Friday, 31 March 2023

No 13827, Friday 31 Mar 2023, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   He agitated day and night, boundlessly, restraining onset of domination (6) GANDHI {dAy+ aNd+nIGHt} over {Do...n}* &lit
4   Questioning of explicit song animated revolutionary (8) AGNOSTIC [T<=]
9   Banks in Gujarat, having run up debts and losses, ultimately die (2,4) GO WEST {Gu..rT} over {OWE}{l...eS}
10 Drug rejected by germ - one essentially of West Asian origin (8) BACTRIAN {BACTeRIA}{oNe}
11 Melting ice-hole's bottom starts to bubble (5,2,3,4) COMES TO THE BOIL*
13 Measure heart's beat (10) CENTIMETRE {CEN{TIME}TRE}
14 Hounds love going around island's burrows (4) DIGS D(-o+i)IGS
16 Book about introduction of bitcoin taking out money in the future (2-2) TO-BE {TO{Bi...n}mE}
18 Tries taste of Punjabi sweet inspired by flowers (10) PROSECUTES {Pu...b}{ROSE{CUTE}S}
21 Converting handcar to truck is a tall order (4,3,2,5) HARD NUT TO CRACK*
23 English prince wearing old relative's swimsuit, say (3-5) ONE-PIECE {E}{P} in {O}{NIECE}
24 Following rest, heading off for carnival (6) FIESTA {F}{sIESTA}
25 Digital screens? (8) TOENAILS [CD]
26 No investment in America these days - time to settle bills of other countries (6) USANCE {USA}{N}{CE}

1   Active section of Chicago Government (2-2) GO-GO [T]
2   Shot on women - four-weekly feature with no natural light (3,4) NEW MOON*
3   Violently emotional, shady lawyer leaves second icharge (8) HYSTERIC {sHYSTER}{IC}
5   Gun-mortar is transported in large car (4,7) GRAN TURISMO*
6   Horse periodically let loose by king's groom (6) OSTLER {hOrSe}{LET*}{R}
7   Run on oil destroyed capital (7) TRIPOLI {TRIP}{OIL*}
8   Clay, possibly, and earth jamming ship after John directs vessel towards waterway (9) CANALISES {ALI}{S{E}S}<=>{CAN}
12 Academic article said to contain lifted quote (11) THEORETICAL {THE}{OR{CITE<=}AL}
13 Brutal film about savagely hurt chief of tribe (3-6) CUT-THROAT {COAT} over {HURT+Tr..e}*
15 Scrambles slightly salted spiced dishes (8) SCURRIES {Sa...d}{CURRIES}
17 People from Mandalay spoil bees with rum (7) BURMESE*
19 After cycling, stayed at home for eats (5,2) TUCKS IN {(-s)TUCK(+s)S}{IN}
20 Pang in area around chest (6) ANGINA [T] &lit
22 Jack left Kelvin inside section of the church (4) NAVE kNAVE

Reference List
Drug = E, Island = I, Money = M, English = E, Prince = P, Old = O, Following = F, No = N, In charge = IC, King = R, Eart = E, Ship = SS, John = CAN, Jack = Knave, Kelvin = K

Thursday, 30 March 2023

No 13826, Thursday 30 Mar 2023, Bruno


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Fits bits of fastener and handheld drill separately to many equal parts (6) FIFTHS {Fa...r} and {Ha...d} in {FITS}
4   A great number in Computer Science have skills (6) CRAFTS {C{RAFT}S}
8   Worker left underwear pile at a school with nightwear (7) ?Y?A?A? (Addendum PYJAMAS {PantY}{JAM}{A}{S} - See comments)
9   Type of coat that is mostly cute elsewhere (7) CUTAWAY {CUTe}{AWAY}
11 12ac struggles to get into special gown for interstellar transport (5,5) SPACE PROBE {CAPE}* in {SP}{ROBE}
12 Headwear comes with essentially green cloak (4) CAPE {CAP}{grEen}
13 Headwear from Togo? (5) TOPEE {TO}{PEE}
14 Humour about silly dope at University getting destroyed (5,3) WIPED OUT {WI{DOPE*}{U}T}
16 Junkie wearing western-type garment (8) TROUSERS {USER} in {SORT<=}
18 Group of Joe six-packs extremely likely to include even racists! (5) LAITY {Li..lY} over {rAcIsTs} Why 'six-packs'?
20 Slick episode featuring fancy headgear (4) KEPI [T]
21 Type of garment from this waste product inundated river (10) SWEATSHIRT {THIS+WASTE}* over {R}
23 Medical examiner cutting edge of hair off - starting to test headgear (7) CORONET {CORONEr}{Test}
24 Stripper's outfit and tax-band? (1-6) G-STRING {GST}{RING}
25 Fabric's oddly drab on facewear (6) DAMASK {DrAb}{MASK}
26 Someone ate nothing clean? (6) NEATEN [T]

1   Purify batter - remove oil in the middle and make breakfast dish (3-2) FRY-UP PURiFY*
2   Spooner's pet door has top cover (4,3) FLAT CAP (~cat flap to flatcap)
3   Deep ache I nurtured for protective wear? (9) HEADPIECE*
5   Ploy to conserve energy is one way to be green (5) REUSE {R{E}USE}
6   LAX's first 2 flights to Northernmost Canada blocked by a police force (7) FLACCID {FLi...s} with {Ca...a} in A}{CID} 
7   Tax to clean dusty apt? Million sunk in! (5,4) STAMP DUTY {DUSTY+APT}* over {M}
10 Seaman's hat or shoe often has urethane at the top with another chemical compound (9) SOUWESTER {ShOe}{Ur...e}{W}{ESTER}
13 Asked to include human resources fee - on review it was triple! (9) THREEFOLD {T{HR}{FEE<=}OLD}
15 Courtesy of politician 50% reduced, less when leader is off, gone finally (9) POLITESSE {POLITician}{lESS}{gonE}
17 Official clothing of International organization's chief mandarin needs to accommodate multiple conditions (7) UNIFORM {UN}{Ma...n} over {IF}{OR}
19 Girl's into money - having been raised after one's become rich (7) INHERIT {HER} in {TIN}{1}<= Not necessarily, one can inherit debts also :-)
21 Corrective instrument for small muscles (5) SPECS {S}{PECS}
22 Argument ending in plain destruction all round (3-2) RUN-IN {RU{p..iN}IN}

Reference List
Computer Science = CS, School = S, Go = PEE, University = U, River = R, Energy = E, Million = M, With = W, Human resource = HR, Money = TIN, Small = S

Wednesday, 29 March 2023

No 13825, Wednesday 29 Mar 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 12D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Game played by Beijing Airport security? (7,8) CHINESE CHECKERS [DD]
10 Minute tear at the edges stops sail flapping in wind (7) MISTRAL {M}{{IS{TeaR}AL*}
11 Secure line to hold uniform in washing (7) LAUNDRY {LA{U}ND}{RY}
12 Finally crack math problem with university's capital (9) KATHMANDU {c..cK}{MATH*}{AND}{U}
14 Cook pasta or light snacks (5) TAPAS*
17 A bit of mushroom in pizza, say - not hot pepper (7) PIMENTO {PI{Mu...m}E}{~ThO} (Correction - {PI{Mu...m}E}{NOT*} - See comments)
19 Quarantine taxis Ola temporarily parks inside (7) ISOLATE [T]
21 Could be a lot closer to a lion's claw! (5) TALON {A+LOT}*{lioN}
23 Separate dirt from trifle (6,3) FILTER OUT {TRIFLE}* [RA]
25 Bottle thrower (7) PITCHER [DD]
27 Start to talk about rings like novel author (7) TOLKIEN {Talk}{O{LIKE*}N}
30 Very small amount of what a scuba diver may want? (1,4,2,3,5) A DROP IN THE OCEAN [DD]

1   Scheme conning average man, basically! (4) SCAM Acrostic &lit
2   Prejudice oddly seen in Brit also (4) BIAS {BrIt+AlSo}
3   Say, gondolier's cheerful supporter, per Spooner (8) FERRYMAN (~merry fan to ferryman)
4   Cook often covering large non-stick surface (6) TEFLON {TEF{L}ON*} Teflon is a trademark name
5   Snack service in India's massage retreat (8) BHELPURI {HELP} in {I}{RUB}<=
6   Sex after a conservative queen becomes free (6) ACQUIT {IT}<=>{A}{C}{QU}
7   Persuade courier to take book for son (4) BEND (-s+b)BEND
8   Cycle right outside parking spot (4) ESPY (-y}ES(+y)Y over {P}
12 Kilometre over a place's gone (5) K?P?T (Addendum - KAPUT {K}{A}{PUT} - See comments)
13 Dog biting master's tongue (5) TAMIL {TA{M}IL}
15 Starting from Paris, the French essentially stop philosopher (5) PLATO {Pa..s}{LA}{sTOp}
16 Writer entering empty set, exhausted (5) SPENT {Se{PEN}T}
18 Cancelled European band's subscription (8) OFFERING {OFF}{E}{RING}
20 Forget to supervise (8) OVERLOOK [DD]
22 Broken mobile phone stores nothing (2,4) NO HOPE {N{O}HOPE*}
24 Cool it! Chill..Have some fruit (6) LITCHI [T]
25 Request and switch sides in game (4) PRAY P(-l+r)RAY
26 Basically tournaments use really fresh grass (4) TURF Acrostic
28 Judgement of advocate initially taken down (4) IDEA (-a)IDE(+a)A
29 Nobody listened to sister (4) NONE (~nun)

Reference List
Minute = M, Line = RY, Uniform = U, University = U, Large = L, India = I, Sex = IT, Conservative = C, Queen = QU, Book = B, Son = S, Parking = P, Kilometer = K, Master = M, The in French = LA, European = E

Tuesday, 28 March 2023

No 13824, Tuesday 28 Mar 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 18D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Hypatia's hot menu is infection resistant (6) IMMUNE {I'M}{MENU*}
9   Spooner's screen appeared showing solitaire, say (4,4) CARD GAME (~guard came to card game)
10 Lad's network blocked by discontented ballad singer (3,5) BOB DYLAN {BO{Ba..aD}Y}{LAN}
11 Avenger's cross protecting a chest (6) THORAX {THOR}{X} over {A}
12 Appeal for "Caught" before Sharma bats taking single (8) CHARISMA {C}{HAR{1}SMA*}
13 Celestial object around a square drifting without energy (6) QUASAR {A+SQUARe}*
14 Felt neglected (4,3) LEFT OUT {FELT}* [RA]
17 Ridicules admitting small time clowns (7) JESTERS {JE{S}{T}ERS}
20 Drive a couple of minutes to visit that woman (6) HAMMER {H{A}{MM}ER}
22 Stop next to a poor house (8) BUNGALOW {BUNG}{A}{LOW}
25 Bikes languished near Sabha's entrance (6) MOPEDS {MOPED}{Sa..a}
26 Opens one-time forgotten Women's Institute after renovation (8) UNTWISTS {WomenS+INStiTUTe}*
27 Film fan behind line for crunchy snack (8) HAZELNUT {HAZE} and {NUT}<=>{L}
28 Basically Vedic Indian sages hailed nearly universal God (6) VISHNU Acrostic

1   Drunkard had very little time before he nursed one drink (8) SMOOTHIE {S{MO}OT}{H{1}E}
2   Crows flying up from bored ruminants (6) MURDER [T<=]
3   Troops with weapons to trade sides in kingdoms (6) REALMS {RE}{A(-r+l)LMS}
4   Disgrace Indian party under scrutiny (7) SCANDAL {DAL}<=>{SCAN}
5   Almost plagiarize quite complex analysis (8) CRITIQUE {CRIb}{QUITE*}
6   Complain after working with soldier climbing up or backward (8) IGNORANT {RANT}<=>{ON}{GI}<=
7   One lamp broken by a horned animal (6) IMPALA {1}{LAMP*}{A}
15 Damaged flat transferred without current unit (8) TAMPERED {Tr...eD} over {AMPERE}
16 Not expected to lose head right away in revolt (8) UPRISING sUrPRISING
18 Supporting Britain's king in settling down (8) R?O?T?N? (Addendum - ROOSTING (-b+r)ROOSTING - See comments)
19 Kidnaps bachelor seen in American channels (7) ABDUCTS {A}{B}{DUCTS}
21 Hooded jacket shared by woman or a kid (6) ANORAK [T]
23 Regularly ignored, in fact, his view's original (6) NATIVE {iN+fAcT+hIs+ViEw}
24 Close to Mahatma, South Africa followed that man for the principle of non-violence (6) AHIMSA {m...mA} and {SA}<=>{HIM}

Reference List
Caught = C, Energy = E, Small = S, Time = T, Minute = M, Line = L, Troops = RE(Royal Engineers)Indian Party = DAL, Right = R, Britian = B, King = R, Bachelor = B, American = A 

Monday, 27 March 2023

No 13823, Monday 27 Mar 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 17A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Rotten article by Conservative spreading silly pipe dream (6,2,5) FLIGHT OF FANCY {OFF}{AN}{C} in {FLIGHTY}
8   Girl enthralled by wine, going topless in expensive bar (5) INGOT {pIN{G}OT}
9   Basic reason versatile actor accepts ordinary role (4,5) ROOT CAUSE {RO{O}TCA*}{USE}
11 Vociferous supporter of strike in plant (3-7) TUB-THUMPER {TUB{THUMP}ER}
12 Resign in disgrace, devastated (4) CEDE [T]
14 One helping climbers instructed to protect old man coming back (7) TOEHOLD {TOLD} over {O}{HE<=}
16 Writes novel inside, taking time (7) INDITES {INDI{T}ES*}
17 Entering incorrect number leaves number that is not a fraction (7) I?T?G?R (Addendum - INTEGER {EnTERING}* - See comments)
19 Face of beauty captivates single male (7) GRIMACE {GR{1}{M}ACE}
21 Parrot going around small recess in church (4) APSE {AP{S}E}
22 Frantically appeals to save mother getting lump in the throat (5,5) ADAMS APPLE {A{DAM}SAPPLE*}
25 Rescued from deep river precariously (9) REPRIEVED*
26 Woman in Swiss town kills husband finally and confesses (5) AVOWS {dAVO{W}S}
27 Exorbitant, astonishing resale involving champion racehorse (13) STEEPLECHASER {STEEP}{LE{CH}ASER*}

2   Member wanting book, good book that's easy to read (7) LEGIBLE {LEG}{bIBLE}
3   Pass by ghetto, largely demolished by bully (3,7) GET THROUGH {GHETTo}*{ROUGH}
4   Beginning to titter with hard liquor giving buzz (5) THRUM {Ti...r}{H}{RUM}
5   Well, drug cartel's thriving (9) FLOWERING {FLOW}{E}{RING}
6   Car crashed on top of Howrah bridge (4) ARCH {CAR*}{Ho...h}
7   Most obscene film about heartless demagogue (7) CRUDEST {CRU{De...gE}ST}
8   Where climber ascending Mt Everest has gone without a trace (4,4,3) INTO THIN AIR [C&DD]
10 Perfectly matched girl and boy in Netherlands on vacation (4-7) EVEN-STEVENS {EVE}{Ne...{STEVEN}...dS}
13 Dad is cooking a sponge cake in African capital (5,5) ADDIS ABABA {DAD+IS}*{A}{BABA}
15 Reckless lad grieved about losing girl (9) DAREDEVIL {LAD+gRIEVED}*
18 Drunkard turning drunk, starting to smoke cannabis (7) TOSSPOT {SOT<=}{Sm..e}{POT}
20 Like a very quiet stroll (7) APPROVE {A}{PP}{ROVE}
23 Doctor crushed by suicide, most upset (5) MEDIC [T<=]
24 Ultimately, road rage is disastrous (4) DIRE {roaD}{IRE}

Reference List
Conservative = C, Girl = G, Ordinary = O, Old = O, Time = T, Number = N, Male = M, Small = S, Mother = DAM, Woman = W, Champion = CH, Book = B, Hard = H, Well = FLOW, Drug = E, Sponge cake = BABA, Girl = G, Quiet = P

Sunday, 26 March 2023

Special, Sunday 26 Mar 2023, Ajji

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Ajji
Squares filled: 0/158
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Ajji & THCC

1Endorse idea born of rethinking (6,7)
9Discard C – XIV (6,3)
10Girl mostly at party to bungle (5)
11Birds found in bigger nests (5)
12Leftist landlord is special (3-6)
13Leaders of Executive Committee shouted endlessly about the termination of secretion of sweat glands (7)
15Endure most unusual endless pain (7)
16Meddle around first record and become a recreational hiker (7)
19Look back furtively, hesitate and start speaking for the caretakers of things (7)
21Model in warmed environment paused in indecision (9)
22Husband with Japanese unit of currency and a laughing mammal (5)
23International peacemakers at home without love, bring about marriage (5)
24Mostly this short road with rat excrement to start with has poor quality (5,4)
25Lift last burden after the occurrence in silence, for ecstasy (7,6)

2Cover the popular tailless spirit with extreme care initially for selective breeding (7)
3Promises to get breakfast cereals around Southend (5)
4Merit the backing of journalist and wait at a restaurant (7)
5Phosphorus oxides, young replacing old, give cylindrical boxes with separable lids (7)
6Topmost anaesthetic unit (6,3)
7Very big group with artist for food (7)
8Press university to enter for the state (6,6)
9Team journey around hour after hour making it almost last minute (8,4)
14I’m with small changes around to back inadequacy (9)
17Shed by outbreak of scabies (7)
18Roars initially at three times the knocking sound on the door (3-1-3)
19Sikh dad, upset at the ancient Jewish prayer (7)
20Bring cheer with first woman almost getting in, to lift (7)
22Dry hay messed up, losing right to find the water snake (5)


The Sunday Crossword No 3247, Sunday 26 Mar 2023

1   Once again, sketches vermillion vessels? (8) REDRAFTS {RED}{RAFTS}
5   Needing no introduction, criticises remains (5) ASHES bASHES
9   Poet's socially acceptable, did you say? (5) DONNE (~ done)
10 Primarily sparse and neat style, spurning excess rococo in fonts? (4,5) SANS SERIF Acrostic &lit
11 Pasta in Colombian ware needing preparation (5,8) ELBOW MACARONI*
13 Verdant meadow frantically evacuated (5) LEAFY {LEA}{Fr...lY}
14 Pretentious type recalled the writer's name: old George Eliot? (9) PSEUDONYM {PSEUD<=} and {MY}{N}{O}<=  Definition by example
15 Soaks took a stool, perhaps getting university prices (9) SATURATES {SAT}{U}{RATES}
17 What might be represented as 'Anticipating bits of my advice, do good'? (5) DOGMA {My}{Ad...e}<=>{DO}{G} Semi&lit
18 Entertaining soldiers, comically take up arms in recreational venue (9,4) AMUSEMENT PARK {MEN} in {TAKE+UP+ARMS}*
21 Pursue Ms. Beauregarde with scentless flower (3,6) DOG VIOLET {DOG}{VIOLET}
22 Keen-eyed one seeing golfer's achievement (5) EAGLE [DD]
23 Detective given largely small piece of food (5) MORSE MORSEl
24 Reconstituted rat's skin and tongue (8) SANSKRIT*

1   Lacking direction, run like a bull? (10) RUDDERLESS {R}{UDDERLESS}
2   'Stay in touch, fellow tense and savage forest warden' (4,2,1,8)  DONT BE A STRANGER  {DON}{T}{BEAST}{RANGER}
3   Consumed a fish supper, maybe without a fork in the end (3,4) ATE AWAY {A}{TakEAWAY}
4   Engineer making contribution to Mariotte's law (5) TESLA [T]
5   To scuttle away is part of crabs' conditioning (7) ABSCOND [T]
6   Disrupting genre, arming hero, one with magical powers (8,7)  HERMIONE GRANGER*
7   On foot, very quietly (4) SOFT {FT}<=>{SO}
8   Those who move furtively in sportswear (8) SNEAKERS [DD]
12 Emma, Ben and Kelvin rebuilt National Trust mound (10) EMBANKMENT {EMMA+BEN+K}*{NT}
14 Parrot made to swallow tablet regularly, showing sign of overeating (3,5) POT BELLY {PO{TaBlEt}LLY}
16 Pedestrian comic's act (7) ROUTINE [DD]
17 Everyman, ultimately terrified, rises before the Royal Society in quaking fits (7) DITHERS {I}{t...eD}<={THE}{R}{S}
19 Run for one in the crowd? (5) EXTRA [DD]
20 First man's Australian, flipping furious (4) ADAM {A}{MAD<=}

Reference List
Meadow = LEA, University = U, Good = G, Run = R, Tense = T, Very = SO, Kelvin = K, National Trust = NT, Royal = R, Society = S, Australian = A

Saturday, 25 March 2023

No 13822, Saturday 25 Mar 2023, Dr. X

1   Give fruit salad right away to refugee (8) FUGITIVE {GIVE+FrUIT}*
5   Billion accepted in banknotes for castle in N. African town (6) CASBAH {CAS{B}{A}H} Accepted/A? It's there in Chambers dictionary
10 Time to accumulate runs with bit of ease in match (5) AGREE {AG{R}E}{Ease}
11 Emission percentage cut by revolutionary contribution (9) RADIATION {RA{AID<=}TION}
12 Cackling back, gigantic creature grabs raptor's head (9) GIBBERING {BIG<=}{BE{Ra...r}ING}
13 What baby wears to sleep extremely peacefully? (5) NAPPY {NAP}{Pe...lY}
14 Shudder as criminal finally enters court (6) BLENCH {B{c...aL}ENCH}
15 Old boy starting to turn impolite and impose in an unwelcome way (7) OBTRUDE {OB}{Turn}{RUDE}
18 Fantastic bistro alongside lake in English city (7) BRISTOL {BISTRO*}{L}
20 Owing money, one criminal returns to smuggle heroin at Cambodia (2,4) IN HOCK {1}{CO{H}N<=}{K}
22 Right after sacrificing rook, captures queen resulting in mate (5) EQUAL {rE{QU}AL}
24 Composed a nice tune, say (9) ENUNCIATE*
25 I hear vicar went berserk, scoring ecstasy in noisy mock serenade (9) CHARIVARI {I+HeAR+VICAR}*
26 Yellowish-green colour, a little garish for large pointed arch (5) OGIVE O(-l+g)GIVE
27 Sledge, insult endlessly to crush England's opener (6) SLEIGH {SL{En...d}IGHt}
28 Revelations by meek gal as rogue wants money (8) LEAKAGES {mEEK+GAL+AS}*

 Fine footpath having good raised edge (6) FLANGE {F}{LAN{G}E}
2   Briefly return to pick up racy loose blouse (9) GARIBALDI {GA{RIBALD}In}
3   It's impossible to know with certainty as raconteur is absent? (6,2,7) THERES NO TELLING [C&DD]
4   Leave rupees inside coat (7) VARNISH {VA{R}NISH}
6   Acting with haste, hit and bolt as fast as possible (7,3,5) AGAINST THE CLOCK {ACTING+HASTE}*{LOCK} 
7   Airship starting to malfunction in unforeseen irregularity (5) BLIMP {BLI{Ma...n}P}
8   Sharpen tip of dagger to pierce tree for sugary secretion (8) HONEYDEW {HONE}{Y{Da...r}EW}
9   A cheat ensnaring American girl on island slowly (6) ADAGIO {A}{D{A}{G}{I}O}
16 Applying packs, treat acne that's persistent (9) UNCEASING {U{ACNE*}SING}
17 Releases repressed emotions in seedy cabarets (8) ABREACTS*
19 Lodge has small revolting room (6) LEEWAY {L{WEE<=}AY}
20 One maniac at store kills fellow - pointless (7) INUTILE {1}{NUT}{fILE}
21 Warns comrade tersely to hide (6) DETERS [T]
23 University teacher's rule (5) USAGE {U}{SAGE}

Reference List
Right = R, Billion = B, Accepted = A, Runs = R, Old boy = OB, Lake = L, Herion = H, Cambodia = K(Kampuchea), Rook = R, Queen = QU, Ecstasy = E, Large = L, Money = M, Fine = F, Good = G, RACY = RIBALD,  Rupees = R, Cheat = DO, American = A, Girl = G, Fellow = F, University = U

Friday, 24 March 2023

No 13821, Friday 24 Mar 23, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Atones with a sorry note in correct way of achieving objective (1,5,2,2,3) A MEANS TO AN END {ATONES+A}*{N} in {AMEND}
8   Revised topic relating to vision (5) OPTIC*
9   Alcoholic drinks limiting stern criminal's vigilance (9) ALERTNESS {ALE{STERN*}S}
11 Miserly person's hoard in fancy casket (10) CHEAPSKATE {C{HEAP}SKATE*}
12 Run away with female for good fun (4) FLEE (-g+f)FLEE
14 Retired couple touring Thailand fight in public (7) OUTWARD {DUO<=} over {T}{WAR}
16 Annulet in fairgroundelegant (7) ROUNDEL [T]
17 Director does nothing about primarily dirty swindles (7) DIDDLES {D}{ID{Di..y}LES}
19 Put off by American president in broadcast (7) SUSPEND {S{US}{P}END}
21 Impresario wants to tour American state (4) IOWA [T]
22 Boldness of couple of criminals concealing identity (10) CONFIDENCE {CON}{F{ID}ENCE}
25 Apply a lotion and cream to be cured (9) EMBROCATE {CREAM+TO+BE}*
26 Where one might see studs from east involved in flings (5) LOBES {LOB{E}S}
27 How a person with concussion might be conceited (7-6) SWOLLEN-HEADED [DD]

2   Couple beginning to snuggle inside rug, getting most intimate (7) MATIEST {MA{TIE}{Sn...e}T}
3   Reasonable move after champion captures c-pawn (10) ACCEPTABLE {TABLE}<=>{AC{C}E}{P}
4   Spank groom's butt in bed (5) SMACK {S{g..oM}ACK} 
5   Obvious ruse perhaps in opening moves (9) OVERTURES {OVERT}{RUSE*}
6   Wild model picked up by star in retreat (4) NUTS {S{T}UN<=}
7   Wanted to protect student getting harassed (7) NEEDLED {NEED{L}ED}
8   Individual consuming cocaine at noisy inn turned ecstatic (2,5,4) ON CLOUD NINE {ON{C}{LOUD}{INN*}E}
10 Large snakes chasing domestic animals around climbing frames (11) STEPLADDERS {L}{ADDERS}<=>{PETS<=}
13 Miserable and sick, tucking into most impudent woman's Mexican dish (10) QUESADILLA {SAD}{ILL} in {QUEAn}
15 Isolated perhaps to contain primarily contagious strain (9) DISLOCATE {DISLO{Co...s}ATE*}
18 Complete expression of wonder, taking in new boy's violin stroke (7) DOWNBOW {DO}{W{N}{B}OW}
20 Been long, desperately wants good raise (7) ENNOBLE {BEEN+LONg}*
23 Fine woman upset about son becoming impudent (5) FRESH {F}{H{S}ER<=}
24 Unflustered, talk amorously with lady (4) COOL {COO}{L}

Reference List
Note = N, Female = F, Good = G, Thailand = T, Directoer = D, President = P, Criminals = CON, FENCE, Identity = ID, East = E, Pawn = P, Model = T, Student = L, Cocaine = C, Large = L, New = N, Boy = B, Good = G, Fine = F, Son = S, Lady = L

Thursday, 23 March 2023

No 13820, Thursday 23 Mar 23, Dr. X

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Collection of valuable objects in safe stolen by party on cruise (8,5) TREASURE TROVE {TREA{SURE}T}{ROVE}
8   Cocaine for prince, daily affair (5) CAPER (-p+c)CAPER
9   Early type of human cultivated mango and corn (3-6) CRO-MAGNON {MANGO+CORN}*
11 Spectacle shot on phone enthrals fellows (10) PHENOMENON {ON+PHONE}* over {MEN}
12 Long back massage at end of marathon (4) BURN {RUB<=}{m...oN}
14 Paid the bill in bar, rose to have lunch (7) TREATED {T}{R{EAT}ED}
16 See India's opener playing in game (7) IMAGINE {In..a}{IN+GAME}*
17 Forces poor boy (5,2) LEANS ON {LEAN}{SON}
19 Fellow provided backing in turnaround of transport business (7) TRAFFIC {F}{IF<=} in {CART<=}
21 Quality of chateau, ramshackle (4) AURA [T]
22 Student involved in vile crime, desperate for food (10) VERMICELLI {L} in {VILE+CRIME}*
25 Anxiously name voyeurs roaming outside entrance to loo (9) NERVOUSLY {N}{ERVOUS{Loo}Y*}
26 Capture one maniac abducting president (5) INPUT {1}{N{P}UT}
27 What teacher might do at end of class to win everything (5,3,5) SWEEP THE BOARD [DD]

2   Charged peer, intoxicated without permit (7) REPLETE {REP{LET}E*}
3   Neerja for one is a hero, shot protecting travellers primarily with extreme selflessness (3,7) AIR HOSTESS {IS+A+HERO}* over {Tr...s} and {Se...eS} Semi&lit
4   Relative is hazy after finishing off a bit of rum (5) UNCLE UNCLEar
5   Financial expert in old film pursuing English criminal (9) ECONOMIST {O}{MIST}<=>{E}{CON}
6   Most eager to study (4) READ READy
7   Invert jars over U-tube (7) VENTURI {VENT{U}RI*}
8   Profit from information about a poor gal abducted by murderer (7,4) CAPITAL GAIN {TIP<=}{A}{GAL*} in {CAIN}
10 Nobody accepting director's screenplay - it's uninteresting (11) NONDESCRIPT {NON{D}E}{SCRIPT}
13 Monarch is tottering after drinking a liqueur (10) MARASCHINO {MONARCH+IS}* over {A}
15 Hotel in desert arranged table service (6,3) DINNER SET {D{INN}ERSET*}
18 Flight personnel in terrible war crime killing many (7) AIRCREW {WAR+CRImE}*
20 Rock-forming mineral with iron on large box (7) FELSPAR {FE}{L}{SPAR}
23 Loud noise from the south across yard, a little eerie perhaps (5) M?Y?E (Addendum MAYBE {B{Y}AM<=}{Ee..e} -  See comments)
24 Miss in topless bar (4) LOSE cLOSE

Reference List
Cocaine = C, Prince = P, Bar = T, Rose = RED, Fellow = F, Student = L, Name = N, President = P, Old = O, English = E, Criminal = CON, Murdere = CAIN,  Director = D, Many = M, Large = L, Box = SPAR, Yard = Y

Wednesday, 22 March 2023

No 13819, Wednesday 22 Mar 2023, Afterdark



Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 1A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Civil engineer with guards surround (from the rear) a morally corrupt place (8) C?S?P?O? (Addendum - CESSPOOL {CE}{SS}{LOOP<=} - See comments)
5   Move through the text in parchment (6) SCROLL [DD]
10 Student's expressive? Not very, limited (5) LOCAL {L}{vOCAL}
11 Dinosaur dug an onion (not new) hurriedly (9) IGUANODON {DUG+AN+ONIOn}*
12 Headgear of graduate's hundred thousand at an American city and state (9) BALACLAVA {BA}and {CL}{A} in {LA}{VA} (Addendum - {BA}{LAC}{LA}{VA} - See comments)
13 Covered by Andre runner gets broadcast again (5) RERUN [T]
14 A Marathi lady reached China to join international martial arts (3,3) TAI CHI {TAI}{CH}{I}
15 Hapless counsellor has no cue on deodorants, say (4-3) ROLL-ONS {cOuNSeLLER}*
18 Old coin given by provident fund employee primarily to procure new gin cocktail (7) PFENNIG {PF}{Em...e}{N}{GIN*}
20 Respect to one German in flat, say (6) HOMAGE {HOM{A}{G}E}
22 Correct old law (5) EXACT {EX}{ACT}
24 It's neuron? Not exactly, some other particles (9) NEUTRINOS*
25 Portions of brain has a cell developed to absorb fresh beer (9) CEREBELLA {A+CELL}* over {BEER}*
26 Group of singers at Switzerland return to port city (5) CHOIR {CH}{RIO<=}
27 Sailor to procure object (6) TARGET {TAR}{GET}
28 Perhaps light at a laboratory entrance shows it's related to newborns (8) NEONATAL {NEON}{AT}{A}{La...y}

1   Stars' celebrations without provisions (6) CELEBS CELEBrationS
2   Bored? Go off (4,5) SICK LEAVE {SICK}{LEAVE}
3   Cop's endless rules, primarily expected to keep criminals list (6,9) POLICE CONSTABLE {POLICy}{Ex...d}{CONS}{TABLE}
4   Paperwork on migration to leave Thailand navy to be redone (7) ORIGAMI MIGRAtIOn*
6   Cuba airmen learn act amended by Mexican, perhaps (7,8) CENTRAL AMERICAN {C}{AIRMEN+LEARN+ACT}*
7   Direction class (5) ORDER [DD]
8   Lady, one with cape is in seclusion (8) LONENESS {L}{ONE}{NESS}
9   Gold set for babysitter (2,4) AU PAIR {AU}{PAIR}
16 Paper frequently left in front part of the church (5,4) ORGAN LOFT {ORGAN}{OFT}<=>{L}
17 A blow for meal, leader left to shave (8) UPPERCUT {sUPPER}{CUT}
19 67% of males are kind (6) GENTLE GENTLEmen
20 Gain time for transportation (7) HAULAGE {HAUL}{AGE}
21 Somewhat last rally was associated to the stars (6) ASTRAL [T]
23 Atmosphere at Ecuador outskirts could be drier (5) AIRER {AIR}{Ec...oR}

Reference List
Civil engineer = CE. Guards = SS, Very = V, New = N, Marathi lady = TAI, China = CH, International = I, Provident fund = PF, German = G, Switzerland = CH, Sailor = TAR, Criminals = CONS, Thailand = T, Navy = N, Cuba = C, Lady = L, Cape = NESS, Left = L