Wednesday 13 February 2019

No 12548, Wednesday 13 Feb 2019, Arden

1   Open air concert in a state of confinement (13) INCARCERATION*
10 Stand in position, change comes finally (5) LOCUM  [CD?] (Addendum - LOCU(-s+m)M - See comments)
11 It's flexible — others have interest, right? (9) RESILIENT {RES{I}{LIEN}T}
12 Thing is bosses are away, no one goes back (9) OBSESSION {BOSSES}*{NO}{1}<=
13 Wish to take note over time (5) EPOCH {H{C}OPE}<=
14 Admission as one gets older — getting the picture? (7) IMAGING {I'M AGING}
16 Rejecting men? Face naked retribution (7) NEMESIS {MEN}{rESISt}
18 Add a month for workers to replace us (7) AUGMENT {AUG(-us){+MEN}T}
20 Next ban books, demand will make one cry (7) EXCLAIM {nEXt}{CLAIM}
22 Clean it repeatedly, inside there is some salt (5) NITRE [T]
24 Identical study — man has to mourn endlessly (9) CONGRUENT {CON}{G{RUe}ENT}
26 Said to accept new girl for dance — it's cool (4-5) SANG-FROID {SA{N}{G}{FOR*}ID}
27 Maybe Moody, takes note of image (5) TOTEM {TO{TE}M}
28 First customer's agreed for coming down and patronising (13) CONDESCENDING {Cu...r}{ON}{DESCENDING}

2   Traffic dislocation, told to leave the capital (7) NICOSIA dISloCAtION*
3   Ceasefire — don't start fighting, weather conditions are bad (9) ARMISTICE {wAR}{MIST}{ICE}
4   Soldier holds up my dog (5) CORGI {COR}{GI}
5   Deep voice on a screen shot (9) RESONANCE*
6   Net profit — you will feel nice at the end of it all (5) TULLE Tail acrostic
7   Only on edge, not very burdensome (7) ONEROUS {O}{NERvOUS}
8   Doctor is callinglose being senseless (13) ILLOGICALNESS*
9   The teammate is playing simultaneously (2,3,4,4) AT THE SAME TIME*
15 Serve up mostly incomplete — make yourself clear (3,6) GET ACROSS {G{CATEr<=}ROSS}
17 Wasted weapon, it was overvalued (9) MACERATED {MACE}{RATED}
19 Blue tinge to wear? (3,4) GET INTO*
21 Language for one to hold match (7) AVESTAN {A{VESTA}N}
23 Meat is served, be away and get cursed (5) EFFED {beEF}{FED}
25 Girl in the altogether gets a push (5) NUDGE {NUD{G}E}



  1. 10AC: I think it is LOCUS[position] to LOCUM

  2. Liked 20A- 'Next ban books' to get ex.

  3. 2 long verticals- both anagrams- nicely done.

  4. Brother's OBCESSION was to win.
    An ONEROUS task. But AT THE SAME TIME it must somehow happen.
    How to AUGMENT support?

    Then an idea struck him. All he had to do was NUDGE his sister and ask her to GET INTO the fray. He and his supporters had to GET ACROSS the message and make her understand that there was no ILLOGICALNESS in their thought.
    Sister was in a CONDESCENDING mood.
    Is an EPOCH about to begin?

    1. brother, sister...mmmmm, does 'mmmmm' stand for mms Paddy?

    2. I don't know about mms, but it was nicely done- almost plainly indicative but not directly mentioned. Enjoyable and timely as Col. put it.
      You are right in a way- mmmmm can be m's or mm's.

    3. Perhaps Arden was hinting MMS=multi media Service( Pictures, VDOs etc sent on Messaging services)

    4. I also thought so and I am not too up to date on the subject.
      I just wanted to say good going.

  5. 8D. 'is calling lose' to be coloured.
    17D. Overvalued = rated? I feel valued is good enough.

    1. 8D - Yes, thanks.
      17D - Maybe enough however here it indicates MACE is over VALUED/RATED

  6. Prasad, In 17D, over is used as a positional indicator implying 'on top of'.

  7. Those who are interested please send in your Crosswords for publication in the Sunday Specials series
