Tuesday 29 May 2018

No 12329, Tuesday 29 May 2018, Incognito

8   Metal in the possession of Alistair O'Neill (4) IRON [T]
9   Gasps, "Trousers!" (5) PANTS [DD]
10 Indian fried bread from town in Odisha (4) PURI [DD]
11 Box vehicle has 1000 kg (6) CARTON {CAR}{TON}
12 People from Middle East who don’t change even when Fleming goes away (8) ARABIANS ARABianS
13 Virginia first drove around animal and went away hurriedly (8) VAMOOSED {VA}{MOOSE}{Dr..e}
15 Brother Anderson gets some liquor (6) BRANDY {BR}{ANDY}
17 Success comes before Whiskey and Yankee (7) VICTORY [DD] (Addendum - {VICTOR}{Y} - See comments)
19 Liquor all consumed cautiously at first by circle in front of Head Office (7) ALCOHOL {AL{Co...d}{O}{HO}L}
22 Juggling hats, mummy, can cause a disease (6) ASTHMA {HATS}*{MA}
24 Activate soldiers in east-north-east after engineers return (8) ENERGISE {{EN{RE<=}{GIS}E}
26 Goon's gin was tampered — resulted in things happening (6-2) GOINGS-ON*
28 Come in again, after losing first election and become a tenant (6) RENTER REeNTER
30 Japanese plane that amounted to nothing (4) ZERO [DD]
31 Destroy special lubricant (5) SPOIL {SP}{OIL}
32 Stop and shoot (4) STEM [DD]

1   Extent of 100 square metres near the source of Avon (4) AREA {ARE}{Avon}
2   Adjusted trade discount — without dread — to get price per piece (4,4) UNIT COST {Trade+dISCOUNT}*
3   Porcupines seem to have many of these backbones (6) SPINES [DD]
4   Drawback in our ships towards the centre (7) INWARDS {DRAW<=} in {INS}
5   Transcontinental city mentioned in Afghanistan bulletins (8) ISTANBUL [T]
6   Operation Timothy accepted in the beginning to create a typeface (6) OPTIMA {OP}{TIM}{Ac...d}
7   Bird joining Martin in writing legendary grammar book? (4) WREN [DD]
14 Soda was sprinkled around one to bid goodbye to Spaniard (5) ADIOS {AD{1}OS*}
16 Discards small amounts of liquid (5) DROPS [DD]
18 Appraise once again whether chumps can follow religious education before Sabbath (8) REASSESS {RE}{ASSES}{S}
20 Co-ordinate, without energy, with model musician (8) ORGANIST {ORGANISe}{T}
21 Sheds thin tops without pressure (4-3) LEAN-TOS {LEAN}{TOpS}
23 Horse cart's handsome after some dust and earth were removed (6) HANSOM HANdSOMe
25 Strangely, strange yielder yielded penny (6) EERILY YIELdER*
27 Page opposite the editorial contains manufactured dope (2-2) OP-ED*
29 Jug found in breweries (4) EWER [T]


  1. 17a Victor for V(before W) and Y from Yankee, my understanding.

    1. Need to go back to Kindergarten. I forgot that there is an X between the W and the Y

    2. Just go to Sunnet. He never forgets any letter.

  2. I thought so too, but V(ictor)Y- how is that explained?

    1. Didn't get the Question. Y is Yankee in the code.

    2. Y for Yankee is given. I meant about the 'ictor' part.

    3. Victor is before whiskey in that code.

    4. Incognito used the NATO phonetic alphabet codes well.
      Kilo Uniform Delta Oscar Sierra, Incognito

  3. !2A- I could think only of Stephen Fleming- at least as on date! But could fill in Arabians from other parts of the clue.

    1. Early morning news about 50m£ for Craig in the next movie was on top of the mind.

  4. Did not know about 'Zero' planes. Thank you Incognito.
    I was wondering how many people know and remember about the legendary grammar book-Wren & Martin? It was once a Bible in school and college days. Nostalgic.

    1. I believe it(Wren & Martin) still is.

    2. Glad it still is. You must be knowing better.

    3. Srinidhi uses it so do her classmatea

  5. A great day for me. Thank you Incognito.

  6. Nice puzzle. My Favourite:Arabian

  7. Surprising! We are yet to see CGB write-up.

  8. As I started reading 10AC, I was careless and read as fired bread instead of fried bread and immediately thought of ROTI

  9. Happy Birthday & Many Happy Returns of the Day,Vasant!

  10. Many happy snruter of the day Vasant. Have a great day ! Hope you have taken time off from your perigrinations and are with your family. God bless you with good health and peace of mind in the days to come.

    1. Thanks Very Much, Raju. Infact today is working day. At work.

  11. Happy Birthday to you Vasant

  12. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 49

    The GOINGS ON in the Gemini school after 9 pm was known only to a few.

    Near the green rooms AREA spiral stairs EERILY led INWARDS to the basement.

    A cryptic board C ON C was seen.

    To ENERGISE the few who went in CARTON loads of BRANDY and other such ALCOHOL were readily kept.

    The ORGANIST, dancers and SS had their rooms in the first floor which could be reached from the inside.

    The arrangement was most convenient!

  13. Thanks KKR Sir, Ramani & CGB Sir

  14. Happy Birthday Vasant & Wish you many Happy Returns !

