Wednesday 24 April 2024

No 14157, Wednesday 24 Apr 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Ordeal after girl in bash turned most intoxicated (8) TIGHTEST {TEST}<=>{H{G}IT<=}
5   Powder in back of closet - salt containing cocaine (6) TALCUM {c...eT}{AL{C}UM}
10 & 13 What DJs want everyone to do? Comply with what they want (5,2,5,4) DANCE TO THEIR TUNE [C&DD]
11 Small sample of antivenom in a lab (7) NOMINAL [T]
12 Son ignored insult in match (5) LIGHT sLIGHT
13 See 10
14 Cash, say, spent in altering film (6,6) TENNIS PLAYER {SPENT+IN}*{LAYER}
18 Retd bachelor about to marry someone who is much younger (3,3,6) ROB THE CRADLE*
21 Musical troupe is smooth, entertaining group with bit of blues (5,4) S?I?G ?A?D (Addendum - SWING BAND {S{WING}{Bl..s}AND} - See comments)
23 Abandon movement to secure independence (5) WAIVE {WA{I}VE}
24 A rebellious chap consuming ecstasy on island getting cold and pale (7) ANAEMIC {A}{M{E}AN<=}{I}{C}
25 Talk foolishly with woman after starting to become drunk (7) BLITHER {HER}<=>{Be...e}{LIT}
26 Crushed oilseed yielding ordinary oil (6) DIESEL oILSEED
27 Assess racehorse gambolling round shed (8) RESEARCH RACEHoRSE*

1   Slightly drunk in bar, lazily cuddling date (6) TIDDLY {T}{ID{D}LY}
2   Ornamental tree in good tattoo on head (6) GINKGO {G}{INK}{GO}
3   Hitter went berserk, scoring runs in last over of IPL match (9) TWENTIETH {HITTEr+WENT}*
4   Reasonable likelihood of force catching person (8,6) SPORTING CHANCE*
6   American male picking up joint with hesitation in Indian city (5) AJMER {A}{J}{M}{ER}
7   Perhaps as bouncy as cylindrical channel markers (3,5) CAN BUOYS*
8   Happy to conserve extremely unusual British tree (8) MULBERRY {M{Un...aL}{B}ERRY}
9   Bend a rule craftily to secure position as expected (14) UNDERSTANDABLE {BEND+A+RULE}* over {STAND}
15 Faultless liberal beginning to irritate the wily rogue (4-5) LILY-WHITE {L}{Ir...e}{THE+WILY}*
16 Supporter on top of stage runs wearing blue armband (8) BRASSARD {BRA}{St..e}{SA{R}D}
17 Decline to tackle detectives on reflection and surrender (8) ABDICATE {AB{DIC}<= ATE}
19 Nobody backs film star releasing flops essentially (6) CIPHER {PIC<=}{HERo}
20 Make out with hot model over area around fireplace (6) HEARTH {HEAR} with {H}{T}<=
22 Easy putt in golf that is over millimetres (5) GIMME {G}{I{MM}E}

Reference List
Girl = G, Cocaine = C, Son = S, Independence = I, Ecstacy = E, Island = I, Cold = C, Ordinary = O, Bar = T, Date = D, Good = G, Runs = R, American = A, Male = M, Joint = J, British = B, Liberal = L, Supporter = BRA, Hot = H, Model = T, Golf = G


  1. Good response needed for a good CW. Thank you Doc.

  2. 21 A swing band...smooth is sand entertaining group is wing bit of blue is b

  3. Challenging yet doable and enjoyable grid!
    Surprised not to find doc's duo of wife and husband today!! 😊

    1. Someone else's CW? But today is not 1st April!

    2. Hi Mukundala. There was a 'Do Not Disturb' sign on their door 😊

    3. No wonder the power demand is peaking in the country!

  4. Only today, I came to know of the meaning of "Rob the cradle". And it seems the opposite is " Rob the grave" (i.e. dating or marrying a person much older to you)

  5. I echo MB. Challenging but doable & all smiley.

    It is UNDERSTANDABLE, why the husband and wife are not here today. After ROBBING THE CRADLE, they are on their honey moon, in AJMER, DANCING TO THEIR TUNE, played by a SWING BAND. In the candle LIGHT, she looks beautiful in her LILY WHITE gown with MULBERRY blossoms in her hair.

    Thanx to the Doc, the husband is only TIDDLY and not the TIGHTEST man on the dance floor.

  6. Thanx Doc for a great grid!
