Sunday, 31 March 2013

Special, Sunday 31 Mar 13, Aldhelm (through Raju Umamaheswar)


1. Three answers per commenter
2. Annotations to be compulsorily provided with the answer.
3. Answers for clues marked A, B, C, D & E (In red) are NOT repeat NOT to be given till all the other answers are in. These answers will automatically get revealed when all the answers come in.

Five eights

The eight-letter answers to the five clues (A to E) — which are given in no particular order — fit into the five bold squares. They read in a clockwise direction, starting from the top left-hand corner in each case. Any other answer with three letters forming part of these five words is clued with a definition element and an indication of the answer minus those three letters. Letter-counts refer to the full answer in each case.(A to E are not shown in Acroslite version).

A   Repeats... repeats it, not softly, perhaps

B   Horribly plastered without right support

C   Song needs ear that’s finely tuned

D   Better to get sport in for a complaining type

E   It’s instrumental in organising 28 with MBE

1   Politician gets, to start with, your cross (6)
4   Second Conservative on the margin was far from liberal (8)
10 Scope for wriggling worm swallowing ducks? Quite the opposite (5- 4)
11 Scientists’ iron deeds (5)
12 With shellfish to eat, falls silent (5,2)
13 Lay into team at Eurovision (7)
14 One issuing E. Lear’s nonsense (8)
17 Climber grabbing gold — valuable stuff (5)
19 It’s foul dropping one relative (5)
21 Ancient tax, say — English pound for Danish leader (8)
24 Stuck double gin in and drank noisily (7)
26 Melted about zero after wild fun (7)
28 Boundaries of Open golf course in Scotland (5)
29 Solitary type’s to stop, in the main (9)
30 French race doesn’t finish off aristocrat (8)
31 Dance trio at the conclusion of festival (6)

1   Country of the European Community to the east (6)
2   Offence of violence (7)
3   Uses 19 men on board (5)
5   Butterfly’s seen here, symbolically (5)
6   Ballooning in Florida with receptacle overcoming gravity (9)
7   Churchman’s deceptive treatment? (7)
8   Completely razes besieged city of legend — years, ultimately (8)
9   Speak fondly about member’s calm (8)
15 1 down men organised for a rise (9)
16 Give up little weight (8)
18 Metal nuts twisted round top of girder (8)
20 Could penny off be the unit of charge? (7)
22 Worship leaders of Leninism in one’s naivety (7)
23 Low-down biology classes (6)
25 Draw seems an utterly pointless piece of suspense (5)
27 All the plants she’s embracing (5) 

To attempt the crossword on a separate page follow the link FIVE EIGHTS.


  1. Just to make the 'Special Instructions' clearer.

    For example - In 1A the first three letters come from the first three letters of the word (could be any from A to E) which will fit into the bold square in the top left hand corner, the last three letters of the answer of 1A are to be worked out from the clue of 1A. Same procedure for the other clues which are part of the 5 bold squares.

    Is that clear or have I confused you'll further?

  2. 12A- clams up- DD
    shellfish- clam
    eat- sup

    falls silent- clams up

  3. ACROSSross
    10 Scope for wriggling worm swallowing ducks? Quite the opposite (5- 4) ELB{OW R(OO)M*}
    8 Completely razes besieged city of legend — years, ultimately (8) DES(TROY)(S)
    9 Speak fondly about member’s calm (8) {CO(MP)O}SED

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes you can post the answer for all the numbered clues. Do not post the answer for A, B, C, D & E. See answers posted by Venkatesh @ 10:49


    2. Sorry my previous comment got deleted by mistake.

  5. 3D- Pawns
    relative- uncle/ uses- pawns
    men on board- pawns

  6. 1D- Greece
    Def.- country
    of the- reg
    European community- EC
    to the east-E

    1. Padmanabhan,

      Of the is not = reg. GRE comes from the answer that fits into the top left square

    2. So the annotation would be GRE{EC}{E}

    3. This clears the confusion to a great extent.

  7. 13A Lay into team at Eurovision (7) AMATEUR (T)
    26 A Melted about zero after wild fun (7) UNFROZE (zero fun*)

  8. 19a UNCLEan
    24a GLU(GG)ED
    25d DRAw seeMs An- an example that would go well with Shuchi's present article

  9. 21A - DAN{EG}{E}{L}{D} = Ancient tax
    16D - REN{OUNCE} = Give up
    14A - {RELEA}*SER = One issuing

  10. From the above answers, the answer for the central square has got revealed as

    C Song needs ear that’s finely tuned = SERENADE*

  11. If we write today as 31.3.13, it is a palindromic number. Wonder Kishore has not commented/expounded on that!

    4a {S}{C}{RIM}PED = was far from liberal
    29a {ANCHOR}ITE = solitary type (hermit/recluse)
    30a NOB{LE MAN[-s]} = aristocrat. LE MANS is the famous French car race.

  12. Kishore,
    I have used your answer to 19A (uncle) in my 3d. In fact it is usch a nice clue and quite misleading to 19 men (pawns)on board. 19 actually refers to 19A! I could not mention this in my answer since I would then have exceeded my quota.

  13. It is not direct.
    Annotation: UMB{RAGE} = Offence

  14. 18 Metal nuts twisted round top of girder (8) {TUN(G)S} * TAN
    20 Could penny off be the unit of charge? (7) [b]COUL(-d) OMB

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. 11A - FEATS {FE}ATS
    Def - Deeds

  17. Rengaswamy,
    Pl check your spelling of the solution for 18 down.

  18. 6D - INFLATING {IN}{FL}{A TIN}{G}
    Def - Ballooning


  20. 6 Ballooning in Florida with receptacle overcoming gravity (9)IN FL A TIN G

    Should have been "a receptacle" in the clue.

    1. While FL is the commonly used abbr. for Florida, FLA is also used.
      Then, it comes to {IN}{FLA}{TIN}{G}. This seems to be the intended annotation.
      The clue also works if we can take 'FL' for Florida and 'A TIN' for receptacle.

  21. Replies
    1. I don't get how OR means gold. Sorry, but I'm new to crossword-ing.

    2. I am giving you the link to SHuchi's blog ,which will be helpful to you.

    3. Gold is used in cryptic crosswords to clue in OR or AU.
      OR is from the French word for gold. Used in heraldry, it is the tincture of gold.
      AU is the chemical symbol for gold. It is the short form of aurum (Latin), which means glow of sunrise.

    4. Thanks. I knew about Au for Gold and Ag for Silver (I'm an undergrad afterall) but I didn't know abut OR. Thanks for the enlightenments. :)

  22. Replies
    1. 17 IV{OR}Y = valuable stuff
      22D {LION}ISE (ISE is part of the eight-letter word mentioned by Colonel)

  23. Replies
    1. PLA is part of the eight-letter word mentioned by Colonel
      Church - CE
      Man - BO
      Defn: deceptive treatment PLA{CE}{BO}

    2. Ok.. I understand now...

  24. 28A Boundaries of Open golf course in Scotland (5) TRO{OpeN}

    22D Worship leaders of Leninism in one’s naivety (7){L I O N}IZE
    23D Low-down biology classes (6){GEN}ERA

    1. Sandhya,

      22d already given as {LION}ISE.
      A replacement can be taken.

      Z will not fit in as this is the last letter of one of the 8-letter words.

  25. Interesting puzzle, though fairly straightforward. Let me figure out what is left.

  26. Compensating:

    1A Politician gets, to start with, your cross (6) GRU{MP}{Y}

  27. I just filled in 31A. I hope I'm right! Nice clue-ing!

  28. 1a GRU{MP}Y
    31A VAL ETA (VAL last three letters of festival
    5d COMMA (2)

    All done

  29. Yup! I went through the list of dances in Wikipedia to figure Valeta. Didn't know about that one!

  30. Now D has been revealed in top left square:

    Better to get sport in for a complaining type G[-a]{RU}MBLER

    Substituting sport RU for A in better GAMBLER gives GRUMBLER, a complaining type

    1. That should read GRUMBLER, complaining type.
      Better GAMBLER
      to get 'sport' in for 'a' - replace A with RU
      Defn: complaining type GRUMBLER

  31. And A reveals itself in bottom right square:
    Repeats... repeats it, not softly, perhaps
    {RE[-p]EATS + IT}* = ITERATES

  32. B Horribly plastered without right support. Ans : PEDESTAL {PLASTE(R)ED}

  33. Top right square

    B Horribly plastered without right support
    PEDESTAL*-r = Support

    Bottom left square:
    E It’s instrumental in organising 28 with MBE

    Last ones left: 5dn & 25dn.

  34. 25Dn already taken by Kishore.
    Only 5Dn is left.

  35. Raju & Colonel,

    Thanks for the interesting variant of the Cryptic set by Aldelhm. He has started setting the weekday FT Cryptic(we had his first one on 26th Feb, 2013), although he had already been doing the mixed straight/cryptic crossword in the Weekend FT Magazine.
    Here is what the setter has to say about his pseudonym:

  36. Thanks Raju and Deepak.

  37. A clue from today's HT for our friend Arden, in memory of the last conversation we had !

    24 Last letter a postman’s given a revolutionary (6)

  38. Thanks Raju. If Aldhelm is a setter who is still setting I hope he will not object to this one appearing here without his permission.

  39. I am sure Raju will take care of it.

    Thank you raju & Col. for an enjoyable CW and all others who made it lively by their solutions and comments. More next Sunday.

    1. I have clarified to the Col and CV on my sources. If the Col feels it appropriate, he may share that info with ye-all.
