Sunday, 31 December 2023

Special, Sunday 31 Dec 2023, IXL 2023 Prelim 1, Gussalufz

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



By Gussalufz
Squares filled: 0/164
Exolve Print Notes Jotter Ⓒ Gussalufz IXL THCC

1Show how to get treated as VIPs (4,3)
5Feast to prohibit one's pursuit: no seconds! (7)
9Charge implicates royal partners — they may provoke reactions (9)
10Quietly sit around endlessly at a mall (5)
11Sweet rolled and wrapped in oily rag, usually (6)
12Naked desi wearing tattered lungi's not a good look (8)
14Infection fighter's life-story in brief, on board blighted Titanic (10)
15Fine clamped by judge ("ecstasy, crack") (4)
18Chances of spots where bhang can be found in Bahrain, eg.? (4)
19Thick-skinned creatures, dark at heart, angry, evil, and huge (10)
21Has not been engaged regularly, they feel (8)
23Free time for peacekeepers to explore (6)
26Oil producer: "Oil production's extremely valuable" (5)
27Rank of, say, America, trailing a part of the world, abruptly (9)
28Piece posted—about girl setter (7)
29Sharpen pen's bluntness (7)

1Wife strikes, ends shooting (5)
2Bound (o boy!) to get sued, losing it (9)
3Cabinet reworked border after limitless struggle (8)
4Outstanding ring! Got married? (4)
5Instrument you mentioned is in broken sitar's bag (4,6)
6Reflecting after family's fifth member pops out, plan family with this protective cover (6)
7Various agencies providing employment (5)
8Moves country using only a few words, according to Spooner (9)
13Matches astonishingly rotten man, swipes (disgusted, essentially) (10)
14Unusual loo—am extraordinarily enthralled by waste outlet (9)
16A couple of lightweights—boring, plain, clueless (9)
17After mixing gin, try one drop—Y/N? (8)
20A former lover cried out for extension (6)
22Fine, good stuff (5)
24Passionate, revolutionary youth is brutal every now and then (5)
25Cunning principal (4)


The Sunday Crossword No 3287, Sunday 31 Dec 2023

1   Crazy fool had the quinoa? (6,4) HEALTH FOOD*
6   An additional additional note, as may be found on your phone (4) APPS {A}{PPS} 
9   Often visits and scorns (10) PATRONISES [DD]
10 Protest when flipping Everyman welcomed into party (4) DEMO {D{ME<=}O}
11 Acquired, or was able to acquire, bread? (6,1,5) EARNED A CRUST [C&DD] 
15 Lights a fire under section of concert orchestra (7) TORCHES [T]
16 Indonesian island adopting English language (7) BENGALI {B{ENG}ALI}
17 Conclude with refusal: hell! (7) INFERNO {INFER}{NO}
19 Distressing figure in Old Testament? (7) DELILAH [CD]
20 Sat idly; doctor had urged test (8,4) GATHERED DUST*
23 Exiled loser Bonaparte's abode, primarily? (4) ELBA Acrostic &lit
24 Breaching front, head of infantry landed; at ease (10) FACILITATE {FAC{In...y}{LIT}{AT}E}
25 Beating a retreat, run into swarm (4) TEEM<=
26 Ask her out, possibly to take in a little open country (5,5) SOUTH KOREA* {ASK+HER+OUT}* over {Open}

1   Perhaps displays impatience, for beer's essential (4) HOPS [DD]
2   Performs part of New Testament (4) ACTS [DD]
3   Recklessly, rather soon, Jack's accepted problematic gift (6,5) TROJAN HORSE {RATHER+SOON}* over {J}
4   Pals seen as weekend begins? (7) FRIENDS {FRI(day) ENDS}
5   Add one's voice again, almost too late – bravo! (7) OVERDUB {OVERDUe}{B}
7   I take it before supper to begin with? Um, very well (10) PRESUMABLY {PRE}{Su...r}{UM}{ABLY}
8   Summer garb, close-fitting, topless: vision, but not perfect (5,5) SHORT SIGHT {SHORTS}{tIGHT}
12 Nick castled unwisely, cause of abrupt end in board game (11) CANDLESTICK
13 Rough grittiness, displaying most fibre (10) STRINGIEST*
14 Rewarding academic, second 'character' from High Table (10) PROFITABLE {PROF}{hIgh}{TABLE}
18 Lear's daughter, stuck between ducks, leaves (7) OREGANO {O}{REGAN}{O}
19 Unconventional artist painted a daïs turquoise in parts (7) DADAIST [T]
21 Couple, trim (we're told) (4) PAIR (~pare}
22 Regularly – often – tea is cheese (4) FETA {oFtEn+TeA}

Reference List
Jack = J, Bravo = B,

Saturday, 30 December 2023

No 14059, Saturday 30 Dec 2023, Vidwan

1   Small and neat drinks, 500 left (6) TIDDLY {TID{D}{L}Y}
5   Unearth fragment of T.Rex humerus (6) EXHUME [T]
10 Senselessly Annie danced and lay exhausted (7) INANELY {ANNIE}*{LaY}
11 Leader of Maldives is more modest, less hard and one who speaks softy but not clearly (7) MUMBLER {Ma...s}{hUMBLER}
12 Had returned with half exposed blossom (6) DAHLIA {HAD<=}{LIAble}
15 Champion's one in operating 'gear' on the ground (6) HEROIN {HERO}{O{1}N} There's an extra O in the fodder
16 Pet's frolicking around one with the tag (7) EPITHET {EP{1}{THE}T*}
17 Work's gone! Rent's gone! (4) DEED {DEED+RENT}* = TENDERED Not sure of anno (Correction - DE{LET}ED} - See comments)
18 Where a sea bears calmness? (4) EASE [T]
19 Arab legend partly developed this subject (7) ALGEBRA {ARAB+LEGend}*
20 Dead decay right away, turning into earth (4) DUST {D}{rUST}
22 Supplies a right girl (4) ARMS {A}{R}{MS}
25 Immortal eagles flying around edge of skies (7) AGELESS {EAGLES}*{Sk..s}
27 Cross those left inside borders of Germany (6) GRUMPY RUMP in {Ge...nY} 
28 Tremble! Run! He is very evil! (6) SHIVER {R+HE+IS+V}*
31 Last part of sex! Tremendous! (7) EXTREME [T]
32 First woman priest, also part seer (7) PANDORA {P}{AND}{ORAcle}
33 A to Z and basics of English language baffling a fundamentalist (6) ZEALOT {A+TO+Z+En...h+La...e}*
34 Bird like crow or raven basically with very primitive subconsciousness (6) CORVID {Crow}{Or}{Ra..n}{V}{ID}

2   Oh! Naive nomadic Knight! (7) IVANHOE*
3   Occasionally we help in long 3-D movie (6) DEEPIE {D{wE+hElP}IE}
4   Toy timelessly, repeatedly bounces back (2-2) YO-YO {tOY}{tOY}<= &lit
5   A meme mostly about a novel (4) EMMA {A+MEMe}*
6   Essentially the charm, you reportedly pulled out for a troubled prince (6) HAMLET {tHe}{AMuLET}
7   State of fungi eggs (7) MOLDOVA {MOLD}{OVA}
8   Decorated soldier piloted over Germany (6) GILDED {GI}{L{D}ED}
9   Lord's claw almost clasps Herod's heart (6) PRINCE {P{heRod}INCEr}
13 A swimming pool guy's vacuous defence (7) APOLOGY {A}{POOL*}{GuY}
14 Moor's suffering inside, too badly! (7) OTHELLO {OT{HELL}O*}
15 She is partly sure about being a beneficiary (7) HEIRESS {SHE+IS+suRE}*
20 New grid includes for example retrogressive word of miner (6) DIGGER {DIG{EG<=}R*}
21 Run and ruin (7) SCUTTLE [DD]
23 Partly enchanted by oil in a pickle and pasta (7) RAVIOLI {RAVIshed}{OIL*} 
24 Band set to rule Europe and Korea initially (6) STREAK Acrostic
25 A soft plea, perhaps (6) APPEAL {A}{P}{PEAL*} &lit
26 Mackerel or some fish in Erie (6) SHINER [T]
29 Good kind of doctor and a refined man (4) GENT {G}{ENT}
30 Unending piece about Odyssey, say (4) EPIC PIECe*

Reference List
500 = D, Left = L, Hard = H, Right = R, Run = R, Very = V, Priest = P, Germany = D, Soft = P, Good = G

Friday, 29 December 2023

No 14058, Friday 29 Dec 2023, Karaoke

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Any time in resort spa at leisure (3,1,8) ITS A PLEASURE*
9   Caracas, not as another capital (5) ACCRA CARACas*
10 Converts by gender reassignment, head to toe (9) EXCHANGES {(-s)EX CHANGE(+s)S}
11 Once got well, doctor discharged (7) EXHALED {EX}{HALE}{D}
12 Life-threatening seizures, not unknown, come out again (7) REISSUE SEIzURES*
13 Undecided voters up for sale accepting thousand initially (8) FLOATERS {FOR+SALE}* over {Th...d}
14 Schoolgirls heartily return home, that is cool (5) IGLOO [T<=]
18 Vague ideas of actors are heard by spectators but others turn a deaf ear (5) ASIDE
20 Signal for beer, right? (3,5) RED ALERT {RED ALE}{RT}
24 Recycling garbage results in losses by evaporation (7) ULLAGES (-s)ULLAGE(+s)S
26 Russel performed badly scoring nothing at first (7) RUNLESS {RU{No...g}LESS*} Semi&lit
27 They catch fresh, rare talents [ignoring amateur] outside (5-4) TRAWL-NETS{RAW} in {TaLENTS}*
28 Occasional ostentation, maybe scrap (3-2) SET-TO {oStEnTaTiOn}
29 Side-by-side taprooms - They give swinging experience (8,4) PARALLEL BARS {PARALLEL}{BARS}

1   Conspiring with someone, criminal Cain shot enviously at heart (2,7) IN CAHOOTS {CAIN+SHOT+e..iOu..y}*
2   Actress pushed model down in a sudden involuntary movement (7) STARLET STAR(-t)LE(+t)T
3   They are called to the bar by main party bosses (8) PLEADERS {Pa..y}{LEADERS}
4   Impressed audience cry madly "Once again" (6) ENCORE {ONCE*}{RE} Semi&lit
5   Spending energy, hunting for a pirate chief (3,4) SEA KING {SE(-e+a)AKING}
6   Dams destroyed bar in storms (5) RAGES barRAGES
7   Remove clothes and send-up (4-3) TAKE-OFF [DD]
8   Something of value, like I see it regularly (5) ASSET {AS}{i+SeE+iT}
15 Not many leave South and settle around dishes (9) OMELETTES {sOME}{SETTLE*}
16 Agent brings back master with regular ally for a counter-attack (8) REPRISAL {REP}{SIR<=}{AlLy}
17 Expulsion sound from inside that is hooted partly (7) ATISHOO [T]
19 Bloodsucker in shady deal involving old goodfellow (3,4) DOG FLEA {D{O}{G}{F}LEA*}
21 A disturbed man is consuming drug for disease (7) AMNESIA {A}{MAN+IS}* over {E}
22 Primarily titled undergraduates formerly tried some witches' brooms (5) TUFTS Acrostic
23 Adult sea creature takes time practising "Going for a song!" (1-5) A-STEAL {A}{S{T}EAL}
25 Climber requires a spike to scale (5) LIANA {A}{NAIL}<=

Reference List
Once = EX, Doctor = D, Unknown = Z, Amateur = A, Model = T, Again = RE, Energy = E, Old = O, Good = G, Fellow = F, Drug = E, Adult = A, Time = T

Thursday, 28 December 2023

No 14057, Thursday 28 Dec 2023, Gussalufz

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Revolutionary AI extended limits of aluminium plant (8) MAGNOLIA {AI}{LONG}{Al...uM}<=
5   Old city evacuated after old dictator's foolishness (6) IDIOCY {O}{CitY}<=>{IDI}
9   Drop a query, admitting: "This is less clear" (7) OPAQUER [T]
10 Useless, collaring a husband in two different places to create understanding (7) EMPATHY {EMP{A}T{H}Y}
11 Dance of deer scratching backside (5) SAMBA SAMBAr
12 Shiny unopened bag with trash (8) AGLITTER {bAG}{LITTER}
13 Chicken Zafran side, no frills (6) AFRAID {zAFRAn}{sIDe}
14 Lose footing after wearing sari and this is where you might land (8) AIRSTRIP {TRIP}<=>{SARI*}
18 Power player (8) EXPONENT [DD]
20 Extremely playful leisure suit (6) ?L?ASE (Addendum - PLEASE - {Pl...uL}{EASE} - See comments)
23 Frequently reject ethics (and face the complaint) (8) HEADACHE {EtHiCs+AnD+fAcE+tHe}<=
25 Saw repellent characters engaged in plot to murder (5) MOTTO [T<=]
27 Rocky appearance of our cop — unkempt, holding a joint (7) OUTCROP {OUR+COP}* over {T}
28 Bush hastily read mission's retrospective (7) SKIMMIA {SKIM}{AIM<=}
29 Young man gets embarrassed about flaw in tights (6) LADDER {LAD}{RED<=}
30 One responsible for colonial deaths hiding in Indian tea territory (8) ANTEATER [T]

1   Satellite's appearance in space misinterpreted by hollow halfwit (9) MOONSCAPE {SPACE}*<=>{MOrON}
2   Upset mama, during angry outburst: "These rules got broke here!" (7) GRAMMAR {MAMA}* in {GRR}
3   With head covered, people quietly going for very personal monthly event (9) OVULATION {pO(-p+v)VULATION}
4   Heard hotel took boat advance (6) INROAD {(~ inn rowed)INROAD}
6   Hide potentially revealing arsenal (5) DEPOT [T]
7   So, just regularly swear, blowing top, to enjoy longer life (7) OUTWEAR {sO+jUsT}{sWEAR}
8   A term in a financial statement with a zero that goes up and down (2-2) YO-YO [DD] (Addendum - {YOY}{O} - See comments)
10 Sweet cereal on the counter overwhelms the French (6) ECLAIR {RICE<=} over {LA}
15 Celebrate mass drinking lemon cocktail (9) SOLEMNIZE {S{LEMON*}IZE}
16 Ancient beast in ancient city destroyed seaport to the north (9) PTEROSAUR {UR}<=>{SEAPORT*}
17 Fungus in wolves making a comeback (3-3) INK-CAP {IN}{PACK<=}
19 Gathered and arranged food, drinks, drugs (7) PLEATED {PL{E}ATED}
21 Experiment with a time to seduce (7) ATTEMPT {A}{T}{TEMPT}
22 Upturned facial features describing a temper (6) SEASON {NOS{A}ES<=}
24 Grave-burying song, ultimately (5) DIRGE {DIR{sonG}E} &lit
26 Judge given bird? Some cheek! (4) JOWL {J}{OWL}

Reference List
Old = O, Husband = H, Joint = T, Quietly = P, Very = V, The in French = LA, Drugs = E, Time = T, Judge = J

Wednesday, 27 December 2023

No 14056, Wednesday 27 Dec 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Save clipping right away (6) EXCEPT EXCErPT
4   In my opinion, a sibling relationship hinges around love, ultimately (2,1,3,2) AS I SEE IT {A}{SIS}{TI{lovE}E<=}
9   Felt negative about securing tender (6) GENTLE [T<=]
10 Burned out, overwhelmed by study class (8) TUTORIAL {T{OUT*}RIAL}
11 Perhaps rebellious groups - artists taking on the Establishment? (3-11) PRE-RAPHAELITES {PERHAPS}* over {RA} and {ELITE} &lit Not sure of anno See comments
13 Printing technique using creels treated with inks (10) SILKSCREEN {CREELS+INKS}*
14 Set of three display cycles (4) TRIO (+t)RIO(-t)
16 Impress and others start to honour (4) ETCH {ETC}{Ho...r}
18 Method adopted by partner crossing hill before finish of car race (5,5) MOTOR RALLY {MO}{TOR}{ALLY} (Addendum - {MO}{TOR}{caR}{ALLY} - See comments) 
21 Lowly deal for me, broadcasting this game (6-2-6) FOLLOW-MY-LEADER 'Isn't it Follow the leader' ? See comments
23 Local face of Opposition heralding change in Washington is above suspicion (8) INNOCENT {INN}{Op...n}{CENT}
24 Fish-like salamander's head dropped in the manner of a woodpecker (6) PICINE PIsCINE
25 Large grenade, when activated blew up Grenade, when activated outside entrance to library, blew up (8) ENLARGED {GRENADE}* over {Li...y} See comments
26 Set my clue for "College or gymnasium" (6) LYCEUM*

1   Emotionally intense, nerdy guys regularly let out (4) EDGY {nErD+GuYs}
2   Smart, captivating, Telugu acting legend's command (7) CONTROL {CO{NTR}OL}
3   Heartless rival deviously putting on act set one against the other (8) POLARISE {PO{RIvAL*}SE}
5   A tradition to take time off from walk for some meat pastry (7,4) SAUSAGE ROLL {A}{USAGE} in {StROLL}
6   Films kitty breaking vessel (6) SPOOLS {S{POOL}S}
7   Bouncer! English win scoring boundary at the end (7) EVICTOR {E}{VICTORy}
8   Spooner saying "Pen British politician's unbelievable account" (4,5) TALL STORY (~stall tory to tall story)
12 Maestro earns name after a class act (11) PERFORMANCE {A{N}CE}<=}{PER}{FORM}
13 Fish felled with tail cut off! How long will it survive? (5,4) SHELF LIFE {FISH+FELLEd}*
15 Polish Solidarity gheraos illegal bar (8) URBANITY {U{BAR*}NITY}
17 Officer: "Hell hath no bounds" (7) C?L?N?L (Addendum - COLONEL {COLON}{hELl} - See comments)
19 Occupants of fleet identify current with tailwinds (3,4) LEE TIDE [T]
20 Football side's first review held up (6) SOCCER {Side}{RECCO<=}
22 Durable design for locks? (4) PERM [DD] [CD] See comments

Reference List
Right = R, Artists = RA, Method adopted = MO(Modus operandi), Large = L, Time = T, Vessel = SS, English = E, Name = N

Tuesday, 26 December 2023

No 14055, Tuesday 26 Dec 2023, Bruno

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Brit, oddly, wearing hat with zero passion (6) LIBIDO {LI{BrIt}D}{O}
4   Pieces of cubes, often, can be found around liquor (6) CRUMBS {CuBeS} over {RUM}
8   Southern Ossetia's leader caught between peace organizations with daughter is weak (7) UNSOUND {UN}{S}{Os...a}{UN}{D} Why Southern? (Addendum - {UN}{S}{Os...a}{UN}{D} - See comments)
9   Guts of soldier to sleep on a road! (7) GIZZARD {GI}{ZZ}{A}{RD}
11 Annoy old lover with separate arrangement (10) EXASPERATE {EX}{SEPARATE}*
12 Liberal black couple (4) LINK {L}{INK}
13 Virtues lacking tangible limits - that can be harmful (5) VIRUS VIRtUeS
14 Tailored suit - a boy's set (8) SITUATED {SUIT*}{A}{TED}
16 One that worships a procrastinator? (8) IDOLATER {I DO LATER}
18 Ditch absconding leader and expel (5) EJECT rEJECT
20 That might be delivered by personnel to office (4) ?O?T ()
21 Dedicate one's coins - mainly gathered on box (10) CONSECRATE CONSE{CRATE} Anno not clear (Addendum - {ONES+ Co..s}*{CRATE}* - See comments)
23 Devil spilled cold ink (3,4) OLD NICK*
24 Poison's name shown in serene mantra (7) ENVENOM {E{N}VEN}{OM}
25 One might blow off steam randomly. (6) GEYSER [CD]
26 Export aluminium-containing door (6) PORTAL [T]

1   Student in University had unknown operating system (5) LINUX {L}{IN}{U}{X}
2   Mario's enemy carried river-surfing accessory (7) BROWSER {B{R}OWSER}
3   Surprisingly, TED talks finally covered interior kitchenware (6,3) DINNER SET {TED+t..kS}* over {INNER}
5   Artist is starting to expect higher salary (5) RAISE {RA}{IS}{Ex...t}
6   Second monster disowning God for 2D (7) MOZILLA {MO}{godZILLA}
7   Tough lineman's no good? (9) STRINGENT {STRING}{gENT}
10 Bad actors grunt sadly, being at a loss (9) HAMSTRUNG {HAMS}{GRUNT}*
13 "Give blood freely" - seen on YouTube? (5,4) VIDEO BLOG*
15 Article on one in Paris followed by leaders in Toulouse and Orleans, moreover (9) THEREUNTO {THE}{RE}{UN}{To...e}{Or...s}
17 New city vacated following recent delay (7) LATENCY {N}{CitY}<=>{LATE}
19 Sincere listener's home (7) EARNEST {EAR}{NEST}
21 Hiding place for money for auditors (5) CACHE (~cash)
22 Monster from LOTR prowling back of Rivendell (5) TROLL {LORT*}{r...lL}

Reference List
Daughter = D, Liberal = L, Name = N, Student = L< University = U, Unknown = X, River = R, Artist = RA, Second = MO< Good = G, One in French = UN, New = N

Monday, 25 December 2023

No 14054, Monday 25 Dec 2023, Hypatia


Artwork by Prasanna

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Bird gasping's no good (6) PUFFIN PUFFINg
4   Messenger carrying a cake oddly in box (7) PACKAGE {P{A}{CaKe}AGE}
9   Taken by PM Modi entering European Union with the German backing (9) ENAMOURED {E{NAMO}U}{DER<=}
10 Jolly couple using drug for acting (5) MERRY M(-a+e)ERRY
11 Next race entertains more (5) EXTRA [T]
12 Auditor's cardinal rule (9) PRINCIPLE (~principal)
13 Approaches pet returning with spasms (7) TACTICS {CAT<=}{TICS}
15 Strategic move in match shortened slightly (6) GAMBIT {GAMe}{BIT}
17 Greek Church embracing trendy Dr. Seuss character (6) GRINCH {GR}{IN}{CH}
19 Pondered about lives wasted (7) MISUSED {M{IS}USED}
22 Identify partner (9) ASSOCIATE [DD]
24 Generate Braille removing the French sign (5) LIBRA BRAILle*
26 Regretted about stealing minute object (5) DEMUR {RU{M}ED<=}
27 Most of this lot ran amok in sports event (9) TRIATHLON {THIs+LOT+RAN}*
28 Record store with navy's symbol (7) EPSILON {EP}{SILO}{N}
29 Say, spring in step as shown regularly (6) SEASON {StEp+As+ShOwN}

1   Gift here and now (7) PRESENT [DD]
2   Traces of fertilizers easily allow seeds to spread (5) FEAST Acrostic
3   One running saloon restricts it over quarantine (9) ISOLATION {1}{SALOON*} over {IT<=}
4   Promising to sacrifice bishop for pawn? That's sweet (7) PUDDING (-b+p)PUDDING
5   Entertainer and actor frequently join one boring host (5) COMIC {aCtOr}{M{1}C}
6   Declines Academy Awards (9) ATROPHIES {A}{TROPHIES}
7   Rarely seen fencing a palace in France (6) ELYSEE [T]
8   Suspends doctor providing copies (6)  ?R?P?S (Addendum - DRAPES {DR}{APES} - See comments)
14 Arrange charms over one's tree initially in festival (9) CHRISTMAS {CHR{I'S}{Tree}MAS*}
16 Film legend goes below the French plant for a traditional kiss (9) MISTLETOE {MIST}{TOE}<=>{LE}
18 Play there hiring a new console (7) HEARTEN {HE{A}RTE*}{N}
19 It covers nerves from setter's feelings essentially (6) MYELIN {MY}{feELINgs}
20 Persuaded Shaman in war dance to return inside (5,2) DRAWN IN [T<=]
21 Light from LED flickering under fire (6) CANDLE {LED}*<=>{CAN}
23 Pass around a rapper's first song (5) CAROL {C{A}{Ra...r}OL}
25 Brides embrace lasting love symbolized basically in rings (5) BELLS Acrostic

Reference List
Good = G, The in German = DER, Greek = GR, Church = CH, Trendy = IN, The in French = LE, Minute = M, Record = EP(Extended play), Navy = N, Bishop = B, Pawn = P, Host = MC, Acabemy = A, New = N, Fire = CAN

Sunday, 24 December 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3286, Sunday 24 Dec 2023

1   Angler hopes for this amount of information, we're told (4) BITE (~byte)
3   Club alight: might ash be found there? (8) WOODLAND {WOOD}{LAND}
9   Last bits of Christmas cake, privately, by the coast (7) SEASIDE {c...aS}{cakE}{ASIDE}
11 Run and shove, pocketing one pound on the way back (7) PUBLISH {PU{1 LB<=}SH}
12 Sly cats at work, they cause things to change (9) CATALYSTS*
13 Ruled, showing signs of age (5) LINED [DD]
14 Book pricier option in hotel (1,4,4,1,4) A ROOM WITH A VIEW [DD]
16 Pure, holy band is playing Gershwin piece (8,2,4) RHAPSODY IN BLUE*
20 Removed middle section of electrical flex from speaker (5) CORED (~cord)
22 Soldiers given orders to go around duck (9) COMMANDOS {COMMAND{O}S}
23 Couple eating last of cracker that is plain (7) PRAIRIE {P{c...eR}AIR}{IE}
24 Starters of rice in stock, oregano to taste, onion ...? (7) RISOTTO Acrostic &lit
25 In large part, admitting two poor grades with unassuming manner (8) MODESTLY {MO{D}{E}STLY}
26 Gradually move back, say, adder regularly sidestepped (4) EDGE {EG}{aDdEr}<=

1   'ABCs' is, put another way ...? (6) BASICS &lit
2   Display exuberant paintings etc, stuck up in eatery (9) TRATTORIA {AIR}{OTT}{ART}<=
4   Part of layover's awfully managed (7) OVERSAW [T]
5   Put down dopiest oddball (7) DEPOSIT*
6   Salad bar's boss, awfully unabashed (2,4,2,5) AS BOLD AS BRASS*
7   Condescend to remove first of specs from blueprint (5) DEIGN DEsIGN
8   Tail winds had owls shedding from both wings (6) SHADOW {HAD+OWlS}*
10 Everyman will take into account editor's 'Badly thought out' (3-10) ILL-CONSIDERED {I'LL}{CONSIDER}{ED}
15 One devout woman, old-fashioned, overwhelmed (9) INUNDATED {1}{NUN}{DATED}
16 Chef's instructions: pieces of endive and chicory ... filling ... ready to eat (6) RECIPE {R{En...e}{Ch...y}IPE}
17 They detail stevedores (7) DOCKERS [DD]
18 Endless, timeless – and godless! (7) IMMORAL IMMORtAL
19 Residue and mineral deposit collected on the land (6) ASHORE {ASH}{ORE}
21 Procure fresh weaponry and back Frenchman (5) REARM {REAR}{M}

Reference List
Exuberant = OTT(Over the top), Time = T, Frenchman = M

Saturday, 23 December 2023

No 14053, Saturday 23 Dec 2023, Hypatia

1   State of German I pursued (7) MANIPUR [T]
5   Boxes taking out intellectuals (7) BOFFINS {B{OFF}INS}
9   I strive hard to consider again (7) REVISIT*
10 Behaviour of French firm's unusual (7) DECORUM {DE}{CO}{RUM}
11 Power secured in capital's old city (6) DELPHI {DEL{P}HI}
12 Country girl left university earlier (8) PORTUGAL {GAL}<=>{PORT}{U}
14 Relieves her as she is often stressed (5) EASES {hEr+As+ShE+iS}
16 Oil expert acting on a red alert? (3,6) ART DEALER*
18 Try adjusting rupee cost (9) PROSECUTE*
19 Do mean to yell at the beginning (5) PARTY {PAR}{To}{Yell}
20 Last in spite of everything (5,3) AFTER ALL [DD]
22 Steady horses (6) STABLE [DD]
26 Managed to wear one reflecting band in city (7) NAIROBI {R{1}AN<=}{OBI}
27 Caught a little leaf bitten by greener insect, say (7) CRAWLER {C}{RAW{Leaf}ER}
28 Abhors extremely disagreeable exams (7) DETESTS {Di...lE}{TESTS}
29 Two seconds to stop haemorrhage? That's lucky! (7) BLESSED {BLE{SS}ED}

1   Respected American democrat left stuck in messy situation (5) MIRED adMIRED
2   Rising volcanic rock by ocean floor concerns ships (5) NAVAL {LAVA}{o..aN}<=
3   Spooner's present spread quickly (4-5) POST-HASTE (~host paste to post-haste)
4   Spoil Indian bread (4) ROTI {ROT}{I}
5   Oh! muted and minimized (3-7) BAD-MOUTHED {OH+MUTED}* [RA]
6   Feature of Church's solid walls (5) FACET {FA{CE}T}
7   Lawless guerrilla struggles ultimately switching sides (9) IRREGULAR {GUERRIL(-l+r)RA}*
8   By the same token slimy criminal shelters rotten liar (9) SIMILARLY {SLIMY}* over {LIAR*}
13 Accidents by negligent couples (10) CASUALTIES {CASUAL}{TIES}
14 Justified when former spouse got even, say (9) EXPLAINED {EX}{(~planed}PLAINED}
15 Successful candidates in a bear's roster (9) SHORTLIST {SHORT}{LIST}
17 Immigrant sacrificing right to speak (9) EXPATIATE EXPATrIATE
21 Cheats swindlers leaving clubs (5) ROOKS cROOKS
23 Locks and runs away (5) BOLTS [DD]
24 Pierre Dupont had made a mistake (5) ERRED [T]
25 Scoundrel in small taxi (4) SCAB {S}{CAB}

Reference List
Of in French = DE, Power = P, Left = PORT, University = U, Caught = C, Second = S, American = A, Democrat = D, Indian = I, Church = CE, Right = R, Clubs = C, Small = S

Friday, 22 December 2023

No 14052, Friday 22 Dec 2023, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Barbarian is decentamateur struggling to last till end of boxing bout (2,3,8) GO THE DISTANCE {GOTH}{IS+DECENT+A}*
8   Admired bar in expensive retreat (5) RATED {DE{T}AR<=}
9   Former US Secretary of State is smooching queen (9) KISSINGER {KISSING}{ER}
11 Where motors pile haphazardly? (10) METROPOLIS* &lit
12 Food counter in fortress (4) BURG <=
14 Really excited getting hold of dog - essentially more faithful (7) LOYALER {L{dOg}YALER*}
16 Most vulgar American with couple of females in den (7) NAFFEST {N{A}{FF}EST}
17 Meeting most influential Republican (7) SEMINAR {SEMINAl}{R}
19 Plants with many benefits (7) LOTUSES {LOT}{USES}
21 Stench from estuary releasing carbon (4) REEK cREEK
22 Wants dope to host drug party by end of December (10) DESIDERATA {D{E}{SIDE}{d...eR}ATA}
25 Medley by fantastic proit entertains crowd (9) POTPOURRI {PRO+IT}* over {POUR}
26 Loosen up in trip by noon (5) UNPIN {UP+IN}*{N}
27 Miserable after hot fightwe resolved to accept situation (2,4,3,4) GO WITH THE FLOW {HOT+FIGHT+WE}*{LOW}

2   Dwell too long with unacceptable associate in filthy place (7) OUTSTAY {OUT}{ST{A}Y}
3   Stop on street after extremely hasty skid on wet road (10) HYDROPLANE {DROP}{LANE}<=>{HastY}
4   Quick glance by con concealing ecstasy, two kilos (5) DEKKO {D{E}{K}{K}O}
5   Lesson is about changes pertaining to a period (9) SESSIONAL {LESSON+IS+A}*
6   Birds confined by setting up wires in aviary (4) ANIS [T<=]
7   Nasty fellow leaves enclosure, stealing waterproof jacket (7) CAGOULE {CAG{fOUL}E}
Feature of road safety guidelines saving boy after a little mishap on journey (6,5) RUMBLE STRIP {RU{Mi...p}{B}LES}{TRIP}
10 Perfectly fine in hospital after doctor treated a strain (5,2,4) RIGHT AS RAIN {H}<=>{RIG} with {A+STRAIN}*
13 From where one might lose link spontaneously (3,3,4) OFF THE CUFF [DD]
15 Attention caught by rather unusual metallic element (4,5) RARE EARTH {RARE{EAR}TH*}
18 Expert in some art perhaps (7) MAESTRO*
20 Slice of smoked meat, bit of potato and eggs for cleaner (7) SHAMPOO {Sm...d}{HAM}{Po...o}{OO}
23 Sir is hoping to master language (5) IRISH [T]
24 Architectural mouldings crumble over island (4) TORI {ROT<=}{I}

Reference List
Amateur = A, Bar = T, Queen = ER, Female = F, Republican = R, Carbon = C, Drug = E, Noon = N, Associate = A, Con = DO, Ecstasy = E, Kilo = K, About = A, Fellow = F, Boy = B, Hospital = H, Doctor = RIG, Island = I

Thursday, 21 December 2023

No 14051, Thursday 21 Dec 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 13D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Customers may run to pick up iPhones at launch? Just what I wanted to hear! (5,2,2,4) MUSIC TO MY EARS {CUSTOMERS+MAY}* over {Ip...e}
8   Paitent's endlessly tired, injected with bit of iron (5) STOIC {STO{Iron}Ck}
9   Advertisement, one with men showing buttocks (9) POSTERIOR {POSTER}{1}{OR}
11 Adulatory old suitor easily captures gal's heart (10) IDOLATROUS {OLD+SUITOR over {gAl}
12 Reviewed microscopic saprophytes containing spore-bearing sacs (4) ASCI [T<=]
14 Outstanding story ending in tragedy for Romeo (7) PAYABLE PA(-r+y)YABLE
16 Foolishly, crazily discarding spades (7) INANELY INsANELY
17 Various waterbirds close to lake (7) DIVERSE {DIVERS}{lakE}
19 Force out old director in firm (7) EXTRUDE {EX}{TRU{D}E}
21 Bridesmaid likes to eat south Indian food (4) IDLI [T]
22 Intimidates nervous intern, say (10) TYRANNISES
25 Removal of a cancer spreading over sides of lobe (9) CLEARANCE {A+CANCER}* over {LobE}
26 Vehicle in the middle overtaken by American chap at full speed (5) AMAIN {A}{MA{vehIcle}N}
27 Nude models getting randy, held cavorting secretly (13) UNDERHANDEDLY {NUDE}*{RANDY+HELD}*

2   Silly fool captivated by eccentric guy's study of flying saucers (7) UFOLOGY {FOOL}* in {GUY}*
3   Where judge may hear some cases and check meanings of words? (2,8) IN CHAMBERS [DD]
4   Exercise, cut salt to become thin (5) TAPER {TA{PE}R}
5   Male building muscle in front of arm (9) MASCULINE {MUSCLE+IN+Arm}
6   Oriental retreat is paradise (4) EDEN {E}{DEN}
7   Reprint fantastic series about origin of universe (7) REISSUE {REISS{Un...e}E*}
8   Rim in new specs did lead to painful problem (7,4) SLIPPED DISC {LIP} in {SPECS+DID}*
10 When one gets wet, say, in storm inside grounds (5,6) RAINY SEASON {IN+SAY}* in {REASON}
13 System of gambling money gets girl involved in unpleasant experience (10) ?A?T?N?A?E (Addendum - MARTINGALE {MAR{TIN}{GAL}E} - See comments) 
15 Thoroughly cheery in ground after securing victory (5,4) EVERY INCH {CHEERY+IN}* over {V}
18 Serf is sick, overwhelmed by strain (7) VILLEIN {V{ILL}EIN}
20 Disentangle as clan runs wild, killing hundred (7) UNSNARL {cLAN+RUNS}*
23 Dined at home from a can containing cream essentially (3,2) ATE IN {A}{T{crEam}IN} 
24 Egg on roll needs bit of salt (4) URGE sURGE

Reference List
Men = OR, Romeo = R, Spades = S, Exercise = PE, Oriental = E, Victory = V, Hundred = C