Sunday 2 February 2020

The Sunday Crossword No 3085, Sunday 02 Feb 2020

1   Top courier lost somewhere in the Antilles (6,4) PUERTO RICO*
6   Tom Baker, to start with, is grave (4) TOMB {TOM}{Ba..r}
 It uncovers having the heebie-jeebies! (7,3) NERVOUS TIC*
10 Duck spotted regularly in The Mall (4) TEAL {ThE+mAlL}
12 Composition of Kern: ‘Tolstoy, Russian Icon’ (4,7) LEON TROTSKY*
15 One of the faithful seen back in rickety local (7) ACOLYTE [T<=]
16 Farage cut off before broadcast about African country (7) NIGERIA {NIGEl}{AIR<=}
17 Cockney’s a tool, they say, with charm (7) ENAMOUR (~an ,ammer)
19 Rendezvous with Everyman after work – get in! (7) MEETING {ME}{GET+IN}*
20 Revolutionary for citadels to be overthrown (5,6) FIDEL CASTRO*
23 Stagger backwards giving lecherous gaze (4) LEER<=
24 Troubled? Assuage trouble with a pet (7,3) SAUSAGE DOG {ASSUAGE}*{DOG}
25 Audibly expressed frustration with BBC4, perhaps (4) SIDE (~sighed)
26 Ant’s friend, celeb: ‘Unlimited speed? Slow down!’ (10) DECELERATE {DEC}{cELEb}{RATE}

1   Bolts, being cut up (4) PINS<=
2   Neurotic hides cash (4) EURO [T]
3   One of a crew to cause online offence on empty vacuous platform (7,5) TROLLEY DOLLY {TROLL}{EmptY}{DOLLY}
4   Touch up a painting of deranged headless forester (7) RESTORE fORESTER*
5   Eastwood close to becoming president (7) CLINTON {CLINT}{ON}
7   Tax excessively deliveries by coach (10) OVERSTRAIN {OVERS}{TRAIN}
8   Make call to your lady, answering initially with expression of disgust and roar (5,5) BELLY LAUGH {BELL}{Your}{Lady}{An...g}{UGH}
11 Catcall girl at first; that is, make a play for girl at first, skipping (oddly) wine and music (6-6) BOOGIE-WOOGIE {BOO}{Girl}{IE}{WOO}{Girl}{wInE}
13 Fats Waller treated for cataracts (10) WATERFALLS*
14 Novel describing Cameron becoming Tory leader? (7,3) HOWARDS END [DD]
18 Having drunk a litre – about a litre – finally appreciate beer (4,3) REAL ALE {RE}{A}{L}{A}{L}{a...tE}
19 Samiest, re-hashed figure in collage (7) MATISSE*
21 Clue: sidearm’s concealed (4) IDEA [T]
22 Fairy-tale figure masticating gore (4) OGRE*

Reference List
Broadcast = AIR, Litre = L


  1. FIDEL CASTRO was on a flight to NIGERIA, to see the Erin Ijesha WATERFALLS. His ACOLYTEs at Abuja had also arranged for a MEETING where he was to unveil a MATISSE artwork featuring his communist ICON, LEON TROTSKY . All on a sudden, the plane careened to one SIDE and the pilot had to OVERSTRAIN to DECELERATE and RESTORE the balance. The experience caused a NERVOUS TIC in Castro and the REAL ALE served by the TROLLEY DOLLY calmed his nerves. Meanwhile, CLINTON, holidaying in PUERTO RICO, had a BELLY LAUGH and danced the BOOGIE WOOGIE on hearing false news that the CIA had plotted for Castro's plane to crash. Mrs.Hillary Clinton, being the shrewder of the pair, did not believe the CIA and continued to stroke her pet SAUSAGE DOG and non-chalantly read HOWARD'S END by E.M.Forster. From Eisenhower every President had had no IDEA of how to PIN down and put Castro in a TOMB, and how could her husband (better known to be ENAMOURed by and LEER at his intern than for strategies) succeed?

  2. Had already solved this in the Hindu interactive online version on 19.1.20

  3. Well done Dr.RKE.You score a first- first time we have a tale piece for the Sunday CW. Almost all words covered?
    Back to KKR special routine!
