Wednesday 29 May 2019

No 12638, Wednesday 29 May 2019, Arden

 Need song composed in chaste French? (7,2,5) CHANSON DE GESTE {NEED+SONG}* in {CHASTE} &lit
10 Reach as omentum gets a momentum initially (5) GAMUT {G{A}{Mo...m}UT}
11 First test venue — sun set, also spread over morning (3,6) LOS ALAMOS {SOL<=}{AL{AM}OS*}
12 Spooner ran, chased by bully — that's standard in Russia (3,4) RED FLAG (fled rag to red flag)
13 Lover boy goes from head to toe, completely (7) OVERALL {(-l)OVER{AL}(+l)L}
14 Chamber's keen, starts probing ties (5) CRYPT {CRY}{Pr...g}{Ties}
16 I'd gatecrashed earlier into a place of refreshment (3,6) TEA GARDEN {GATE}*{ARDEN}
19 Team's demand for an additional course (4,5) SIDE ORDER {SIDE}{ORDER}
20 Brilliance amid all the clatter (5) ECLAT [T]
22 Perfect score for outstanding girl — a dish! (7) ANTENNA {AN{TEN}NA}
25 Gas had a new issue (7) NEONATE {NEON}{ATE}
27 Now wearing clothes, everyone's well informed (4-2-3) KNOW-IT-ALL {K{NOW}IT}{ALL}
28 Trace article in Times cover (5) T?I?T {Addendum - TAINT - {T{A}IN}T} - See comments)
29 Sign of impending union battle — will call later (10,4) ENGAGEMENT RING {ENGAGEMENT}{RING}

2   A nymph had included a crazy line... (9) HAMADRYAD {H{A}{MAD}{RY}AD}
3   ...on birth of two boys (5) NATAL {NAT}{AL}
4   Duty-bound to detect a scam of sorts, within old book cover (9) OBLIGATED {O}{B}{LI{GATE}D}
5   It's flat opening music (5) DISCO {DISC}{O}
6   Engage organisation, get used to peace and prosperity (6,3) GOLDEN AGE {G{OLD}ENAGE*}
7   A doctor in South American island (5) SAMOA {S{A}{MO}A}
8   Foreign characterany displaced Polynesian? (7) EPSILON POLyNESIan*
9   Spies hid paper on growing fungus (6) AGARIC {CI{RAG}A}<=
15 First results in, counting afresh — winning? (9) TROUNCING {T{Re...s}OUNCING*}
17 Learn about breaking a sound barrier — it will provide excitement (9) ADRENALIN {A}{D{LEARN*}IN}
18 Regularly deal with wild animal — takes time, but it's spotted (9) DALMATIAN {DeAl}{LMA{T}IAN*}
19 Restrain half sleepy reporter plugging in (7) SHACKLE {S{HACK}LEepy}
21 Have to go around, it's agreed (6) TREATY {TR{EAT}Y}
23 Strip it, had a change of heart? (5) THONG TH(-i+o)ONG
24 Embrace the French with fear (5) ALARM {A{LA}RM}
26 Essentially draw the fur (5) OTTER lOTTERy

Reference List
Line = RY(Railway), Old = O, Book = B, Doctor = MO, Paper = RAG,



  1. 28A) Defn: Trace; Soln: TAINT; Anno: {T(A)(IN)T}; Times for double T; Article=A

  2. Many more happy returns Vasant

  3. 16a Nice surface. Liked it.

  4. Many happy snruter of the day, dear Vasant. May you be blessed with boundless springs in the years to come. Keep smiling 😊. God bless you with good health & peace.

    Arden took us up the garden path in a few clues. I liked the perfect ten figure in Anna ,

  5. Many happy returns of the day Vasanth. Have a gr8 day.

  6. Happy Birthday & Many Happy returns of the day,Vasant!
    My wishes inevitably delaed.

  7. Enjoyable grid with lots of nice clues though I didn't get 3. Even unfamiliar words like 9D could also be obtained from wordplay. 16,19,15 and 17 were particularly good
