Monday 17 February 2020

No 12860, Monday 17 Feb 2020, Arden

9   Maybe bad sign — it takes guts (7) ABDOMEN {BAD*}{OMEN}
10 Sam, perhaps on a roll initially, can't make out (7) UNCLEAR {UNCLE}{A}{Roll}
11 Each adopted the wild cat (7) CHEETAH {EACH+THE}*
12 Big bird with a nice clipped tail (7) TITANIC {TIT}{A}{NICe}
13 Rain on grass, odd rain creates a hotchpotch (9) POTPOURRI {POT}{POUR}{RaIn}
15 Testing time for kidsTerminator bombed airport terminal (5) APRIL {AIRPort+terminaL}* [CA]
16 Late to cover study, you can go no further (4,3) DEAD END {DEA{DEN}D}
19 American upset with scrambled eggs and tea — it’s prompt (7) SUGGEST {US+EGGS+T}* (Addendum - {US<=}{EGGS*}{T} - See comments)
20 Long, maybe nearly fifty gone (5) YEARN NEARlY*
21 Redemption meant to modulate and check voice (9) ATONEMENT {A{TONE}MENT*}
25 Long time spent in line like an animal (7) LEONINE {L{EON}INE}
26 Case of cockney demand for some bling (7) EARRING (~ 'earing)
28 Food complaint, two characters flipped inside (7) ALIMENT A(I<=>L}MENT
29 Melissa used for earthmoving activity (7) SEISMAL*

1   Crazy plan to get an aide (6) MADCAP {M{ADC}AP}
2   Start with one diamond opening (6) ADVENT {A}{D}{VENT}
3   Novel must be filth (4) SMUT*
4   Party by the hour, no universal support (6) ANCHOR {ANC}{HOuR}
5   Sit out among doctors, shows respect (8) CURTSIES {CUR{SIT*}ES}
6   A beautiful fish, less than right in a way (5,5) ACUTE ANGLE {A}{CUTE}{ANGLE}
7   Fake news? True, she does provide nourishment initially (3,5) WET NURSE*
8   Risk taking people, by law get a handcuff (8) BRACELET {B{RACE}{L}ET}
14 Placing reliance on a mode of transport (5,5) OCEAN LINER*
16 Air filter for chemical wash (8) DRYCLEAN {DRY}{CLEAN}
17 A defence pact faces trouble over Asia Minor (8) ANATOLIA {A}{NATO}{AIL<=}
18 Face oddly excites tongues (8) DIALECTS {DIAL}{ExCiTeS}
22 Some are embarrassed on being hauled up to port (6) ODESSA [T<=]
23 New meaning, not new puzzle (6) ENIGMA MEAnING*
24 Switch to Google — loves to go (6) TOGGLE {TO}{GooGLE}
27 Scotch during regular reunions (4) RUIN ReUnIoNs

Reference List
Grass = POT, Fifty = L, Aide = ADC(Aide-de-camp), Diamond = D, Universal = U, Law = L, New = N, Love = 0

Dr RKE's TalePiece


In the month of APRIL 2019, a luxury OCEAN LINER, ENIGMAtically named TITANIC II,  lifted ANCHOR and set sail from the port of ODESSA. Some SUGGEST that it was a MADCAP idea to have named it so, knowing well the RUIN, literally a 'DEAD END,' that the earlier ship by the same name had run into.  It was UNCLEAR if the captain of this ship, who hailed from ANATOLIA, known for his LEONINE courage, YEARNed for a place in naval history or only wanted his two minutes of fame. He was seen on deck in a DRY CLEANed crisp uniform wearing a BRACELET and a single EARRING, which were his lucky charms. A POPOURRI (for that is how POTPOURRI ought to be pronounced, the 'T' being silent in the proper British DIALECT) of dishes awaited in the plush hotel named 'ALIMENT' two floors below the deck,  where the maître d' CURTSIEd to welcome the guests. SEISMAL activity many nautical miles away caused the ship to pitch and yaw violently, causing a revolt in the ABDOMEN of the diners. They thought the end was near, fell to their knees and prayed for ATONEMENT. Captain Cool, fleet as a CHEETAH, charged to the control room and merely TOGGLEd some switches, turned the ship's course at an ACUTE ANGLE, and they were back on to smooth waters. That is what ADVENT of technology has done to make shipping safe.


  1. Replies
    1. (miinus)1
      You may have read the setter's mind but I think the Col's anno too works. So hurray Col!

    2. :-)
      First time we get a minus!

    3. Vasi Sir!
      Will it not become indirect anagram for US part?

    4. And what is the role of "UPSET" in the wordplay?

    5. KKR - You seem to have a point! I think we are anatomising clues too much! Ha ha ha.

  2. Col
    Probably ADC merits to find place in the Reference List?

  3. Replies
    1. RKE!!!! no words..for the Talepiece.. rocking every day.....its abs. fantastic.

  4. Feeling on top of the world. Glad I was able to think through all the tricks of the trade used by Arden (almost by 8.30). I had to look up Asia Minor and missed a few annos.
    Curious ly I stsrted with the dead end!!

  5. Superb O superb Tale piece. You seem to be doing one better all the time.

  6. Aliment,Dialect,Pot pourri,Acute angle....several superb clues.

  7. Very enjoyable puzzle today! Thanks, Arden. Got them all except 5D: CURTSIES.

  8. My father used to mention 'alimentary canal' for the food pipe in our chest and I remembered it.

    1. for a long time i heard and thought its elementary!

  9. ...and curtsies before Royalty in Wimbledon courts.

    1. paddy, we should practice Texas dip version. good for siatic. almost gomukh asan!

    2. Good suggestion,now that there are changes in Royalty.

  10. Enjoyed the puzzle very much as also the talepiece.Thanks to Arden and Doc.

  11. It's sciatica_derived from sciatic nerve;radiating down the lower extremity from compression of the nerve .

  12. Wow. Very crisp clues... enjoyed solving

  13. Only one CA.. No RA, No elission.. Enjoyment double!

  14. Had to record this - I think this is the first Arden crossword I could solve completely :-).
