Wednesday 29 August 2018

No 12408, Wednesday 29 Aug 2018, Vulcan

1   Version of the creator's plan (11) ORCHESTRATE*
8   Jelly right after it cooks (4) AGAR {R} after {AGA}
9   Harry argues with pros with disdain (4,6) SOUR GRAPES*
10 Introduce one new list after noon (6) INSTIL {1}{N}{LIST*}
11 Strange in a way, conspicuous (7)  SALIENT {S{ALIEN}T}
13 Abuse a guy with title (9) MANHANDLE {MAN}{HANDLE}
15 Commercial, clever, blocked unfortunately (5) SADLY {S{AD}LY}
16 Test pair (5) MATCH [DD]
18 Bill included a single liquid painkiller (9) ANALGESIC {A{A+SINGLE}*C}
22 Letter written back to Scot, one in boarding school (7) ETONIAN {NOTE<=}{IAN}
23 He makes the cheque, payment returned (6) DRAWER <=
26 Poor setter, say, starting to expect financial security (4,6) EASY STREET  {SAY+SETTER+Ex...t}*
27 24 seconds to get rid of a large bird (4) IBIS {alIBI}{S}
28 Trouble with Leander? Take a firm decision (4,3,4) DRAW THE LINE*
1   Newspaper article about some unknown material (7) ORGANZA {ORGAN}{Z}{A}
2   Edit one slip in letter (5) CARET [CD]
3   Record on wandering lions in Greek letter (7) EPSILON {EP}{LIONS*}
4   Stretched as instructed, say (4) TAUT (~taught)
5   Hang out with a female, Asian (6) AFGHAN {A}{F}{HANG*}
 Get rid of in time, say, not the first time (9) ERADICATE {ERA}{DICtATE}
7   Basically nothing new to know about this plant (6) FENNEL {FE{No...g}{N}EL}
12 Even in scale, an exact replica (5) CLONE {sCaLe}{ONE}
14 Unoriginal journalist's wish rejected by editor (9) HACKNEYED {HACK}{YEN<=}{ED}
17 For instance, a lawsuit without one of the stars (6) ASTRAL {AS}{TRiAL}
19 Detailed message about a date – young woman (7) LADETTE {L{A}{D}ETTEr}
20 Number of times I meticulously looked up (7) ITEMISE [T<=]
21 Repeated phrase in Roman translation (6) MANTRA [T]
24 Boxer's sexual orientation an excuse? (5) ALIBI {ALI}{BI}
25 Warmth in the atmosphere (4) HEAT [T]



  1. I feel 2d clue is missing. Edit one slip is epsilon.

    1. IMHO this is purely coincidental.

    2. It is coincidental. The clue clearly leads to Caret with the crossing letters.

    3. Though I have shown the clue as CD, I am not clear as to what the definition is. I too feel Prasad is correct. It appears to be an error by Vulcan

    4. I feel the entire sentence is the def. Maybe, the special symbol [of caret] was not recognized in print?

    5. Yet one more coincidence, you might not have come across!

      A chicken farmer went to a local bar, sat next to a woman, and

      ordered a glass of champagne. The woman perks up and says, "How about

      that? I just ordered a glass of champagne, too!"

      "What a coincidence," he said, "This is a special day for me. I'm

      celebrating." "This is a special day for me, too, and I'm also

      celebrating!", says the woman.

      "What a coincidence," says the man. As they clinked glasses he asked,

      "What are you celebrating?"

      "My husband and I have been trying to have a child, and today my

      gynecologist told me I'm pregnant!"

      "What a coincidence," says the man. "I'm a chicken farmer. For years

      all My hens were infertile, but today they're finally laying fertilized

      eggs." "That's great!" says the woman, "How did your chickens become fertile?"

      "I switched cocks," he replied.

      She smiled and said,............ "What a coincidence!"

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