Sunday 3 December 2023

The Sunday Crossword No 3283, Sunday 03 Dec 2023

1   Shows emotion as layabout's dropping piece of litter (4) SOBS SlOBS
3   A road race, one through island heading west: it's within your reach (10) ATTAINABLE {A}{TT}{A}{IN}{ ELBA<=}
9   Gemstone from old friend (4) OPAL {O}{PAL}
10 Administered a sporting venue, went to seed (3,7) RAN AGROUND {RAN}{A}{GROUND}
12 Oriental oak represented in body of water (4,7) LAKE ONTARIO*
15 Soldier's own (7) PRIVATE [DD}
16 Tennis ace in ceremony, abrupt, acting up (7) MCENROE CEREMONy*
17 Make second purchase of wind instrument that's not about (7) REORDER REcORDER
19 On two occasions, firm crazy for tropical food (7) COCONUT {CO}{CO}{NUT}
20 Device shrinking, about to become quiet (11) CONTRAPTION CONTRA(-c+p)PTION
23 Arrest aunt misbehaving in eatery (10) RESTAURANT*
24 Primarily, men attending godliest infant? (4) MAGI Acrostic &lit
25 In biblical books, Lawrence is moved to find assertions of facts (10) STATEMENTS (-te)STA(+te)TEMENTS
26 Pass out, seeing venomous menaces (4) ASPS*

1   Party-pooper ruins wine (10) SPOILSPORT {SPOILS}{PORT}
2   Spider letting no light through glass: number will depart (5,5) BLACK WIDOW {BLACK}{WInDOW}
4   Pub grub done perfectly – that is, including starter of scampi (7) TOASTIE {TO A T}{IE} over {Sc...i}
5   Form of Tehran A-Z that shows Nazareth? (7) ANAGRAM Definition by example
6   Bigoted pastime offering nasty moment? (6,6) NARROW ESCAPE {NARROW}{ESCAPE}
7   Panted audibly, being unhappy (4) BLUE (~blew)
8   Everyman's beginning to get doddery regularly: one going round in circles (4) EDDY {Ev...n}{DodDerY}
11 Couple of things fiddler does to curry favour (3,3,6) BOW AND SCRAPE [DD]
13 Leaders' laws announced (10) PRINCIPALS (~principles)
14 Stitch up peripheral creatives after time in Caribbean location (4,6) WEST INDIES {SEW<=}{INDIES}<=>{T}
18 Stretch on the house, move unimpeded (3,4) RUN FREE {RUN}{FREE}
19 In décor, one tends to show flashy item (7) CORONET [T]
21 Symbol of love seen in bedrooms, on-and-off (4) EROS bEdRoOmS
22 A small island with a vast stretch of land (4) ASIA {A}{S}{I}{A}

Reference List
Road race = TT, Old = O, About = C, Firm = CO(Company), Quiet = P, LAWRENCE = TE, Number = N, Time = T, Small = S, Island = I