Tuesday 19 February 2019

No 12553, Tuesday 19 Feb 2019, Incognito

8   Initially, third Unidentified Flying Object flies back to get food (4) TOFU {Th..d}{UFO<=}
9   A Greek letter in possession of the original Phantom (5) ALPHA [T]
10 Firstly non-vegetarians consume cattle (4) NEAT {No...s}{EAT}
11 Able — able to dance (3-3) CAN-CAN {CAN}{CAN}

12 Politicians throw out cop and run amok, for starters (8) INITIALS poLITIcIANS*
13 Brothel’s doorbell is broken (8) BORDELLO*
15 India has container storing energy for cold period (3,3) ICE AGE {I}{C{E}AGE}
17 These may be found in these clues and correspondence (7) LETTERS [DD]
19 Equipment to synthesise plasma in the presence of gravity (3,4) GAS LAMP {G}{PLASMA}*
22 Mixed gin and tea for consumption? (6) EATING*
24 Safe vessel for a boy who did not grow up (5,3) PETER PAN {PETER}{PAN}
26 Princess's edict makes for confusion (8) DISORDER {DI'S}{ORDER}
28 Marilyn is no more confused (6) MONROE*
30 Test version of software found in Dushanbe, Tajikistan (4) BETA [T]
31 The Territorial Army’s character (5) THETA {THE}{TA}
32 Frenchman carries weapon back to trial (4) EXAM {M}{AXE}<=

1   A little bit of input-output tabulation analysis, for starters (4) IOTA Acrostic
2   29's capital has German wine (8) MUSCADET {MUSCA{DE}T}
3   Lecherous four left carnival (6) CARNAL CARNivAL
4   Record endless noise reverberating around rookie character (7) EPSILON {EP}{NOI{L}Se*}
5   Herb’s in charge of a public building (8) BASILICA {BASIL}{IC}{A}
6   Raw prune I mashed ... (6) UNRIPE*
7   ... using a log carved in prison (4) GAOL*
14 Symbol of resistance is large after starting with nothing (5) OMEGA {O}{MEGA}
16 A type of radiation from magma compound (5) GAMMA*
18 Having one broken digit in railway termini can cause stiffness (8) RIGIDITY {R{1}{DIGIT*}Y}
20 Animals have a right to voice boxes (8) LARYNXES {L{A}{R}YNXES}
21 Ran around an expensive car and fought (7) SPARRED {SP{A}{RR}ED}
23 Is old watering hole line having the same pressure at all points? (6) ISOBAR {IS}{O}{BAR}
25 Design cot with mat for a feline (6) TOMCAT*
27 Change side in the middle of the month (4) IDES*
29 Headless woman's country (4) OMAN wOMAN

Bhargav's Talepiece



The girl who refused to be seen in a PETER PAN.
Daughter of a strict NAIR well settled in ARNI after having worked in distant IRAN. She had been brought up with a fair amount of RIGIDITY. Entered IIM Kozhikode after passing the entrance EXAM with flying colours.


Only BETA of an Australian billionaire.
After EATING TOFU and beef (what a combination!) had just opened a bottle of MUSCADET in his room which was found in total DISORDER. He was watching an old MONROE movie.
Any IOTA of doubt as to where he was bound next? Not to any BASILICA but...

What happened next?



  1. Omega had me thinking a little bit and going back to my roots- Elec. Engineering. Symbol of resistance is Ω which is omega (upper case) whereas the lower case is more familiar- a variation of w.

  2. Shall we say today's CW has everything from Alpha to Omega?

  3. 'Initials' can also be part of the theme?

  4. Incognito makes a rookie like me to have a broad grin of satisfaction of solving totally and prods us to enter the arena of gods ( You guys ) . Thank you Incognito Sir

  5. CGB is no more confused about who Monroe is!
    Good that he has started a new 'Thodar Kathai'. God knows how many episodes- it may go on like a mega TV serial depending upon customer rating.

  6. Enjoyable grid and dance! Thanks to Incognito and Colonel Sir!

  7. today's clues were amazing and covered all Greek words. enjoyed a lot. Thanks to shri.Colonel and Incognito too

  8. Why is Incognito incognito today?!

    1. Who knows? He must be balderdashing the Oracle

