Sunday, 14 April 2013

No 2734, Sunday 14 Apr 13


Great surfaces, enjoyed solving today.

1   A pal must have short garments in a UAE state (3,5) ABU DHABI {A}{BU D}{HABIt}
5   Girl, good liar, unusually, about love (6)  GLORIA {G}{L{O}RIA*}
9   Compliant theologian carrying one in on time (8) OBEDIENT {O{BED{1}E}N}{T}
10 Tricky question, last of four on card (6) TEASER {TEASE}{R}
12 Catch girl close to gazebo (5) LASSO {LASS}{O}
13 A D.H. Lawrence novel, or Dr No as a novel (6,3) AARONS ROD*
14 Painting of smooth US president and philosopher (8,4) FLATFORD MILL {FLAT}{FORD} {MILL}
18 DJ just died in entrance? (7,5) EVENING DRESS {EVEN}{ING {D}RESS}
21 Pastry brought round to character over in restaurant (9) TRATTORIA {TRAT<=}{TO}{RIA<=} Character and 'air'?
23 Live with chauvinist - seconds out! (5) EXIST sEXIST
24 He died flying, one tenor starved of oxygen (6) ICARUS {1}{CARUSo}
25 Apron-like garment found in shop in a forecourt (8) PINAFORE [T]
26 Bloodhound in Olivier/Caine film (6) SLEUTH [DD]
27 In the dark I allow not one inside (8) IGNORANT {I}{G{NO}RANT}

1   London theatre god (6)  APOLLO [DD]
2   It's difficult, apparently, making one apprehensive (6)  UNEASY UN-EASY
3   Common people voting in Orkney island reportedly circle one (3,6)  HOI POLLOI (~hoy){HOI} {POLL}{O}{1}
4   Largest being wild animals (6,6)  BENGAL TIGERS*
6   Romance at home, so stay longer beneath the sheets (3,2) LIE IN {LIE} {IN}
7   Check remainder before wet weather (8)  RESTRAIN {REST}{RAIN}
8   Dog show, first in Eden Valley? (8)  AIREDALE {AIR}{E}{DALE}
11 Publisher's job for old fellow connected with English university (12) PROOFREADING {PRO}{O}{F}{READING}
15 Gangster's crazy speed on road abroad (9) DESPERADO {SPEED*}{ROAD*}
16 Unconventional youngsters with no money turned up after 'Live Aid', initially (8) BEATNIKS {BE}{A}{TNIKS<=}
17 A leader, inaccurate about western US state (8) DELAWARE {DELA{W}ARE*}
19 So I am desperately after motorway plant (6) MIMOSA {M}{SO+I+AM}*
20 Witness change in state trooper's leader (6) ATTEST {STATE*}{T}
22 Jeering remark beginning to trouble uncle's wife (5) TAUNT {T}{AUNT}


  1. Special today at 10:30 by another new entrant 'The Battosai'

    By the way this is what he wrote to me in his first mail on 01 Apr

    "It is really sad to note that a week ago I had no idea about cryptic crosswords. I have my friend to thank who asked me to create an app for a Cryptic Crossword quiz, only through which I got introduced to this magical and wonderful world."

    A little difficult to believe though.

  2. Let me start a debate.

    There are so many setters around here and so I might ask the question.

    For how many years were you a solver before you ever thought to try and be a setter?

    Do you think that being a solver for a reasonable period helps in honing one's skills as a would-be setter? Or do you think that the greater experience in solving a variety of puzzles does not necessarily mean an improved turn-out of a crossword?

    Do you think that the availability of the Internet platform such as the Colonel's and others elsewhere has encouraged short-time solvers to turn into setters. In the late Sixties and the Seventies setters had no opportunity to exhibit their skills: at best they could share their efforts with their relatives and friends. Seeing their crossword in print was remote. Even when THC started with an original crossword it was being created by a small clique into which it was well-nigh impossible for others to enter.

    1. Let me be the first to answer.

      I started solving in 1985. But with no tools and to just reverse engineer the clue from solutions next day, the learning curve was always steep. My proficiency improved in the last 4 years after becoming a regular at Colonel's blog. And precisely that's what gave the confidence to dabble with setting crosswords.

      So according to me even a short but intense stint at platforms such as these is a valuable asset.

      But on the other hand extensive solving greatly improves the quality of setting being familiarised with various styles.

      Maybe a definitive answer on this would emerge in a while today.

    2. My response, after Afterdark, is just two letters:


      In fact, I started in the same exact year.

  3. With this intro, can't wait to see today's special.

    18A- Confused DJ with a Disc Jockey and got nowhere. Clarified only after seeing Col.'s link.

    19D- We were chatting about "Touch me not" some time back.

  4. Intriguing. :) can't wait to see

  5. Col Deepak and all other fellow-bloggers

    Wishing you and the family a very happy new Year and felicitations for Vishu. Have a gre3at day, col: with sadhya at home.

    1. Was that a typo for Sandhya???

      Wishing all bloggers all the best for Vishu and New Year

    2. JK.

      Enjoy your sadhya and prathaman ...

    3. Sadhya is the feast which we have on occasions like these and marriages

    4. Pradhaman was cooked by me and Payasam by the better half

  6. That's why I used the recently learnt Jk :-)

  7. Wish I was there for the pradhaman ...

  8. SADHYA : SANDHYA-- do you have a cold? if you have then your nasal twang is justifiable !!

    Pradhaman is made out of jack fruit? sadhyas always have these types of soporifics that send you for a post-prandial siesta. Is it not a Kerala specialty?

  9. Deepak & CV:
    I'm going nuts with a cryptic crossword no: 23652 of 5th April, 2013. Any solving group or link I can hook up to? My sunday is ruined !!

  10. sorry ! it is from the Hindustan Times of Delhi
