Tuesday 26 February 2019

No 12559, Tuesday 26 Feb 2019, xChequer

7   Escape from tour organised by one in France (6) OUTRUN {TOUR*}{UN}
8   Prime pick (6) SELECT [DD]
10 Need a couple of blankets, spreads and covers in this? (3,5) BED LINEN [CD] (Addendum - {NEED+BLa...s}* Over {IN} Semi&lit - See comments)
11 Greek money earlier showed purchasing power (6) LEPTON  {LET ON} over {P}
12 Round gold piece (5) ORBIT {OR}{BIT}
14 Rice and broth, alternatively fresh bread (7) BRIOCHE {RICE+BrOtHe}* Alternatively or Alternately?
15 Fool assimilating tender truth changes, it's what a prodigal might do (6,2,3,4) RETURN TO THE FOLD {FOOL+TENDER+TRUTH}*
18 Serve holding mug and a tumbler (7) ACROBAT {AC{ROB}{A}T}
19 Muzzle-loading gun stripped by learner in labour camp (5) GULAG {GAG} over {gUn}{L} 
20 Frisk doctor in prison (6) GAMBOL {GA{MB}OL}
21 Inviolable state of court defying reason (8) SANCTITY {SAN{CT}ITY}
23 Reputation of time piece that keeps working (6) HONOUR {H{ON}OUR}
24 Wodehouse films mostly end in full house (6) PLENUM {PL{ENd}UM}

1   Very much like accomplished family member possibly (5,3) LOVED ONE {LOVE}{DONE}
2   Uprising after killing king and the others (2,2) ET AL LATEr<=
3   Basket case in nightmare aboard boat (6) PUNNET {PUN{Ni...rE}T}
4   Nearly healthy, sent up hot drink (4-4) WELL-NIGH {WELL} {H}{GIN}<=
5   Relaxing without exercise, clubs showing due consideration (10) RESPECTFUL {RES{PE}{C}TFUL}
6   Goes to shake cat's-paw (6) STOOGE*
9   Book half-heartedly silent about monitoring teetotaller for personality evaluation (7,4) INKBLOT TEST {BOoK+SILENT}* over {TT}
13 Indecent guy also gets first prize (4,6) BLUE RIBAND {BLUE}{RIB}{AND}
16 Tour of Melbourne, one including religious education? No, No (8) NOBELIUM {MELBOUrNe+1}* [CA]
17 Portion of wicket put up with covers gets sticky (3,5) LEG STUMP {L{GETS*}UMP}
18 Detachment from army outposts securing approach (6) APATHY {Arm{PATH}Y}
19 Kind of elegant, leaving amateur shooting … (6) GENTLE ELEGaNT
22 … fish in a barrel? Quite the contrary (4) TUNA {A}<=>{TUN}



  1. One of the easier ones by XC. Very enjoyable.

  2. 10A- It could still be a CD since otherwise the def. becomes just 'this'(?)

    1. It is an extended definition, perhaps a semi & Lit.

    2. Blankets, spreads, covers are part of bed linen. Should be semi&lit, but I leave it to masters to classify.

    3. Anno in the blog needs correction:In inside (BL+NEED)*

  3. Then does it become a compound anagram?

