}<=>{NUT}
11 Teacher loves to cover two chapters - it's just hot air (7) SIROCCO {SIR}{O}{CC}{O}
14 Group wearing pretty split skirt (7) CULOTTE {CU{LOT}TE} 
16 A technique in playing violin, about to be covered with various topics (8) SPICCATO {SPIC{CA}TO*}
17 Little houses, study coming up (8) SCANDENT {SCAN{DEN}T}
19 Crazy to be supported by free capital (6) MADRID {MAD}{RID}
20 Security is prim if taken separately (6) ?L?D?E (Addendum - PLEDGE {P}{LEDGE} - See comments) 
23 Dress up and boast (4) BRAG<=

Reference List
Charlie = C, Day = D, Shelter = LEE, Shoddy = TAT, Right = R, Chapter = C, About = CA


  1. Clues like 18a) are extremely unfair to the solver. To get a reference called a movie psycho that was released in 1960 itself is difficult. To get that without any indicator is even more difficult

    1. There is a hint to that movie. Try and spot it.

  2. 20 down and not 20 across, to be solved

  3. Good solve Gemini. You seem to be doing fine, but done for the week!

  4. An interesting clue in ET today-
    Rest here, maybe topless, in centre of saddle (3,3)

    1. Yeah. Liked it.
      But dreaming in it is probably not good.

    2. Another one
      Very fine polymath finally getting BA?(8)

  5. sir Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved.

  6. 20D - (P) (LEDGE)
    rim - LEDGE
    (p) (rim)-P ; prim if taken separately

  7. Tough one. Did not get REDSTART, NON COMPOS MENTIS.
    My fav - Gendarme, Culottes
    Thanks Arden
