Thursday, 17 May 2018

No 12319, Thursday 17 May 2018, Gridman

1   We get odd sort of knife that may cut both ways (3-5) TWO-EDGED* Semi&lit
6   One billed in bar in Salem, for starters (4) IBIS Acrostic
9   Equip a lawyer in the military fleet (6) ARMADA {ARM}{A}{DA}
10 Strengthen setter in uncertain hours after night (7) NOURISH {N}{OUR{I}SH*}
13 At risk while making a telephone call (2,3,4) ON THE LINE [DD]
14 See, there's exotic ode around knights (5) DEKKO {DE{KK}O*}
15 Poem about dead woman (4) LADY {LA{D}Y}
16 Crude Russian I had pushed back contrived lament (10) RUDIMENTAL {RU}{I'D<=}{LAMENT*}
19 Recalled person of a sabha going in a rush (10) REMEMBERED {RE{MEMBER}ED}
21 Some took rare vegetable (4) OKRA [T]
24 This is Jack a section of the church heard (5) KNAVE (~nave)
25 Problem greeting odd koel? Go walking cadging rides (9) HITCHHIKE {HITCH}{HI}{KoEl}
26 Tamils off left side overwhelm star creating wave (7) TSUNAMI {T{SUN}AMIls}
27 Oddly cozy about thin, torn fabric (6) CHINTZ {Co{THIN*}Zy}
28 Farm animals, not hot, slowly escape (4) SEEP ShEEP
29 Say you'll unusually diet late-December time (8) YULETIDE (~you'll){YULE}{DIET*}

2   Best journalist defeated (7) WORSTED {WORST}{ED}
3   With this one might get rid of lead that's put down (6) ERASER [CD]
4   If one is thankful, one expresses this (9) GRATITUDE [CD]
5   Closely crowded together in studies, we hear (5) DENSE (~dens)
7   Quick alien gets meat cut (7) BRISKET {BRISK}{ET}

8   One who no longer needs to be in form discards coverall shoe (6-6) SCHOOL-LEAVER*
11 Miscellaneous items Senior dropped are inners (6) UNDIES sUNDrIES
12 Fish in waves moves smoothly (6-6) ROLLER-SKATES {ROLLER{SKATE}S}
17 Aid client determined to be the very same (9) IDENTICAL*
18 A crowd around head of existences — a simple life (6) AMOEBA {A}{MO{Ex...s}B}{A}
20 Middle East has a certain amount (7) MEASURE {ME}{A}{SURE}
22 Equipped to carry new Kashmiri shawl maybe (7) KNITTED {K{N}ITTED}
23 Move right in for dismissal (6) SHRIFT {SH{R}IFT}
25 Extremely hardy, having look of being like a wolfman (5) HAIRY {Hard{AIR}Y}

Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 38

It was a TSUNAMI of sorts!

The hotel had announced that when the SUN DIES there will be a special performance by two international  dancers - LADY Lily and  Kayal.

The two entered the floor dressed in IDENTICAL OKRA colored costumes.

MEASURE of interest could be seen from the DENSE crowd that had gathered. People who came in to have a DEKKO stayed back. Some found it difficult to stay ON THE LINE.

Sunder Smith sat in a corner dressed in a WORSTED woolen suit and collecting the moola.

Soon he had to get back to Shangri-la and his long NOURISHED ambition of taking over the hotel should happen ...

What next?


  1. Smooth flowing except a pause at 12DN

    1. I couldn't take figure out this.But for this thanks to Gridman spent a good morning

  2. Did the puzzle in Guest House at Karwar. Newspaper came at 7.0 AM.TH and DH(Deccan Herald). TH had Gridman and DH 13×13 Rufus. Both finished by 7.30. Off to Goa.

  3. The 13x CWD in DH is not Rufus's. It is that of a UK syndicate, I don't know which. Note that the grid is open, with big white areas like in US CWDs.

    1. A few clues looked liked Rufus's..mildly cryptic..but you would know better

    2. Open grid?Means not symmetric?

    3. Open grid has blocks in symmetric order. But white cells are more predominant - by filling in some across/down slots you get some answers in down/across slots without even having to read the clues, which solve themselves.

  4. After a long long time completed the puzzle without any outside help (Wiki, dict. etc.) and of course on paper. Thank you Gridman. Confidence booster, like Ram said yesterday.

    1. +1. Did it between the CJI listing and the start of hearing. Gridman is a nerve soothener amidst the high drama.

  5. An illustrated novelette from CGB. Great effort.
