Wednesday 1 May 2019

No 12614, Wednesday 01 May 2019, Skulldugger

1   Marxist council built poor organisation (9) POLITBURO*
6   Soldier faced engineer's taunt (4) GIBE {GI}{BE}
8   Copenhagen temptress called for delicacies! (8) ?A?N?I?S (Addendum - DAINTIES (~ dane tease) - See comments)
9   Cologne wife dabbed primarily attracts Southern double-dealers (6) FRAUDS {FRAU}{Da...d}{S}
10 "She has no filter, is undiluted, on the nose", admits school principal (8,7) STRAIGHT SHOOTER {STRAIGHT} {Sc...l}}{HOOTER}
11 Positive attitude derived from American openness mostly (3-2) CAN-DO CANDOr
13 Idle outside rest room flipping bananas (8) DOOLALLY {D{LOO<=}ALLY}
15 Sugar canned in confitures, jams (8) FRUCTOSE COnFiTURES* [CA] and &lit
18 Ruling Washington in the wake of fat, arrogant Trotskyist leaders (5) FATWA {Fat}{Ar...t}{Tr...t}{WA}
20 Ramshackle zoo's gift: echidna with cancer perhaps (4,2,3,6) SIGN OF THE ZODIAC*
23 Lacking musical quality, is uptight about Tchaikovsky's oeuvre initially (6) ATONAL {A{Tc...y}{Oe...e}NAL} Anal/Uptight?
24 Captain's aide caught sailor in float without uniform (5,3) CABIN BOY {C}{AB}{IN}{BuOY}
25 It's a shame tree acreage is on the rise (4) ALAS {SAL}{A}<=
26 Portholes for rising sun viewers (5,4) BULLS EYES {BULL}{S}{EYES}

1   President gutted about US state institute's shock feature possibly (5) PLAIT {Pr...nT} over {LA}{I}
2   Neck strap deployed if escaping from fairyland (7) LANYARD fAiRYLAND*
3   Fondness for object (5) THING [DD]
4   Suggested putting away tandoori starter, as still hungry (7) UNSATED UNStATED
5   Derivative of fantasy series originally a lot of fun (8) OFFSHOOT {OF}{Fa...y}{Se...s}{HOOT}
6   Argan oil one extracted out from breakfast fare (7) GRANOLA {ARGAN+OiL}*
7   Spooner's American agent to roar like an animal lover (9) BEDFELLOW (fed bellow to bedfellow)
12 Weapon for patrols at sea around islands (3,6) AIR PISTOL {PATROLS}* over {I} and {I}
14 Birdie scored here with this (4,4) GOLF CLUB [C&DD]
16 Sack best core boxers, for example (7) CANINES {CAN}{fINESt}
17 Principled greeting by college in overdue volte-face (7) ETHICAL {HI}{C} in {LATE<=}
19 Custodian's beginning to go crazy after evacuation from fire (7) ARDENCY {wARDEN}{CrazY}
21 God of old protects black beasts (5) ZEBUS {ZE{B}US}
22 Dated regularly on Sabbath for yonks (5) AEONS {dAtEd}{ON}{S}

Reference List
Soldier = GI, Engineer = BE, Cologne wife = FRAU, Nose = HOOTER, Rest room = LOO, Float = BUOY, Rising = BULL, Louisiana = LA, Sack = CAN, God = ZEUS



  1. Replies
    1. Dane tease to be read as Copenhagen temptress and not as separate words

    2. Yes, as noun: A seductive woman who uses her sex appeal to exploit men

    3. Yes.
      1.1 A person who tempts someone sexually with no intention of satisfying the desire aroused.

    4. Thank you everybody. Now it is an MD!!

  2. 8a. DAINTIES meaning delicacies. Da from Danish. Rest no idea

  3. Anal/uptight Freudian term

    1. Prasad, Can you explain the relevance here?

    2. 23a col ?.

    3. I think the ref. is reg. Col.'s query for 23A- Uptight- anal?

    4. Your link reference to Cambridge is fine, Prasad. Thanks.

  4. Had to do the puzzle in my cell phone. While the two long ones went straight in had to struggle for Dainties, Doollally, Bulls Eyes.
