Monday 20 April 2020

No 12914, Monday 20 Apr 2020, Hypatia

Day 27 of 40 Stay safe at home

7   So, a rebel partied where studs hang out? (3,5) EAR LOBES*
9   Fresh deli sandwiches, black coffee finally fit for consumption (6) EDIBLE {EDI{B}L*}{c...eE}
10 Extended wish (4) LONG [DD]
11 Cheapest to let around student term (3-4,3) ALL-TIME LOW {AL{L}{TIME}LOW}
12 Pretty tidy and mostly organised (6) DAINTY {TIDY+ANd}*
14 Make mechanic co-passenger in a tuk tuk (8) AUTOMATE {AUTO}{MATE}
15 Kind of new diamond accompanying proposal (4,3,6) NICE AND TENDER {N}{ICE}{AND}{TENDER}
18 Shutter in jailhouse, not hard to crack (8) JALOUSIE* JAILhOUSE*
20 Tie pet outside grave essentially (6) CRAVAT {C{gRAVe}AT}
21 Hypatia left? Good. Moving ahead, can put Spinner back in eclectic group (7,3) MELTING POT {ME}{L}{G}<=>{TIN} {TOP<=}
22 Basically, cold leftovers, once yummy become distasteful (4) CLOY {Cold}{LO}{Yu..y} (Addendum - Acrostic - See comments)
23 Hospitality unit left alongside to welcome member (6) WARMTH {Wi{ARM}TH}
24 Spooner’s kick-ass drink (4,4) ROOT BEER (~ boot rear)

1   Fabric from sheep raised by old staff, say (8) MAROCAIN {RAM<=}{O}{CAIN}(~cane)
2   Strike slimy garden pest (4) SLUG [DD]
3   Group of singers cheerfully evacuated chief monk’s office (6) ABBACY {ABBA}{Ch...lY}
4   Get drunk. Let-off. Put down (8) BELITTLE {BE LIT}{LET*}
5   Aimed to get different channels for advertising (5-5) MIXED-MEDIA {AIMED}* [RA]
6   Nearly took up legislator on ring road (6) ALMOST {MLA<=}{O}{ST}
8   Dapper pal sent snaps in black and white, say (4-3-6) SALT-AND-PEPPER*
13 Steal one grand, stopping frequently, mostly at the last minute (4,2,4) NICK OF TIME {NICK}{OFT{1}{M}En}
16 Rum crabs in their shells (8) ABSINTHE [T] I don't agree with the definition.
17 Somewhat sure, as one democrat thought (8) REASONED [T]
19 Attacking man-eaters were met here (6) ARENAS {mAN eAtERS}* [CA] &lit
20 Lifted knot to close packed material (6) COTTON [T<=]
22 Hint about boy, possibly 8 (4) CUBE {CU{B}E}

Reference List
Black = B, Student = L, New = N, Hard = H, Left = L, Good = G, Leftover = LO, Old = O, Road = ST, Grand = M, Boy = B


  1. I have been a resident of New York for LONG. It is verily a MELTING POT of cultures and races. It is heartbreaking to see the city hitting an ALL TIME LOW in its popularity after the COVID-19 pandemic. People are afraid to even open the JALOUSIE on their windows, let alone go for a jog in Central park. The ARENAS of sports and theatre are eerily empty. The liquor shops are closed and those who enjoyed ABSINTHE can now only SLUG some ROOT BEER prepared at home (as the AUTOMATEd vending machines are out of action)
    Andrew Cuomo, Governor of New York, has evoked a MIXED reaction in the MEDIA. He has been shuffling his options, trying out various combinations as one would do while solving a Rubik's CUBE puzzle. Some have paid CLOYing tributes to his mobilization of medical resources but others have BELITTLEd his efforts as being too little and too late. Normally, Cuomo turns out DAINTily for his press briefings, but of late he is seen with a SALT AND PEPPER beard, presumably too busy to shave. It was his idea to use COTTON CRAVATs for face masks as N95 masks were in demand. His REASONED pleas to the President have reached only up to Trump's EAR LOBES and not gone to his head. Providing something EDIBLE for the hungry homeless would have been impossible but for the WARMTH, the NICE AND TENDER care from volunteers ordained by the ABBACY. Thankfully, the pandemic is ALMOST over. Has the vibrancy of the city been saved in the NICK OF TIME? We will pray and hope.

  2. Great mix of clue types. Liked 7Ac

    1. Thanks Dr. RKE. From Mumbai yesterday to NYC today - another interesting tale from you. Was fun to read - guess “melting pot” might’ve been the expression that triggered this tale piece. Good to know you enjoyed the grid as well:)

    2. You are right about the trigger words yesterday and today

    3. Great :) My hunch was right after all..:)

  3. A fitting talepiece beautifully made out

  4. Loved the challenge. Lots of clues brought a smile:Automate(with Tuk Tuk plying here, could relate to it), all time low, salt and pepper among other clues. Thanks Hypatia.

    1. You’re welcome Vasant. Have been in a Turk Tuk in Bangkok when I visited sometime ago. Whenever I visit Chennai, am a bit wary and prefer the non-argumentative Indian drivers of Olas and Ubers. My son loves the “Auto” though and insists that we should take those.

  5. 22A I took it as acrostic;is it right?

  6. 14a shouldn't that be 'make mechanical'

    1. Your point is valid. As an adjective, “mechanic” is sometimes used in the same sense as “mechanical” in American English while the British usage tends to favour the usage as a noun - a person who repairs.

  7. Thanks. I know Novocaine but Marocain was new to me😊 Thanks to Hypatia and Colonel, now I know.

    1. The word play was clear enough. So marocain ko maro goli

    2. Lol,Suresh Garu and Colonel. That might be the first time, someone showed sympathy for the oft maligned Cain, though:)

  8. Though the format is same in TH, clues were easily readable today. Only later I realised that it was because the clues were short and really cryptic,occupying much less space.

    1. Thanks Paddy. Will take that as a compliment :)

  9. Had some blanks to be filled in thanks to the blog.

  10. Found it tough especially the south west corner. MAROCAIN was new to me. Loved the defintion in 7A. DAINTY, ABSINTHE, REASONED wee my picks

  11. I put on CLUE for 22 down. Tried jumbling RUMCRABS for 16 down. Lots of good wordplay. 21across. Is a take off from After dark. Groped blindfolded looking for a black cat in a dark room.
    Hepatic sends us all with.lots of red herrings.thanks for an enjoyable grid

    1. Ha ha Rajuji. The melting pot had two setters Hypatia and Spinner - but you have brought in a third setter Afterdark and a cat as well :) Who is this Hepatic now 🤣 - Is that what happened to Hypatia in the melting pot?

    2. Blame it on the I pad/ laptop!

  12. Loved the black cat in a dark room part!

  13. Raju,
    Did you notice that possibly 8 is 2 cubed? It dawned on me very late and I was also struggling to fit in clue.

  14. All the clues many have pointed out (EAR LOBES, CUBE-8, SALT and PEPPER) were great. But real fun one today was the Spoonerism with Root Beer!

    1. Glad to know you liked the Spoonerism:) Was my favorite too :)

  15. An interesting article on Paul of Guardian crossword

  16. Thank you Dr.RKE. Will certainly look it up.

  17. Thanks, Hypatia. I enjoyed wrestling with the clues and was happy to have got them all except 19D: ARENAS. Despite the Colonel's explanation, I still don't see why those particular letters were omitted.

    1. You get the word man-eater using met and arenas.
