Sunday 24 February 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3036, Sunday 24 Feb 2019

1   Organisations in dispute still around (3-3) SET-UPS [T<=]
4   Secret ring in compound in command (8) ESOTERIC {ES{O}TER}{IC}
9   Maiden in story, delicate in glare of publicity (9) LIMELIGHT {LI{M}E}{LIGHT}
11 Run across wanderer (5) ROVER {R}{OVER}
12 Pursue fanciful goals, having hour in event with artist with fashionable inclinations (5,8) CHASE RAINBOWS {C{H}ASE}{RA}{IN}{BOWS}
14 Obsession with affair (5) THING [DD]
16 Successor I hire, not bothered by resistance (9) INHERITOR {I+HIRE+NOT}*{R}
17 Inspector’s complaint about core of policy causing incredulity (9) DISBELIEF {DI'S}{BE{poLIcy}EF}
19 Speaker's quiet part (5) PIECE (~peace)
21 Vessel for cargo designed to enrich Spain (9,4) CONTAINER SHIP*
24 Substitute for unknown quantities (5) PROXY {PRO}{XY}
25 Nordic person, one with family around east, turning communist (9) ICELANDER {1}{C{E}LAN}{RED<=}
26 Loud and clear, after end of appointment, getting told to go outside (8) STRIDENT {S{a...nT}{RID}ENT}
27 Reveal demon with skill (6) IMPART {IMP}{ART}

1   Concern about one in lonely state (10) SOLICITUDE  {SOLI{C}{1}TUDE}
2   Drums upset sleep? Endlessly nervous about that (7) TIMPANI {TIM{NAP<=}Id}
3   Seeds to beat (5) PULSE [DD]
5   Be indecisive after admitting one theft in error (3,2,3,5) SIT ON THE FENCE {ONE+THEFT}* in {SINCE}
6   Engine in lead, up around poor ground, following northward track (9) TURBOPROP {P{POOR*}B}<= after {RUT}<=}
7   Vicar is, on appeal, to consider again (7) REVISIT {REV}{IS}{IT}
8   Rude scoundrel on time (4) CURT {CUR}{T}
10 Good informer, one with answer in story giving pleasure (13) GRATIFICATION {G}{RAT}{1}{FIC{A}TION}
13 Nonconformist ready to accept split with prophet coming up (4,6)  FREE SPIRIT {RIP}{SEER}<= in {FIT}
15 Jealous desire to possess new watch (5-4) GREEN-EYED {GREE{N}{EYE}D}
18 Assistance copper raised during search (7) SUCCOUR {S{CU<=}COUR}
20 Animal identified by expedition’s leader on day in country (7) ECHIDNA {Ex...n}{CHI{D}NA}
22 River and wood covering area in kingdom (5) REALM {R{E{A}LM}
23 Love quiet American composition (4) OPUS {O}{P}{US}



  1. Replies
    1. A feast of Supriya's Puzzles. Just submitted Bird Box in 1 Across. Awaiting another Mystery box!

  2. Would you pl. explain turboprop?

    1. North Track(=rut) is TUR
      Lead is Pb (Element) up is BP
      POOR* inside BP

    2. Engine = Definition = TURBOPROP
      lead, = PB
      up = reversal indicator
      around = containment indicator
      poor = Anagram fodder
      ground = Anind,
      following = placement indicator
      northward = reversal indicator
      track = RUT
      {P{POOR*}B}<= after {RUT}<=}

  3. Thank you Ram & Col.
    Not aware of North track and poor ground (usually poor is anind) did not help either.
