Tuesday 2 December 2014

No 11255, Tuesday 02 Dec 2014, Neyartha

Needed a lot of Google verification in the rocking Geology class today!

Note: Starred clues carry no direct definition,but the seven answers have something in common.

7*   Little coverage for the Rhode Island party (10) PERIDOTITE {PE{RI}{DO}TITE}
9     Wish Edward could conceal the outhouse (4) SHED [T]
10* Fancy getting involved in a bet after sacrificing soldiers (8) ANDESITE {AN{DESIre}TE}
11* Container from the east at the revolutionary ball (6) GABBRO {{GAB<=}{BRO<=}
12   Permission to depart (5) LEAVE [DD]
13   Rogue's bio reviewed by the middle class (9) BOURGEOIS*
14* One framed by an upset editor (7) DIORITE {D{1}ORITE*}
17   Remain with the nun without hesitation after losing 50% of the spice (7) PERSIST {PEppeR}{SISTer} (Addendum - {pepPER}{SISTer} - See comments)
20* Imitate in a clumsy manner after kick-off (9) KOMATIITE {KO}{IMITATE*}
22   Reportedly understood musical direction to remain silent (5) TACET (~tacit) Doubtful homophone
25* Overturned flap covering the Indian tree (6) BASALT {BA{SAL}T<=}
26* Romania retains Henry's margins attached to food low in calories (8) RHYOLITE {R{HenrY}O}{LITE}
27   Authentic family depiction of the first earl removed by the union leader (4) TRUE TR(-e+u)UE
28   Blunt views on the frigid country? (4,6) COLD TURKEY {COLD} {TURKEY}

1   Gathering to bring back and appease ancestors somewhat (6) SEANCE [T]
2   These gates may provide the truth (5) LOGIC [CD]
3   Troubled alien considers alternative brought up for an airplane part (7) AILERON {AILE{RO<=}N*}
4   Rice dish from Korea captures the zest of a couple of Orientals (8) KEDGEREE {K{EDGE}R}{EE} Like our Indian Khitchdi
5   Practical, but powerless, son takes out the knight (6) USABLE U(-n+s)SABLE
6   Narrow escape from the arranged seminars (4,4) NEAR MISS* What happens if it's not a near one? Far miss or Wide escape?
8   Diamonds forgotten in the freeze up (3,4) ICE OVER {ICE} {OVER}
15 Worshipping at sea? Solidarity is missing (8) IDOLATRY sOLiDARITY*
16 Caught Mark after tour with the painted panels (8) TRIPTYCH {TRIP}{TYCH}(~tick)
18 Plaster mould for an office gadget (7) STAPLER*
19 Copper extracted from damaged cutleries is germ-free (7) STERILE cuTLERIES*
21 Graduate going up with a broken adze gets startled (6) AMAZED {AM<=}{ADZE*}
23 Access the main course (6) ENTREE [DD]
24 Capital sent down to the Japanese city (5) KYOTO (-to)KYO(+to)TO



  1. 22 Reportedly understood musical direction to remain silent (5) TACET (~tacit) Doubtful homophone

    Heard the audio pronunciation on a couple of sites. TACET is pronounced two ways, one of them is a homophone of TACIT.

    1. Thefreedic gives pronunciations as:

      TACET like Tay shit. (Brit) and Am as Tay sit

      TACIT as Ta (like in tact) sit. Brit and Am are almost similar sounding.

  2. 6 Narrow escape from the arranged seminars (4,4) NEAR MISS* What happens if it's not a near one? Far miss or Wide escape?

    A near Miss is preferable to a far away Missus ...

    1. I could do with a near Missus instead of a near Miss - faraway, distant, unapproachable, perhaps belted

    2. K
      What is the corollary? A near Missus is preferable to ....

    3. A near Missus? That misses the point!

    4. A near miss could get you into a fine mess

    5. On the contrary, she is the one who gets 'into trouble '

    6. Are we messing with 'misses' or 'missusses'? Pardon my mis-tressing ''missus"!!

    7. As long as we don't miss both, it should be ok.

  3. 17A : Remain with the nun without hesitation after losing 50% of the spice (7) PERSIST {PEppeR}{SISTer}

    Could the Anno be {pepPER}{SISTer}, Sir?

  4. Neyartha 'rock'ed the boat today. Clueless?

  5. Brought down to earth after yesterday's high. Could get only 2 of the 7 rocks. Missed out also on Korean kichidi.

    1. Vasant, you're better than me. I could get only one rock, that too after Googling! As for other non-starred clues, it's OK.

  6. Patted myself on the back for getting GABBRO & RHYOLITE. Thought the wordplay in both were clear enough to get the answer. Maybe we need to try harder.

  7. I downloaded THC Solver from the App store (free) in my tablet yesterday. Not used it yet. Anybody here using it?

    1. If you are talking of the Android app, I was using it but gave up because it had too many bugs; also, like THC Online, it often doesn't have the latest crossword available till a day or two later.

    2. @CGB sir,
      The app will work only when the grid is perfect in the online edition of the paper . I copy paste grid & clues in notes on my iPad .

  8. That was a real tussle! Thank you, Neyartha - and DG.

    I missed out KOMATIITE completely. Is kick-off for KO standard usage? I have only seen KO used for knock-out.

    1. As per Chambers KO is abbreviation for Kick-off, knockout and knock out

  9. Rocks no problem with OED around.Music was the problem. 1 down

  10. I also scrolled up to see what !D has to do with music and then saw your clarification.
    Ouija board has music too?

    1. Just up from my siesta. No seances here. I meant I was one short of a full sulution

  11. Does COLD TURKEY actually refer to (one's) blunt views, or was it derived from an earlier phrase with that meaning? If it's the latter, does the clue still hold?

