Tuesday 19 December 2023

No 14049, Tuesday 19 Dec 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   One seen on beach with girl, holding hands nervously (8) SUNSHADE {SU{HANDS*}E}
5   Protective covering for shoe is finest, receiving excellent reviews (6) TOECAP {TO{ACE<=}P}
10 Champion cavorting nude with girl in Chinese city (7) CHENGDU {CH{NUDE+G}*
11 Sunken panel in ceiling of silver has a touch of class (7) LACUNAR {L{A}{Cl..s}UNAR}
12 One captivated by ring's revolutionary colour (5) LILAC {CAL{1}L<=}
13 Most foolish, at any rate (9) LEASTWISE {LEAST WISE}
14 Violent argument shall mostly lead to murder (12) MANSLAUGHTER {ARGUMENT+SHALl}* Semi&lit
18 Want smart clothes as well as traditional (4-8) LONG-STANDING {LONG}{ST{AND}ING}
21 Wise admen working for TV, papers, etc (4,5) NEWS MEDIA*
23 Blue heron in river (5) RHONE*
24 Talk in coach at terminus (7) CHATTER [T]
25 Move closer to woo stunner? All right (7) GOODISH {GO}{woO}{DISH}
26 Relaxed in lake beside ancient houses, extremely large (6) LOLLED {L}{OL{LargE}D}
27 Most cocky and audacious star entertains (8) BRASHEST {B{RASH}EST}

1   Start to speak coldly in Italian region (6) SICILY {Sp..k}{ICILY}
2   Want case of larvae for bait (6) NEEDLE {NEED}{La..aE}
3   Intoxicated girl consuming cocaine of superior quality (4-5) HIGH CLASS {HIGH}{C}{LASS}
4   Sad and troubled about rule applied unfairly (6,8) DOUBLE STANDARD*
6   Round crater contains carbon in the work cited briefly (2,3) OP CIT {O}{P{C}IT}
7   Lies and scams involving head of state, it's pathetic (8) CONSISTS {CON{St..e}{ITS*}S}
8   Left abruptly to tackle mistake in arrangement of flower-beds (8) PARTERRE {PART{ERR}Ed} Had to cheat on this one
9   Secret about a spirit in mysterious grand lodge (5-3-6) CLOAK-AND-DAGGER {C} and {A}{KA} in {GRAND+LODGE}* 
15 Extremely large drink with rum - soon largely sozzled (9) GINORMOUS {GIN}{RUM+SOOn}*
16 Disinterested husband dumped! I can chill out (8) CLINICAL {I+CAN+ChILL}*
17 Small presently? Bit of bodybuilding gets everything to grow rapidly (8) SNOWBALL {S}{NOW}{Bo...g}{ALL}
19 Unable to play Yahtzee because of this? Impossible (2,4) NO DICE [DD]
20 Filmed again in house during vacation (6) ?E?H?T (Addendum - RESHOT {RES{HO}T} - See comments)
22 Captivated by some trendy rhythm (5) METRE [T]

Reference List
Girl = G, Lake = L, Cocaine = C, About = C, Spitit = KA, Husband = H, Small = S, House = HO


  1. Yes, it should be soo (soon largely) instead of soon

  2. Lacunar, Op Cit, Parterre, Ginormous (vaguely remember) and Yahtzee were all new.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. +1
      Also some rare/obscure substitutions like Lunar, ka and ho.

    3. Looks like a trial version IXL final round not the reg fun version of DrX.
      Did this (past midnight and so didnt notice the setter) under assumption of AD being the setter.
      Didnt realise until i saw post by Doc in FB.

  3. 11A Could not get the connection between LUNAR and OF SILVER

    1. Hi Mr Acharya. Silver was called 'luna' by the ancient alchemists, who believed that silver was associated with the Moon. Hence elements and compounds 'of silver' were 'lunar'.

    2. Same in ancient Tamil literature also.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. vacation is rest and we get H from house. I am still wondering about O.
    Unless, we get 'ho' fro house, but how?

    1. Ho is listed as an abbreviation for house in Collins dictionary.

  6. 20D – {RES{HO}T}
    Def.- Filmed again
    Vacation – Leisure time away from work devoted to Rest
    House – HO

  7. Ingredients are clear. What about the wordplay?

    Filmed again[(defn) - RES(HO)T]
    'in' house[(HO)] 'during' vacation[(Rest)].
    What are the roles of in and during?

    1. IN (i dont like it but setters have) link word.
      During is container.

    2. Yes. Initially I was trying to fit 'in house' as HO. I got it later.

