Friday 1 March 2013

No 10709, Friday 01 Mar 13, Mover

 Some nice clues from Mover today. Liked 6D the best.
1   Discomfort caused by tangled belts and harnesses? (14) BREATHLESSNESS*
10 The head will yield fabric (5) TWILL {T}{WILL}
11 Back alley holds terrible woes for a wet body near Korea (6,3) YELLOW SEA {YELL{OW SE*}A}
12 Essential furniture for the sartorially resplendent! (7) DRESSER [DD]
13 Congressman Grant’s opponent gobbles steak bone, feeling stuffed (7) REPLETE {REP}{LE{T}E}
14 Sudden loud noise behind old Japanese coin (5) OBANG {O}{BANG}
16 Writing desk for the senior official (9) SECRETARY [DD]
19 Pine arose, possibly behind ducks’ milieu (9) PONDEROSA {POND}{AROSE*}
20 Flower part to lapse badly (5) SEPAL*
22 “Rats!” snorted Daffy (7) RODENTS*
25 Confounded and knocked to the ground (7) FLOORED [DD]
27 Man hugging Spanish aunt after boy returned spotted dog (9) DALMATIAN {DAL<=}{MA{TIA}N}
28 Book intro by mere poet (5) BLAKE {B}{LAKE}
29 Close-knit, like some stupid criminals? (5,2,7) THICK AS THIEVES {THICK} {AS THIEVES}

2   Probably Adam and Eve kick up a fuss (5,4) RAISE CAIN [CD] Why probably?
3   Titan found in a school desk? (5) ATLAS [DD]
4   Voila! poetry she composed (3,6) HEY PRESTO*
5   Edmonton hockey team player sounds like a mathematician (5) EULER (~oiler)
6   Urgent news from Saint Harry? (4,5) STOP PRESS {ST}{OP PRESS}
7   Measure and take action to follow (5) ENSUE {EN}{SUE}
8   August gallery artfully surrounded (7) STATELY {S{TATE}LY}
9   Sexy man I love in artist’s workshop (6) STUDIO {STUD}{I}{O}
15 Fresh support for the U.S. dollar? (9) GREENBACK {GREEN}{BACK}
17 Bird is short distance behind trash (9) CHAFFINCH {CHAFF}{INCH}
18 As Norm connected with gentle, sweet thing (9) ASPARTAME {AS}{PAR}{TAME}
19 Precious stone fairy gets her dowry (7) PERIDOT {PERI}{DOT}
21 Served boy in the van (6) LADLED Anno not clear (Addendum - {LAD}{LED} - See comments)
23 Capital held somehow by Italian leader (5) DELHI {HELD*}{I}
24 Leaders of South Korea in disgrace suffer slippages (5) SKIDS {S}{K}{I}{D}{S}
26 Card game causes guy to lose his head (5) OMBRE hOMBRE


  1. 21 Served boy in the van (6) LADLED Anno not clear


    Led: van (leading unit in the army)

  2. I believe the clue could do with some revision.

    'van' or 'in the van' cannot lead to LED.

    "was in the van" would lead to LED.

    "in the van" might lead to LEADING.

  3. 26D reminded me of an old joke:

    "BOMBER! BOMBER!" shouted------(fill in whoever you like or dislike)
    "Be silent" admonished his senior guide.
    Equally loudly he shouted "Omber!Omber!"

    1. I had heard that one in a different context. The arrival of a Boeing aircraft. "The Boeing is coming!" followed by the same admonition leading to "The oeing is coming!"

    2. I had heard that one in a different context. The arrival of a Boss. "The Boss is coming!" followed by the same admonition leading to ????(fill in whoever you like or dislike)"

  4. In continuation of CV' s comment yesterday about a Tamil saying "Kalavum...", this liknk explains it in great detail:

    1. Good one Padmanabhan, Thanks. I have also been trying from my group.

    2. You are welcome DS. The credit should actualluy go to my friend Swaminathan who is excellent in digging out lot of interesting info from various websites. I always seek his help and he never disappoints.

  5. Loved 23D. Very aptly clued

    1. I had solved 23D at first glance. But it was only after reading the comment from Suresh that I had a re-look and grasped the other implication.

  6. woah...must start solving reg
    ularly.....bad scene today.

    1. How are you feeling now? Nice to have you back after a long gap.

  7. 8 August gallery artfully surrounded (7) STATELY {S{TATE}LY}

    Some problem here:

    artful - sly

    'artfully' will lead to 'slyly'.

    1. In the same vein, a lot of licence seems to be allowed (or is taken) in libertarian setting. Technically and grammatically speaking, 'The head' in 10A will not give T. It has to be 'head of the' or 'starting to the' or 'The's head', which will sound strange. For the sake of surface I think this practice is largely accepted (but maybe not at the Times).

      A bit of lateral thinking in 'Grant's opponent', 'mere', 'van' and the like made this interesting.

  8. Smooth and good surfaces.

    Reference to a Canadian ( not even a national team) ice hockey team was a bit off-putting, although one could get the answer with or w/o Xings

    21 Served boy in the van (6) LADLED

    Would lead to: LAD LEAD as van is LEAD as in vanguard.

  9. Good to see mover back after being skipped in the last cycle. Nice one today. Had a few issues with annos today though which the blog duly resolved.

  10. Very nice.esp.2,3d19a,28a. But in 5d &6d anno not clear. By & large enjoyabe.

    1. Swami,

      You still have doubts after seeing the anno in the main post?

  11. Gayathri - good to have you back! Hope your recovery is smooth.
    Loved the CW today, specially 23D. Not sure about 16A -thought the word is 'secretaire' or escritoire.
    Not heard of 'secretary' as 'writing desk'.
