Thursday 21 March 2013

No 10726, Thursday 21 Mar 13, Gridman

The fine run continues.

1   Possible consequence of too much of walking: measure, therefore, getting somewhat ready (8) FOOTSORE {FOOT}{SO}{REady}
5   Trim five trapped by tangled steel (6) SVELTE {S{V}ELTE*}
9   Published credit to work gets projection (7) OUTCROP {OUT}{CR}{OP}
10 Broadcasters prod madly for IAF deli (3-4) AIR-DROP {AIR}-{DROP*}
11 Dear once thoughtful (9) EXPENSIVE {EX}{PENSIVE}
12 Company’s head office begins segregating Pacific salmons (5) COHOS {CO}{H}{O}{S}
13 Mild movement of sea at end of day (4) EASY {SEA*}{Y}
14 Leader of charlatans on funny traits of cheat (3,6) CON ARTIST {C}{ON} {TRAITS*}
17 Give up! Time and number past recollection (9) FORGOTTEN {FORGO}{T}{TEN}
19 All right! Beginning to end, it’s a huge hit (4) KAYO (-o)KAY(+o)O
23 Provide various directions to hold party (5) ENDOW {EN{DO}W}
24 Travelling salesman’s diatribe following one point (9) ITINERANT {1}{TINE}{RANT}
25 Establishments not in throes (7) OUTFITS {OUT}{FITS}
26 Steal a scene in college, with gates swung violently (7) UPSTAGE {UP}{GATES*}
27 Fast-paced deli; if new, one may be in the U.S. (6) YORKER newYORKER
28 Rather pleased about Tamil leader yielding stand (8) PEDESTAL {PEDES{T}AL*}

1   Reached a peak in the garden? (8) FLOWERED [CD]
2   Creature has a short month to work (7) OCTOPUS {OCT}{OPUS} RIP Paul
3   Released a kind of rhythm? (6) SPRUNG [DD]
4   Workshops where they make couplings once again? (6,7) REPAIR OUTFITS [CD]
6   Five offering time to metropolitan area? That’s the truth! (8) VERACITY {V}{ERA}{CITY}
7   Boy going over bend in trees (7) LARCHES {L{ARCH}ES}
8   Former model lay bare (6) EXPOSE {EX}{POSE}
10 Viagra refugee doled out is for mean body (7,6) AVERAGE FIGURE*
15 Urge with reportedly utmost degree for a meringue ingredient (3,5) EGG WHITE {EGG} {W}{HITE}(~height)
16 Therefore paper’s measure is a non-aggressive marketing technique (4,4) SOFT SELL  {SO}{FT}{SELL} (Addendum - {SO}{FT'S}{ELL} - See comments)
18 Someone getting on is a little cold; stern as well (7) OLDSTER [T]
20 A barrier on worker that is firm (7) ADAMANT {A}{DAM}{ANT}
21 Recall my having more confusion (6) MEMORY {M{MORE*}Y}
22 The French notice to temporary owner (6) LESSEE {LES}{SEE}


  1. 16 Therefore paper’s measure is a non-aggressive marketing technique (4,4) SOFT SELL {SO}{FT} {SELL}

    Typo in anno


  2. 4D: Re Pair: couplings once again

  3. Replies
    1. Sridhar Shenoy Panchmal in Orkut put it this way:

      Over dressed! One outfit too many!

  4. CV's reply in Orkut:


    Sridhar, You're right! Thanks for pointing it out ever so gently!

    G usually examines grid entries for duplicates and makes amends. Don't know how this got through. Have to find out if no other alt was available at 25ac as it would have been more work in changing the long entry at 4dn.

    In both instances the word outfit is used in the sense of establishment or business org rather than clothes.


  5. At 25 ac other possibilities exist and the word could have been changed and a suitable clue written.

    Apologies for the avoidable repetition.

  6. With much difficulty omly,I could decipher1a& 1d.1 d still not clear. Anyway quite an entertaing and challenging as well.

    1. Flowered = reached the peak , matured etc.. So I think its CD and DD ?

  7. typo read as qite entertaining; challemging as well. comparatively todays CW (Gridman's) is tough.

  8. Was very surprised by Outfits being repeated.
    Otherwise, a good CW.
