Monday 8 April 2024

No 14143, Monday 08 Apr 2024, Arden

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Clueless about auto foundries? (3,3,2,5) RUN OUT OF IDEAS*
10 Feast well, both undress and stand (5) EASEL {fEASt}{wELl}
11 Appears to back public transport, so hurry up (4,5) LOOK SMART {LOOKS}{TRAM<=}
12 In other words: Ctrl+Esc, school makes major changes (9) REINVENTS {REIN}{VENT}{S}
13 Take off - after seconds it's gone! (5) S?O?F (Addendum -  SPOOF {S}{POOF} - See comments)
14 Correct regions that show Italian address (7) SIGNORE*
16 What a tyrant will do by stripping copy printer? (7) OPPRESS {cOPy}{PRESS}
18 Sit in grass, relaxed (7) REPOSED {RE{POSE}ED} There's an extra E in the fodder
20 Instrument reportedly for commutation of death penalty (7) DILATER (~die later) Die later is not a commutation. Is it?
22 Capital punishment and rigorous imprisonment, say for all leaders (5) PARIS Acrostic
24 Some amount of work at both ends - we accept the whole thing was a scandal (9) WATERGATE {AT}{ERGo}{AT} in {WE}
26 Oddly feel noun before a subject adds spice (9) FENUGREEK {FeEl}{NoUn}{GREEK}
27 Had vanquished sans the British (5) EATEN bEATEN
28 Chances that I turn off in opposite way (13) OPPORTUNITIES {OPPO{I+TURN*}ITIES*}

2   Emergency power arm shows a growing trend (7)  UPSWING {UPS}{WING}
3   Plain clothes, 50% like to be in nirvana (9) OBLIVIOUS {OB{LIke}VIOUS}
4   Part of the capital, only used to grab (5) TALON [T]
5   Play golf, so used to a venture that's doomed to fail (5,4) FOOLS GOLD {GOLF+SO}{OLD}
6   Amounts to animals eating grass finally (5) DOSES {DO{g..sS}ES}
7   "One on the run", song in fashion (1,2,4) A LA MODE {A}{LAM}{ODE}
8   Criticize severely for profit abroad - in far east perhaps (4,1,5,3) TEAR A STRIP OFF {PROFIT}* in {FAR+EAST}*
9   Serviceman and service personnel - strange to go around base (5,8) STAFF SERGEANT {STAFF}{SERG{E}ANT*}
15 Fellowship in motion, tend to protect poor women (9) ENDOWMENT {END{WOMEN*}T*}
17 Extremely measly friend, one among others (9) PALTRIEST {PAL}T{R{1}EST} T from?
19 Under average - cut the root (7) PARSNIP {PAR}{SNIP}
21 To wine and dine, ending in a sandwich (7) TOASTIE {TOAST}I{dinE} I from? (Addendum - {TP}{ASTI}{dinE} - See comments)
23 Musical notation goes off around mid morning (5) SEGNO {SEG{morNing}O*}
25 Symbolic acceptance in 10 (5) TOKEN {T{OK}EN}

Reference List
Ctrl(Control) = REIN, Esc(Escape) = VENT, School = S, Seconds = S, British = B, Base = E


  1. 20AC When death sentence is commuted, it becomes life sentence, which I infer as postponement of death. With this reasoning, I felt it is OK.

    1. However it has to be specified if the the commutation is for life or for a specified number of years in which case it need nor necessarily be 'die later'

    2. 'Die later' would hold good irrespective of life/ certain years,isn't it? Not today means later.

    3. Commutation means lowering the scale punishment. This is a bit convoluted clue.

    4. The authority commuting death sentence does not say the convicted can die later. It may even happen that fellow may die of natural or other causes on the same dsy when he is to be executed.

    5. Commutation of death penalty means 'die later', in a certain way.
      That person may die even as the commutation was being written.

  2. 20Ac was nice. Everyone has to die, I guess

  3. 13 A - Spoof (take off) after S(econds) POOF (it's gone)

  4. 17d - where does the T comes from

    1. That's what Col. has asked in the main post.

  5. Can someone explain A LA MODE to me?
    How do u get A LAM?
    Ode is song.

    Otherwise nice grid. But 2 errors in 18ac and 17dn.
    Thanx Arden.

    1. I didn't solve the whole grid today.
      But investigated your question about A la mode.
      One(A) on the run(LAM) song(ODE)
      lam means to flee hastily, scram it seems.
      But I am not very clear about the definition.

    2. Thanx. Definition is clear.
      A LA MODE means fashionable/ stylish/ up to date.
      I didn't know the meaning of LAM
