Saturday 29 December 2012

No 10657, Saturday 29 Dec 12, Lightning

 Some long winded clues today.

1   Friend’s effort reformed a criminal without priors (5,8) FIRST OFFENDER*
8   Woodland place (4) PARK [CD]
9   Loud and noisy protest on debts (10) UPROARIOUS {UPROAR}{IOUS}
10 Arranged in layers before being engulfed by unending current (6) TIERED {TI{ERE}De}
11 Overtake and head off goon on the runway (8) OUTSTRIP {lOUT}{STRIP}
12 Assume half of the errors to be fixed in these calculators (9) MEASURERS {ASSUME+ERRors}*
14 Doctor No retired to idle (4) MOON {MO}{ON<=}
15 A dance by graduate students (4) BALL {BA}{LL}
16 Side effect along with a substance formed during a chemical reaction (2-7) BY-PRODUCT [E]
20 Caught extremely elusive girls frolicking with religious leaders (8) CLERGIES {C}{ElusivE+GIRLS*}
21 Extremity of punishment overwhelms German resistance (6) FINGER {FIN{G}E}{R}
23 Detached rogue about to send back offspring to gangster (10) IMPERSONAL {IMP}{ER<=}{SON}{AL}
24 Attempt to initially lay diamonds on a precious metal (4) GOLD {GO}{L}{D}
25 Bad theory devised to separate vehicle’s energy sources (13) CARBOHYDRATES {CAR{BAD+THEORY*}S}

1   Flimsy dossier about tabloid (7) FRAGILE {F{RAG}ILE} (Filmsy corrected to Flimsy)
2   He searches thoroughly with a long toothed tool and some resourcefulness (5) RAKER {RAKE}{R}
3   Rumble created by eccentric fellow returning outside hospital with the German (7) THUNDER {T{H}UN<=}{DER}
4   Classified film (3,4,4,4) FOR YOUR EYES ONLY [DD]
5   Legislates measure on shams (6) ENACTS {EN}{ACTS}
6   Marine debris resulting from stray logs (9) DRIFTWOOD {DRIFT}{WOOD}
7   Hesitant to go back to marriage gathering (7) REUNION {RE<=}{UNION}
13 Time elapsed during one revolutionary journey (5,4) SOLAR YEAR [CD]
15 In Kabul, I micromanaged a person with an eating disorder (7) BULIMIC [T]
17 Fellow breaking in to steal royal file, perhaps (7) RIFFLER {RIF{F}LE}{R}
18 Hundred characters describing Eastern European descendants in the West Indies (7) CREOLES {C}{R{E}OLES}
19 A complete failure in a segment of the mafias code (6) FIASCO [T]
22 Saviour in shining armour, we hear, in a period of darkness (5) NIGHT(~knight)


  1. Hullo there!

    First, I'm extremely sorry for highjacking lightning's crossword today. I've been quite out of circulation for more than 10 days and just got back online today. In fact, I only found out about 10 min ago that my crossword had been published yesterday. Hence, I could not make any clarifications. Apologies for that.

    Re some typos in the clues, I think that the version that I did submit did not have them. Then again, I don't like giving excuses. Hence, I would like to apologize once again for any confusion caused.

    Re the nature of the clues themselves and ppl commenting on the difficulty, well, I only seek to try and make the puzzles interesting. When comparing setters such as self to gridman and sankalak, please do note that I am but an amateur while they are people who people like me look up to and aspire to set puzzles like.

    I can only say that I will try and make further offerings better.

    Here's wishing you a fantastic 2013!


    1. Good one there, KKK. A very positive response.

    2. Thanks KKK. I, for one enjopy your crosswords.

    3. Thank you very much KKK. It was gracious of you to respond so nicely. Apart from wishing you a smashing new year I shall look forward to solving puzzles set by you since I learnt so many new words.

    4. Thanks a lot..looking forward to entertaining puzzles from you. Happy New Year.

    5. Thank you KKK. Look forward to your CWs in the New Year - hope I can solve them!
      Wishing you a great 2013 - Cheers.

  2. Back to breaking fast with a samosa after a tough couple of days.

  3. Thank you KKK and wish you also all the very best in 2013 and beyond.

    I had a peculiar experience today. I had to fill in a few answers first and then look deeper to find the anno. Of course the first offender came off quite easily and getting a 1A in sets the trend for the rest.

  4. Nice and smooth one from Lightning today.

    And nice comment from KKK, though one might say you should just pursue your own style! Fully endorse the objective of keeping a puzzle interesting and entertaining

  5. Hope we get a Nina in CW 10659 (the New Year Cryptic).

  6. Ooh what a relief to have Lightning, to-day!

  7. 1 Dn.It is wrongly printed as "Filmsy"and not as shown above.
