Sunday 26 May 2019

The Sunday Crossword No 3049, Sunday 26 May 2019


1   In valley, Ezekiel and others pray, continue (2,4) DO TELL {D{OT}ELL}
4   Sticky end delivered (8) STUBBORN {STUB}{BORN}
9   Gasp! A cunning plan! (6) WHEEZE [DD]
10 Where, surprisingly, I find song with three words (4,2,2) HERE WE GO {WHERE*}{EGO}

12 Primarily: lounge, or lie lazily (4) LOLL Acrostic &lit
13 With head oddly empty, bear reflected in wood, spluttering 'Huzzah!' (5-2-3) WHOOP-DE-DOO {hEaD}{POOH}<= in {WOOD}*
15 Play where that carpet's frayed; sofa's out of bounds (3,3,4,2) ACT THE PART OF {THAT+CARPET}*{sOFa}
18 A Catholic grandee, severest for the most part in liturgy, say (3,2,7) ACT OF WORSHIP {A}{C}{TOFf}{WORSt}{HIP}
21 Strident Australian on radio: where to buy BBQs? (10) KOOKABURRA (~ cook a bar ?)

22 Implausible... but fine (4) THIN [DD]
24 Man's environment is as part of Earth; is running out of time (5,3) IRISH SEA {IS+EARtH+IS}* Man meaning Isle of Man here
25 Tucking into Bavarian lager, a couple of Germans become louder (6) BIGGER {BI{GG}ER}
26 Romance involving Friends character, most obscene (8) GROSSEST {G{ROSS}EST}
27 Tone's set by these two chapters on self-destruction (1,5) C CLEFS {C}{C}{SELF*}

1   Sorry, charge is something applied to your phone (8) DOWNLOAD {DOWN}{LOAD}
2   British left occupies gutted hotel: major damage to London (3,5) THE BLITZ {B}{L} in {THE rITZ}
3   Act with inadequate zeal? (4) LAZE* &lit
5   Novel and its library readers? (3,9) THE BORROWERS [DD]
6   Committee goes after money; it's where cuts will be made (10) BREADBOARD {BOARD}<=>{BREAD}
7   Missing Latin lover at party, go too far (6) OVERDO {lOVER}{DO}
8   Once liberal, now almost completely reactionary? (6) NEOCON {ONCE*}{NOw*} &lit
11 Film and its originators? (3,9) THE PRODUCERS [DD]
14 Again and again, penniless bloke arrives at square dances (3-3-4) CHA-CHA-CHAS {CHAp}{CHAp}{CHAp}{S}

16 Not just any Tory leader in court (3,5) THE HAGUE {THE}{HAGUE}
17 Italian renounced fussy puritanism, being hot under the collar (2,2,4) UP IN ARMS PURitANISM*
19 With fleece surrounding one, being drawn down by gravity? (6) SKIING {SK{I}IN}{G} &lit
20 Tenor misses opening of Götterdämmerung, a dotty little thing (6) DOMINO DOMINgO
23 Revealed in indiscreet circle (4) DISC [T]

Reference List
Ezekiel and others = OT(Old Testament), Ego = I, Catholic = C, German = G, Chapter = C, British = B, Left = L, Party = DO, Square = S, Gravity = G



  1. +1 Col on the comment.
    I tried to solve it when it appeared on 24th March. I could crack only handful clues!
    I gave up.

  2. Thank you Sir, for sharing the video HERE WE GO. :)
