Saturday 2 February 2019

No 12539, Saturday 02 Feb 2019, Afterdark


1. Arraignment in a civil court at America to detain a nationalist (10) ACCUSATION {A}{CC}{USA}{T{I}O}{N}
6. Longing to be in ground without pressure (4) ITCH {pITCH}
10. Villagers conduct rituals in upper house (9) RURALISTS {R{RITUALS*}S}
11. He came back to fix painting in the place where we live (5) EARTH {E{ART}H<=}
12. Street musicians featuring on paper collect grub, half of it with diners card (5-8) ORGAN GRINDERS {ORGAN}{GRub}{DINERS*}
14. Drink with man by the side (4) TEAM {TEA}{M}
15. One in ten die at the borders, death being accidental (10) UNINTENDED {UN}{IN}TEN}{DiE}{D}
17. Tension is not changeable (3,2,5) SET IN STONE Anno not clear (Addendum - {TENSION}* [RA] See comments)
21. Contents of drug, lithium found in fruit (4) UGLI (T)
23. Democrat is a villain, almost picks on others regularly and isolates (13) DISCRIMINATES {D}{IS}{CRIMINal}{oThErS}
25. Fabric made by nitwit, essentially bad (5) TWILL {niTWit}{ILL}
26. A male friend and girl with love, over the moon in involvement (9) IMBROGLIO {I}{M}{BRO}{G}{L}{IO}
27. Scoundrel, he's frequently found in cell (4) HEEL {HE}{cElL}
28. Malignant mass, test shows independent secondary growth (10) METASTASIS {MASS+TEST*}{I}{S}


1. Perhaps an attendant to assist hero in transportation (3,7) AIR HOSTESS {ASSIST+HERO*}
2. Actor gets vote for award right away (4,5) CARY GRANT {CARrY}{GRANT}
3. Quiet and fast, primarily seen inching ahead (6) SILENT {Seen}{Inching}{LENT}
4. Rehearsal turns ugly after the leading hero is ousted (4,3) TEST RUN {ThE}{TURNS*}
5. Antibody for poison, new invention finally (7) OPSONIN {POISON*}{inventioN}
7. Standing of communism retractable? Somewhat retrograde... (5) TERMS {T<=}
8. begin with, honestly a horrid antic to laugh (2-2) HA-HA (Acrostic)
9. No power in Erode – Strike (6) DELETE {DEpLETE}
13. Revelations by a top doctor; girl is in distress (10) ADMISSIONS Anno not clear
16. Probe an idol, expose guy having drug (9) DIGITALIS {DIG}{I}{TALISman}
18. Let's get fresh in a corner and cuddle up (6) NESTLE {N{LETS*}E}
19. A machine to regulate? Central bank is involved in it (7) TURBINE {TU{RBI}NE}
20. State non-aligned movement's reason to extradite criminal to American capital (7) NAMIBIA {NAM}{alIBI}{America}
22. Private doctor after getting a name gets boastful basically (6) INMOST {I}{N}{MO}{boaSTful}
23. Tax is an endless nonsense (5) DRIVE {DRIVEl}
24. Fellow is heading out to collect stamp (4) ETCH {fETCH}

Reference List

Civil court=CC, America=USA, A=I, Pressure=P, Upper house=RS, Man=M, One=Un, Democrat=D, Male=M, Girl=G, Love=L, Moon=Io, Indepndent=I, Secondary=S
Right=R, Power=P, An=I, Corner=NE, Central Bank=RBI, Non-aligned Movement=NAM, Criminal=Al, Doctor=Mo, Fellow=F

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. It is probably a letter aggregator clue as SET IN STONE can be obtained by using the letters in the given bank, any of them more than once if need be.

  2. Revelations by a top doctor; girl is in distress

    A (a)
    D (top doctor)
    MISS (girl)
    ions ?
    ? distress SOS

  3. If it is "is on distress", we might perhaps concede it is an anag (distress) of ISON

  4. If it is ON in stead of IN, the anagram is okay- (AD MISS IS ON)*
    But then it does not go with the surface.

  5. Is A valid abbreviation for ant?

  6. Replies
    1. "Gets vote for", legislative terms. When a motion gets voted for, it gets carried.

  7. 13 prasad anno

    Top doctor: DM (doctorate of medicine, super specialist)
    Girl :sis
    Is in : A(DM) is (sis)
    Distress :carry ON

  8. 28A. Anno looks wrong. MASS TEST IS does not lead to METASTASIS. An 'a' is missing and there are three ess-es in the parsing against three in the answer.

  9. In 12a how do u get ORGAN? Is it ON+ RAG for paper?

    1. organ meaning "a newspaper or periodical which promotes the views of a political party or movement"

  10. 'Featuring on' is a connector as Ramesh has indicated in the blog.
