Thursday 15 December 2022

No 13737, Thursday 15 Dec 2022, KrisKross

Solution to 18A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Penalizing fellow having a meal without date (6) FINING {F}{dINING}
4   Pip hates changing deadlines! (8) EPITAPHS*
10 Emphasise: "This is where you put the denominator" (9) UNDERLINE [C&DD]
11 One fabulous layer of gold (5) GOOSE [CD]
12 KrisKross would retreat, afraid to lose energy in scrap (7) DISCARD {I'D}{SCAReD}
13 Animal from America seen in roads going west (7) SENSUAL {LA{US}NES}<=
14 Saint from Hardwar is hiding (5) RISHI [T]
15 See gross, revolting monsters (8) OGRESSES*
18 Relating to investigation of one thousand killed in alien attack (8) ?O?E?S?C (Addendum - FORENSIC  {FOREigN}{SIC} -:See comments)
20 Circle around, embracing a victor - "Well done!" (5) BRAVO {ORB}<= over {A}{V}
23 Dog biting one viciously in part of the leg (7) TOENAIL {T{ONE*}AIL}
25 Difficult task overwhelms film star lacking a bit of help (7) ONEROUS {ON{hERO}US}
26 Loves to get hold of ticket for location in New Zealand (5) OTAGO {O{TAG}O}
27 Scientist initially refused his Nobel angrily (5,4) NIELS BOHR {Re...d+HIS+NOBEL}*
28 Thrilled about electric vehicle getting promoted (8) ELEVATED {EL{EV}ATED}
29 Stupid people in India one spots all around (6) IDIOTS {I}{D{1}OTS} 

1   Architects for sinks (8) FOUNDERS [DD]
2   Underworld dons - crazy people who need to be exposed (7) NUDISTS {NU{DIS}TS}
3   Story of citizen locking up a luxury car (9) NARRATIVE {N{A}{RR}ATIVE}
5   Poor doctor finally seeks cure, battling a tense situation (8,6) PRESSURE COOKER {POOR+d...oR+SEEKS+CURE}*
6   Wild animal to die in container (5) TIGON {TI{GO}N}
7   Appropriate for treatment (7) PROCURE {PRO}{CURE}
8   They were magical times (6) SPELLS [C&DD]
9   Rioting: Leaders of Russia perhaps send in police to bring about complete quiet (3-4,7) PIN DROP SILENCE {Ru...a+Pe...s+SEND+IN+POLICE}*
16 Resumed business after firing everyone inside, struggled and went underwater (9) SUBMERSED {RESUMED+Bu...eS}*
17 Wives are against taking orders (8) CONSORTS {CON}{SORTS}
19 Members of fleet are possessive about work (7) OPERATE [T<=]
21 Designed a room very lovingly (7) AMOROSO {A+ROOM}*{SO}
22 Comedian's assistant goes to dance (6) STOOGE*
24 Perfume from a gypsy (5) AROMA {A}{ROMA}

Reference List
Fellow = F, Date = D, Energy = E, Thousand =G, Attack = SIC, Victor = V, Electric vehicle = EV, India = I, Underworld = DIS, Luxury car = RR(Rolls Royce), Gypsy = ROMA


  1. BRAVO Vladimir!

    The GOOSE bumps were seen clearly. Vladimir was no RISHI.

    He could not DISCARD the SENSUAL look of the doe-eyed nor the AROMA encircling her.

    His task was not ONEROUS. He began his NARRATIVE and cast his SPELLS...

    What happened next?

  2. 18 A, solved, let others try

  3. 21 d. Lovingly is amorous. Can any one justify the clue which is amoroso. A room designed is amorous,where from so sprouted here.

  4. 2D, what gives "dis"? Can someone please help explain?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Col.has given above in Ref. list

    3. In Roman Mythology, Dis either refers to the underworld, or god of the underworld.
      But here, it could be Dis = underworld
      Thus 'underworld dons - crazy' becomes 'underworld "wears" crazy' - {NU {DIS}TS}

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Lovely well constructed CW. Enjoyed every clue- a special in its own way.
    Epitaph as deadline was innovative!
    Struggled with submerged, though I had Neils Bohr as crossing.

  7. 18A FORENSIC (related to investigation) FOREIGN (alien) minus IG (one thousand) SIC (attack)

    1. Acharya you are hereby promoted to the regulars list

    2. Welcome,with your daily bouquets/ brickbats,as Col.puts it.

  8. Every clue masterly constructed . 4Ac, 5Dn and 9Dn were my favorites.

  9. Replies
    1. You must know about the goose that laid golden eggs, the classic Aesop's fable? Here the word layer is used in the cryptic sense - 'lay-er'

  10. Many nice clues. Liked 29A the best

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments. Glad you liked the grid.

  12. Nice grid. Loved EPITAPHS & UNDERLINE. Didn't know Submersed. Knew only Submerged - although I also had Niels Bohr.
