Sunday 19 April 2020

The Sunday Crossword No 3096, Sunday 19 Apr 2020

Day 26 of 40 Stay safe at home

1   Perusing change, daydream ultimately internalised by comic character (6,5) WALTER MITTY {W{ALTER}{d...aM}ITTY}
7   Where a slope is regularly seen? (3) ALP {A}{sLoPe} &lit
9   Bishop in fancy car, finding borderland of Hell (5) LIMBO {LIM{B}O}
10 Routine Im rewriting for Radio 4 show (2,3,4) IN OUR TIME*
11 Violent protest about von der Leyen etc being privileged (3-6) TOP-SECRET {PROTEST}* over {EC}
12 ‘Noise of geese not hard,’ Everyman accepted, producing noise of pigs (5) OINKS {hO{I}NKS}
13 Yearned for title, ‘knight’ included (7) DESIRED {DE{SIR}ED}
15 ‘Sincereearl corrupted (4) REAL*
18 Ignore extremes in Holy Land's measure (4) ACRE sACREd
20 Cockney’s come to us on a horse, they say (it’s another animal) (3,4) ROE DEER (~ rode 'ere)
23 Don’t just throw away waste, avoiding fine (5) REUSE REfUSE
24 Staggered around drunkenly, etc, and returned to office (2-7) RE-ELECTED {REELE{ETC<=}D}
26 Both parents touring North Australia, energy fading in heat, getting protection from sun (6,3) PANAMA HAT {PA}{NA}{MA} {HeAT}
27 Run into Brexiteer in wood (5) GROVE {G{R}OVE}
28 Step back, idiot (3) SAP<=
29 Lousy granular brass tacks (5-6) NITTY-GRITTY {NITTY}{GRITTY}

1   Rich, healthy stew (4-2-2) WELL-TO-DO {WELL}{TO DO}
2   The French politician to put online support for Enlightenment (4,4) LAMP POST {LA}{MP}  {POST}
3   Wear down the Queen with dedicatory verse (5) ERODE {ER}{ODE}
4   Confused mediator ignoring old hotel employee (6,1) MAITRE D' {MEDIAToR}*
5   Walk unsteadily with end of skewer stuck in foot (7) TROTTER {T{s...eR}OTTER}
6   ‘Much beer ordered for lad?’ ‘Aye’ (4,2,3) YARD OF ALE*
7   Inseam tailored in city near Lille (6) AMIENS*
8   A sleep, for a change – I'd like that (6) PLEASE*
14 Number one coming down to 20? (6,3) ROCKET MAN [DD]

16 Soundly thrashed, English batsman visibly embarrassed (8)  BEETROOT (~beat}{BEET}{ROOT}
17 Dickens’ protagonist entered into dreary monotonous labour (8) DRUDGERY {D{RUDGE}RY}
19 Hearing indication you’re being talked about! (7) EARSHOT {EARS}{HOT}
20 Perhaps rocket wanting gravity to attempt return to atmosphere (2-5) RE-ENTRY {gREEN}{TRY}
21 With essential ingredient missing, recipes made dodgy French food (6) CREPES RECiPES*
22 Puritan zealously rejected a root crop (6) TURNIP PURITaN*
25 King Ethelred garrotted (to some extent) (5) EDGAR [T]

Reference List
Bishop = B, Hard = H, Fine = F, Energy = E, Run = R, Queen = ER, Old = O, Gravity = G


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir.....I thought surprisingly 'JIYARAJUME'

  2. Visibly embarrassed=Red=Beetroot?

    1. Yes. From the expression As red as a beetroot.
