Wednesday 22 May 2019

No 12632, Wednesday 22 May 2019, Gridman

1   What an aerialist must have and what one might look for in a bank statement (7) BALANCE [DD]
5   Precise order head of Sales ignored in blueprint (6) RECIPE PRECIsE*
9   Bar some pestering others (5) INGOT [T]
10 Unkempt vicar having tousled hair causes a racket (9) CHARIVARI {C{HAIR*}VARI*}
11 Try to brook a big beast (7) GORILLA {GO}{RILL}{A}
12 Can be laundered: objection withdrawn quickly? (7) TUBFAST { BUT<=}{FAST}
13 Good, a large number return for wine (5) PINOT {PI}{TON<=}
14 Available for rent — to admit artist or one without bigotry (9) TOLERATOR {TO LE{RA}T}{OR}
16 Port engineer is the one sheltering fugitives (9) HARBOURER {HARBOUR}{ER}
19 Farewell publicity that is unacceptable, to begin with (5) ADIEU {AD}{IE}{Un...e}
21 He has a story to say on old German coin that’s retrieved (7) RELATER {RE}{TALER}<=
23 Patty, did you say? He — or she — is a citizen (7) BURGHER (~burger)
24 Impressionist goes round modern Paris as evaluator (9) APPRAISER {AP{PARIS*}ER}
25 Get away from last section of the deadly duel (5) ELUDE {thE}{DUEL*}
26 Army VIP cut short family classes (6) GENERA GENERAl
27 It sends off the blues (7) SADNESS {SA}{SENDS*}

1   Come in last and call at that place in pub (5,2,3,4) BRING UP THE REAR {B{RING UP}{THERE}AR}
2   Host hampered by essentially harsh restriction (3,4) LEG IRON {LEGI{haRsh}ON}
3   Restricted: to take one direction in small stationery item (7) NOTELET {NOT{E}LET}
4   Wizard to record: short mantra’s in (9) ENCHANTER {EN{CHANt}TER}
5   Worried star hires old cook (5) ROAST {R{O}AST*}
6   Chennai's top and active mountaineer (7) CLIMBER {Ch...i}{LIMBER}
7   Pretend to be cat? (7) PLAYACT {CAT}* [RA]
8   Write about getting new lodging place in Ooty, say (6,8) WINTER QUARTERS {WI{N}TER*}{QUARTERS}
15 Somehow rely on bids to get right fliers (9) LYREBIRDS {RELY*}{BI{R}DS}
17 Turn for the worse makes rebel leader slip away (7) RELAPSE {Re..l}{ELAPSE}
18 Beat — dismally rout the champion (7) OUTRACE {ROUT*}{ACE}
19 Broadcast: "Chief is a flighty person" (7) AIRHEAD {AIR}{HEAD}
20 Head office constantly occupied all round, getting everything done by itself (2-5) IN-HOUSE {IN{HO}USE}
22 Delhi way for Jamaican sect follower (5) RASTA [DD]

Reference List
Try = GO, Good = PI, Artist = RA, Engineer = ER, Publicity = AD, On = RE, It = SA(Sex Appeal), Direction = E, Old = O, New = N



  1. Gridman got me 12AC. Although could annotate, didn't get Chambers support for the def.
    Chambers defines it as:
    Treatment of venereal disease by fasting and sweating in a hot tub

    1. I go to Webster where chambers fail. But as I said before with gridman and incognito I don't even look up.

    2. +1 for KKR.
      I was curious and looked up Col.'s link to know about Mariam Webster.

    3. Colorfast from "dye" ing of clothing industry.

  2. 1A Bank statement is an easy give away.

  3. 20DN here is 19DN in Guardian Cryptic.
    What a coincidence!

  4. Gridman has a knack of revenge.. Since the compiling is done in advance, he couldn’t have seen my yesterday’s comments earlier .Lots to grind one’s teeth about today!, Albeit, an enjoyable fare today !

  5. Gridman as entertaining as ever! But the grid jumped from 15 letter to 14 letter grid, was expecting the 10 letter grid.

  6. Gridman crosswords are always enjoyable. It doesn't mean they are very easy. But when you connect the clues it's really a nice experience. Why is it so?

  7. Good= Pi- is it short for pious?

  8. Thank you Prasad.
    Coming across this for the first time- to my memory, which is not all that good!

  9. I told you- about my memory or the lack of it!
