Saturday, 29 June 2013

No 10812, Saturday 29 Jun 13, Gridman

1   Wax for artist fellows in suffering (8) PARAFFIN {PA{RA}{FF}IN}
6   A body of detectives becoming sour (4) ACID {A}{CID}
9   Wise one: “Top of boat blown off” (6) ORACLE cORACLE
10 Bears English force without limit (7) ENDURES {EN}{DURESs}
13 They are not of the present time (5,4) OLDEN DAYS [CD]
14 Something you shouldn’t do! (5) TABOO [E]
15 ABCDFGHIJKMN…? (4) NOEL (~no l) (Addendum - {NO}{E}{L} - See comments)
16 Not the artillery for light infantry (5,5) HEAVY STUFF [CD]
19 Great hotel renovated completely (10) ALTOGETHER* Reminds me of how we come into this world.
21 Mischievous child born to traitor (4) BRAT {B}{RAT}
24 Nibs scattered around eastern dramatist (5) IBSEN {IBS{E}N*} Popular dramatist among setters.
25 Dress for Bill, returning to French city, with nothing new (9) CAPARISON {CA<=}{PARIS}{O}{N}
26 It may be laid over the top of a house (7) SHINGLE [GK]
27 Being natural, public house took the bait, so to say (6) INNATE {INN}{ATE}
28 Advantage that isn’t central (4) EDGE [DD]
29 Indeed detective is giving full particulars (8) DETAILED {DE{TAIL}ED}

2   Shorten a dentist’s work (7) ABRIDGE {A}{BRIDGE}
3   American Rear Admiral going round to preserve obscure matters (6) ARCANA {A}{R{CAN}A}
4   Release a man — representative having no constraints (4,5) FREE AGENT {FREE} {A}{GENT}
5   These are required to be met if one is not to be deprived (5) NEEDS [CD]
7   Cartoon character, not ill, holds bone of Arctic deer (7) CARIBOU {CAill{RIB}OU} Never heard of this cartoon series
8   Gifts Dominic distributed are embarrassing (12) DISCOMFITING*
11 Hate journalist coming up to examine (6) DETEST {DE<=}{TEST}
12 Utopian’s site reveals question that is debatable (5,2,5) POINT AT ISSUE*
17 Perspective on position from where you may admire scenery (9) VIEWPOINT {VIEW}{POINT}
18 Urge for no-good drink (6) EGGNOG {EGG}{NO}{G} YUK!!
20 Trying to time a deceptive operation (7) TASTING {T}{A}{STING}
22 Gridman, for one, last now first, given round badge of honour (7) ROSETTE {(+r)R{O}SETTE(-r)}
23 Be one going around to manage the country (6) BRUNEI {B{RUN}E}{1}
25 Faith American Indian placed on Delhi leader (5) CREED {CREE}{D}


  1. I had the anno for 15A as follows :
    The string of letters in the clue does not have an "E" or an "L" so leading to NO E L...
    Don't know what clue type this comes under but was really enjoyable!

    1. An enjoyable crossie.

      Some of our friends may have said 'Karibu' (welcome in Swahili) to 7D.

    2. Thanks Sridhar,

      I need to brush up on my ABCD!!!

  2. 15 ABCDFGHIJKMN…? (4) NO E L

    Reminded me of HIJKLMNO? (5)

    1. You must see the use of the ellipsis and the QM.
      Ellipsis suggests that thes eries continus to Z but two letters are missing in that series.
      QM suggests that there's something unusual about the clue - lack of def, e.g.

  3. 13 Can 'they' be used to refer to days? Normally, we refer as these or those days.

  4. Submissions invited for the Sunday specials. Stock running out.

    1. Re 'they'

      Please see it (superscript 1) in the Chambers dictionary.

    2. Colonel, I've sent one tonight.

  5. Nice one by Gridman. The best of the lot was the clue featuring him.

    18 Urge for no-good drink (6) EGGNOG {EGG}{NO}{G}

    Urge is actually EGG ON. Do we take 'on' to be above NO G? That would be superfluous, as it is in any case over NO G

    1. That should read
      Urge is actually EGG ON. Do we take 'on' to be above NO G? That would be superfluous, as it is in any case it is over NO G

  6. 27Ac
    took the bait, so to say = ATE
    So to say indicates a homonym
    Is it ~bait = bite,
    took the bite = ATE

    1. Probably like a fish eating a bait.

    2. "so to say" need not be a hom ind.
      It means "in a manner of speaking"
      When a fish or a wild animal takes the bait, they bite/swallow - or EAT.
      They take the quarry literally.
      Do humans eat when they take the bait?

    3. Thought on the same lines too.

    4. In many cases when humans take the bait, they bite the dust....

    5. or eat the hubmble pie...

  7. Could not figure out the NOEL answer. What's it?

  8. It is an occasional clue. You get it or don't get it.

    1. By 'occasional' do you mean reg. an ocassion like Christmas?

    2. No - in the sense of 'for the nonce'.

      When you're bored with all those anagrams, charades, homophones, telescopics, you try something noVel.

    3. NOEL. Does not the clue require a definition?

  9. Nice clues.9 &25a well sculpted ones.2 & 7d appealing. In fine good entertaining puzzle.

  10. 99 Run Out !. Missed 15A. My IAF experience came in handy to get Caribou easily. The transport/cargo aircraft of 70s is obsolete now.

    1. CV Sir, could see E and L were missing in your novel clue but no further progress I could make,
      however hard I tried !. All said and done, it is an entertaining puzzle requiring IQ skills for 15A !

  11. One more name may be added to the type of clues list- mischievous. 15A would typically qualify! I am so glad I got it after a bit of struggle and with crossings. Thank you Gridman for an enjoyable puzzle.

  12. !5 a. No e and l _ NOEL; could have been defined as something relating to Christmas. Haven't seen such a clue before ! but not defining the answer also added to the mystery and added to the possibilities.

    Reminded me of another similar clue I had come across earlier.

    . (5,4)

    any answer from any one? Brevity is the soul of wit.
