Thursday 14 February 2019

No 12549, Thursday 14 Feb 2019, Arden

6   About to start, stopped short by girl (5) CAROL {CA}{ROLl}
7   Rent changes hands, people are gone (8) LACERATE {(-r+l)LACE}{(-l+r)RATE}
10 Silent about a match — can start a bit (7) MODICUM {M{ODI}{Can}UM}
11 Show you agree — nothing but trouble, that's for sure (2,5) NO DOUBT {NOD}{O}{BUT*}
12 Doctor needs to go around the city (7) DRESDEN {DR}{NEEDS*}
13 The last to go in — bit tricky, perhaps (7) SLEIGHT {SL{thE}IGHT}
14 City thanks all residents — has church following (11) TALLAHASSEE {T{ALL}A}{HAS}{SEE}
19 Fancy car impounded, any payment to be made? (7) ALIMONY {A{LIMO}NY}
21 Pick from top to bottom, right name for a stand (7) LECTERN {(-e)LECT(+e)E}{R}{N}
23 Breakaway flier? (7) BUSTARD {BUST}{A}{RD}
25 Letters exchanged for support (7) TRESTLE*
26 Jumper can jump over a set grid (8) CARDIGAN {C{A}{GRID*}AN}
27 Writing will make a mark, bring it all out (5) RETCH {R}{ETCH}

1   Inclination of an ex-president to check exit (8) GRADIENT {GRA{DIE}NT}
2   I went for a point, kept calm (6) PLACID PLAC(-e+i)ID
3   Try an alternative after a fruit, it could be nourishing (10) ALIMENTARY {A}{LIME}{TRY+AN}*
4   Picture framed in silicone (4) ICON [T]
5   Half step over full step is taught, as some would say (6) STRUNG {STep}{RUNG} (taught~taut)
6   Setter on first date — stops shy of becoming a show (6) COMEDY {CO{ME}{Date}Y}
 Set right soldier's uniform (7) REDRESS {RE}{DRESS}
9   Condition in India, say (5) STATE [DD]
13 Red stain over Smiley's bete noireit spreads (10) SCARLATINA {S{CARLA}TINA*} Had to Google this, however Smiley's bete noire is spelt as Karla and not Carla
15 Animal's fat, swallowed scribe up (7) LEOPARD {L{POE<=}ARD}
16 Have without batter, middle teeth lack bite (8) EDENTATE {E{DENT}AT}{teEth}
17 Preacher finds three directions to move around Brisbane (5) RABBI BRIsBAne*
18 Tangle with men, she's free (6) ENMESH*
20 Set up — dictator got in, in front (6) INSTAL (+in)INSTAL(-in)
22 Bawl to get her cricket ball, say (6) CHERRY {C{HER}RY}
24 The Gods are a bit cut up with the lawgiver (4) DOGE [T<=]



  1. Appeared difficult at the start. With the crossings, the going was easy.
    13DN and 24DN are new

  2. Yes, I too had to depend on crossings and still could not parse a few until I looked in here.

  3. 14A- Is 'residents' a container indicator?

    1. Residents = Occupants. Perhaps 'all' are occupants of TA, I think!

  4. 16D "Garden rubbish primarily encourages sloth, may be" - Today's Guardian clue.

  5. Liked 23A... Breakaway becoming Break a way to get 'Bust a rd' the bird!

  6. 7A: 'Rent' as a verb is in the past tense, whereas 'lacerate' is in present tense. Properly, the clue should have been 'rend'.

  7. You're right Amita, it was an oversight on my part

  8. please provide me some teaching to solve crosswords properly.

    1. Visit links under 'For Beginners'at
