Sunday, 7 October 2012

No 2707, Sunday 07 Oct 12

1   - Food I fed to soldiers, a Chinese dish (4,4)  - CHOW MEIN {CHOW} {ME{I}N}
5   - Ancient city, she bet, is in ruins (6)  - THEBES*
9   - Beast making social worker run away (8)  - ANTELOPE {ANT}{ELOPE}
10 - Take to task, one way or the other (4,2)  - PULL UP <->
12 - Pay for another nurse (5)  - TREAT [DD]
13 - Following lift, he will complain vociferously (5,4)  - RAISE HELL {RAISE} {HE'LL}
14 - Thought of French emancipation (12)  - DELIBERATION {DE}{LIBERATION}
18 - At which prices are gradually lowered for lots in Amsterdam? (5,7)  - DUTCH AUCTION [E]
21 - Character cutting, a cheat (9)  - CARDSHARP {CARD}{SHARP}
23 - Boredom shown by nun, I suspect, after end of service (5)  - ENNUI {E}{NUN*}{I}
24 - Endeavour to secure one pound for a hat (6)  - TRILBY {TR{1}{LB}Y}
25 - Whistle along, then be quiet (4,4)  - PIPE DOWN {PIPE} {DOWN}
26 - Followed, stubbornly determined (6)  - DOGGED [DD]
27 - Miniature hourglass, for example - good orders brought back (3,5) - EGG TIMER {EG}{G} {TIMER<-}

1   - Talkative, spiteful about husband (6)  - CHATTY {C{H}ATTY}
2   - Unfashionable group's origin (6)  - OUTSET {OUT}{SET}
3   - Kids lose them, helmet and kit, carelessly (4,5)  - MILK TEETH*
4   - Especially popular individual (2,10)  - IN PARTICULAR {IN} {PARTICULAR}
6   - Building hospital overlooking river in York (5)  - HOUSE {H}{OUSE}
7   - Regular newsletter round home (8)  - BULLETIN {BULLET}{IN}
8   - Shortly to provide worker to take another's place (8)  - SUPPLANT {SUPPLy}{ANT}
11 - Avoiding an issue that is dividing small Essex town (12)  - SIDESTEPPING {S}IDEST{EPPING} Anno not clear (Addendum - {S}{IDEST}{EPPING} - See comments)
15 - One male in a shelter needed to make amends (9)  - ATONEMENT {A}{T{ONE}{M}ENT}
16 - Informed cadet, due abroad (8)  - EDUCATED*
17 - Southern sailor has fish for bird (8)  - STARLING {S}{TAR}{LING}
19 - Popular figure playing well (2,4)  - IN FORM {IN} {FORM}
20 - Conqueror William's initial secret (6)  - WINNER {W}{INNER}
22 - Transaction involving black fur (5) - SABLE {SA{B}LE}


  1. Good morning

    Not sure of anno for CHOW MEIN. Waiting for the blog to go up.

    ANTELOPE had appeared some time ago with almost similar definition. Liked PULL UP, RAISE HELL, DELIBERATION, DUTCH AUCTION, CARDSHARP, AGE TIMER, MILK TEETH (good one), IN PARTICULAR (maybe individual could mean exclusive ) , STARLING, SIDESTEPPING, ATONEMENT and others.

    1. Sorry, one goof-up. I took 27A as AGE TIMER.

  2. First in the series of Sunday specials will be posted at 10:30 AM today

    1. Answers limited to three per head, as you said.

  3. 11A - Epping is a town in Sussex. Time for wizards like CV, Sandhya, Bhavan, Venkatesh or others to step to annotate.

    1. correction: ...step in to annotate.

    2. 11 - Avoiding an issue that is dividing small Essex town (12) - SIDESTEPPING {S}IDEST{EPPING} Anno not clear

      IDEST means 'that is to say' in other words'

      Small = S
      that is = IDEST
      essex town -= EPPING
      Avoiding = SIDESTEPPING

    3. Superb,Rengaswamy. Did not think of 'dividing' IDEST into ID EST.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. And the def is 'Avoiding an issue'

  4. Interesting, easy flowing. But missed out on Trilby (though one pound was staring me in the face),sable and winner (imagining something more complex)

    Looking forward to 10.30. Col. can have TOI Sunday cryptic as a standby if he runs out of CW compiled by bloggers ( hope it does not) TOI cryptic is good and engaging. One example from today's-

    The more there are, the fewer there are (9)

    1. Absentees ( I filled 14D as abandoned)

    2. I put it in as deserters & 14D as 'abdicated. 25A has to be adamant or defiant.

  5. No ( though correct)From the crossings, it starts with a 'D'.

  6. Relatively easy Sunday CW. Yet to start the Buzzer special, have to leave it for late night since I have an afternoon engagement
